Didn't see it in the patch notes, but may have missed it. Anybody verify in game the addition of crew?
It didn't happen. Put the hype back on hold.
Didn't see it in the patch notes, but may have missed it. Anybody verify in game the addition of crew?
It didn't happen. Put the hype back on hold.
yeah but at least they made some changes...
Is it just me or do a huge proportion of us all use that same maroon paint? Clearly it suits the ship.
Mine is the vibrant red. It's just in shadow in that pic
That's the other one that shows up a lot. Tough to tell depending on the lighting!
Alright, so I gotta ask. I've been interested in the good old Keelback for sometime now, pretty much since I saw it. I've got a Python for hauling and mining, an FAS and Vulture for combat, an AspX and DBX for exploration, and a couple small ships from my humble beginnings. Is the Keelback worth picking up? I'd like a ship capable of SLF, and I'm almost to the Gunship. Wait, or go ahead?
Reasons why it would maybe make sense to get a Keelback instead of waiting for a Gunship:
* Don't want to wait for a Gunship to have access to SLF.
* Want an SLF-capable ship with more speed & jump range than the Gunship.
* Keelback is cooler than the gunship. (That may be personal bias).
Reasons why it would maybe make sense to get a Keelback instead of waiting for a Gunship:
* Don't want to wait for a Gunship to have access to SLF.
* Want an SLF-capable ship with more speed & jump range than the Gunship.
* Keelback is cooler than the gunship. (That may be personal bias).
Honestly, if Keelback supported multicrew, it would be a great ship. But for now, it's still a bit meh (although much better than it was since it's buff). I still love mine, though.
and your group can be downright deadly in PVP with the right tactics and weapon loadouts.