Community Event / Creation The Great Galactic Census is live! Watch the epic census video and join the census with your faction

The Great Galactic Census is live!

Check The Great Galactic Census Motion Picture to gain an insight why The Great Galactic Census might become an important milestone in the history of the Elite Dangerous universe and also to see for yourself one of the coolest and most epic videos ever made in the breathtaking visual world of Elite Dangerous:

The Great Galactic Census is the first galaxy-wide statistical enumeration of player minor factions, their systems and population, and it's even more. It is a great opportunity to highlight the substantial role of player minor factions in shaping the Elite Dangerous galaxy, to showcase or to gain insight into their rich lore, community activities and their modus operandi. Visit the The Great Galactic Census Lander to see how it works, to see the results or to join the census with your faction: .
Very nice! Love the 3d Power Play stye map of some of the player minor factions seen in the video!
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In the Great Galactic Census there isn't an important parameter to be counted: the spaceports and the settlements controlled by the PMF.
Thank you for your kind pointer. We have given much consideration to include other assets of (controlled by) factions, stations and settlements primarily. Two factors contributed to not including them as focus areas for this census.

The first one was that the census focused on population and population is linked to systems. (Stations have a hidden population-like attribute that is a factor in determining the controlling station in a system. We found no way to quantify it so far or even to properly rank it as the distance to entry star and potentially other factors sometime override even the station size category when determining controlling station or priority asset in asset transfer following conflicts. For this reason Coriolis stations frequently rule over Orbises just to give an example.)

The second was a technical issue. Some settlements are not featured in commanders log the same way as stations or larger settlements. Those are settlements without a landing pad. These settlements are transferred at the resolution of a conflict just like any other station or settlement, yet they don't provide statistics at landing as there is no landing at them. They only generate an approach settlement log message in commanders log, and even such a message might come bundled with half a dozen approach settlement messages if those are close to each other. When we planned the census we tried to figure out how to circumvent this limitation with our (not eddb based) client-server infrastructure we planned to provide for the census as an alternative sampling method. We found no reasonable solution and it made us to gravitate towards dropping stations/settlements for now at least. (Ultimately we dropped the idea of a modified proprietary census client because the potential support nightmare due to its' reliance on visual c++ runtimes among other factors for a single use per faction representative and decided to integrate the census engine with the eddb ecosystem already used widely.)

That said, and even with the community focus of the census I absolutely agree that stations and settlements are a good indicator of efforts and achievements of factions. This way those are also a display of the progress of the community. Conflicts for assets occupy the state pipeline and taking over assets without conflicts often require more efforts from factions. For this reason I'll put together a complementary engine for enumeration of stations based on available data in the eddb. We will think about how to display it in the framework of the census.
The Great Galactic Census Update: Player Factions in the Focus is live, census sampling ends

The Great Galactic Census Update

Census sampling ends, last chance to join the census

Tomorrow at 3304.07.17. 24:00 the sampling period of the Great Galactic Census will end. Please check whether your faction is already included in the official census results: If you have a player or player supported minor faction not covered already by the census please consider joining. All you have to do is to submit the faction name and census date in the Census lander page, that also contains all necessary information and a link to the FAQ. We are grateful to all the factions already joined the galactic census.

Player Factions in the Focus
event is live, share the story of your faction

Player minor factions provide excellent endgame content, rich lore and great variety for all commanders of Elite Dangerous. This event is an opportunity to show the richness and great diversity of these activities and to introduce your faction as a focus point of the Galaxy and the organizations within. Find the details at or check the brief introduction of SSL to check one way to approach this task: .
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