The great big Odyssey Screenshots thread

Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2022.06.26 -
Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.10.17 -
Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.10.17 -
Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.05.20 - (2).png
Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.10.17 -
Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.10.15 -


  • Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.08.15 -
    Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.08.15 -
    4.1 MB · Views: 53
  • Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.05.21 - (2).png
    Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.05.21 - (2).png
    1.2 MB · Views: 53
  • Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.05.21 - (2).png
    Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.05.21 - (2).png
    2.4 MB · Views: 46
  • Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.08.15 -
    Elite Dangerous Screenshot 2021.08.15 -
    3.6 MB · Views: 50
That's very impressive. I find with a lot of "action" shots it's necessary to tweak the camera settings to hide those places where the physics and geometry aren't quite right, such as feet that aren't in contact with the surface, limbs that look unnatural, clipping etc.

But that looks absolutely convincing in pretty much every way. If I didn't know this game didn't actually have a rock climbing mode, I'd assume it did.
That's very impressive. I find with a lot of "action" shots it's necessary to tweak the camera settings to hide those places where the physics and geometry aren't quite right, such as feet that aren't in contact with the surface, limbs that look unnatural, clipping etc.

But that looks absolutely convincing in pretty much every way. If I didn't know this game didn't actually have a rock climbing mode, I'd assume it did.
I know I thought it was pretty neat as well the planet had some interesting rock formations but sadly doesnt seem to have it any more
CMDRs Log - Deeply Uninteresting Expedition - star date 220701
Day 1 by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
So we have departed our adopted home system in Hajangai. After many months of mining a fleet carrier out of pure platinum, we are finally ready to head out into the black. (Not a second too soon as Prof Salvo prepares to blow up the bubble.)

It took two days to reach our first waypoint: A known tritium double hotspot overlap, but along the way...
Barnards Loop by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
We passed the Barnard's Loop complex very early in the journey.

On the second morning, I had, with all good intentions, intended to run ahead of the carrier to identify the hotspot and choose a suitable parking place.
Terraformable Water World by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
However, even on the journey, I was interrupted. An undiscovered (and rather cloudy) terraformable water world was one of a number of discoveries.

World with atmosphere by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
You have no idea how good it feels to be back out here in the black exploring once more.

Tritium Hotspot Overlap by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
Find the hotspot overlap we did. Here is a tip: When parking the carrier for mining, always park it at the first moon, rather than in the gravity well of the planet. It's much quicker to travel to hotspots from here.

Geyser Cluster by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
And to my surprise, not only had the moon not been scanned, no one had landed on it either. My name shall now be indelible in the annals of exploration.

We will be here for a couple of weeks while I refill the tanks with mined Tritium. I've made a start already.

Onwards ever, backwards never. See you in the black! o7

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I took a mission where I broke the rules a bit so I ended up in prison but I'm glad I could transport my ship to the jail now, After that I flew to the nearest station where I meet someone who was so happy to see me so he started to dans hotline bling with me.

Ended up my trip in the cozy bar.
Rosefine went to the hairdresser!
CMDRs Log - Deeply Uninteresting Expedition - star date 220708


After giving the crew a few days off - preparations for exploration are tiring - we begin mining Tritium for real. Four loads should refill the Sudari's Testimony's tanks.
Heading to the Tritium hotspot by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr

TFS Nostromo by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
Every now and again it's worth admiring what hard work has achieved

Lancing With Shadows by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
Ultimately, we must continue to work at it.

Cracking It Open by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
This morning was one of those rare mornings where the Pulse Wave Scanner actually worked. Someone really needs to update their code...

Returning Home Full by Anthony Sheehy, on Flickr
Back with another full hold. Won't be long now before the exploration starts for real.

See you in the black. o7

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I would love to contribute screenshots but that feature stopped working some months ago. Haven't been able to figure out what happened.
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