Ships The Krait MKII Owners Club.

Well, what can I say? I just gave the Krait a whirl in some PvE combat and was very impressed. Sure, it’s no FDL or FAS but significantly easier to manoeuvre than the Python and the convergence on the front C3 / 2xC2s with gimballed Beams is pretty effective!! And the twin G5 (when did I do that?!!) Overcharged C3 MultiCannons made short work of hulls. Very impressed.

Shields were slightly better than I though at 1158MJ and easily held up in the HIRES I went to first. After trying out a pair of C3 Plasmas (not hard hitting enough to justify the PD drain for my liking) I went back to the MCs and dropped into a HAZRES. Took out a Clipper with relative ease but during the fight a wing of 3 eagles began laying into me. Managed to take ‘em down but shields were effectively shot by that point. Waited for a couple of rings to come back and the took out a Python, couple of Gunships, a wing consisting of two Vipers and an ASP and a couple more clippers ... without taking any significant shield damage. Now, yes, my FDL will do that sort of thing with less effort but in my Python? No way. So - the Krait was very impressive.

Python is now sold - which allowed me to put some Huge PAs, fighter hanger and hull reinforcements back on my Corvette, needed for Assassination missions! FDL will still have a place for serious RES sessions and the Krait will serve for general mission runner ... <= 160T deliveries for circa 3 mil a pop are fine by me when I know I can also drop in some RES hunting to break things up if I get bored.

Just need to try the Challenger now!
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There are a lot of things I really like about the Krait, I look at ships about the same way I look at golf clubs, the right one for the right situation. It's true the Python will still be a better medium cargo hauler when you have to go to outposts for something, however, the Krait seems to be a better combat choice if you want to get into a medium ship and do some flying (as opposed to boating). When I use this ship though there are some things I really appreciate. First the bridge design is so much nicer than any one before it. It really makes you wish Frontier would do another pass at the older ships to get them up to spec, many of the FDL ships all look like sidewinder cockpits stretched and scaled slightly, I'm speaking of the Cobra and Viper variants. The sound design is quite nice too. Anyway, just wanted to offer some praise to the designers for a job well done on the design.
I'm really enjoying this ship!

I put HR and MR onto mine when testing it in HIRES / HAZRES this evening - just to be safe! Didn’t need ‘em as my shields never actually got dropped all the way. As a general purpose mission runner I’ve now reverted to as much cargo space as possible as I don’t plan to fight a lot of stuff but I am very confident it’ll hold its own against anything that might interdict me now!!
Marketed as a multirole, soon converted in a purebred fighting ship
enabled for Multicrew fighter deploying.
A blast to fly in warzones, zoom-n-boom!
I'm not seeing many HR or MR in peoples optional, especially the ones using Bi-Weave shields. Am I the only one who things the armor is just too thin to do this?

I also agree; even though all my ships are exploration focused, I like to build them minimally combat effective. My AspX even has a 2D HRP in it since not only does it bring considerably more hit points to the table, it also brings much improved resistances. In addition increased hull integrity also provides more protection from overheating (you can cook longer before you hull hits 0).

The problem for me now is that the Guardian boosters mean that another slot needs to be sacrificed. For example here are my thoughts on my current ships which are all exploration fitted:

-Nothing can do, all 6 slots are used, so no Guardian booster, no HRP

-Argh, HRP or guardian booster...this was particularly painful, since I had 5D shields; so by swapping in a 5H, my shield strength dropped from 517 to 345 since I had to switch to using 3A (which drain even more power than the 5D's), my hull strength dropped from 898 to 539, but it's actually far worse than this, since those resistances on that HRP add much to Thermal/Explosive/Kinetic. All in all I'm not happy with my AspX, so I might just revert to not using the FSD booster....but then I get the same range as my Krait, which is monumentally tougher and more combat effective, so well here's hoping Q4 brings something new to exploration focused ships.

-Well to be fair 8 slots means you can have an HRP and Guardian FSD booster, but you have to sacrifice the fighter hanger (6 base exploration modules, 1 fighter hanger, 1 FSD booster), but it's kind of nice having the fighter hanger....perhaps the novelty will wear off and I will swap it for an HRP later, but having some decent bi-weaves make the Krait incredibly tough and I've had no difficulty in CNB's or HazRes sites as of yet. I don't know if the NPC's are using phase weapons, but if they do and they became more commonplace I would be forced to consider going back to the HRP...but for now the bi-weaves shield setup I'm using seems to give excellent protection.

-It can have it all, since it has 9 slots and does not have a fighter hanger, effectively giving you an additional slot free even after using an HRP.

My original Krait setup (posted on page 4), just copied my Python, but I wasn't happy with it so ended up shaving 3LY (45LY -> 42LY) to make it more combat worthy, however after unlocking the FSD booster yesterday; I had to sacrifice a slot somewhere and for the time being that meant sacrificing the hull integrity for jump range while keeping my fighter bay, so I'm completely dependant on my bi-weaves for protection, but I can make 53LY jumps, and for the most part deal with NPC big ships, eg Python, Anaconda, Krait, Chieftan, Challenger, FDL, 1v1 in the top 3 ranks (Dangerous, Deadly & Elite) and can manage wings of 3 of them at lower ranks.

Small ship wings in the top 3 ranks are pretty tough though and my fighter doesn't fare well against them, although she does very well against bigger ships ranked similarly to her (She managed to bag an Expert level Python with no help from me whatsoever at her current level of Master). Interestingly I allowed her to pilot my main ship....and discovered how bad I am at combat....I think I could comfortable fly around in the SLF just doing nothing and have far better combat efficiency with my NPC pilot at the helm....I do need to think about learning how to use these builds of mine effectively rather than just spending all this time engineering them :D

This is my more optimised 53LY Krait build (until tomorrow morning with my engineering obsession!):
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So you’ve managed to keep it light? Nice! Also I use Pacs over frags in most cases for the same reason. Don’t have access to APAs but that sounds good. Right now I’m thinking of trying a different setup entirely, with three PAs on top a rail and a Gimballed laser below, but have to see if I have it all spread in my fleet.

I believe speed saves re-buys with one exception. Do the speed limit near stations. Two types of modules will change the speed I want; SCBs and HD SBs. The addition of a pair of SCBs will slow it down, but they'll be necessary. I'd also like to see better shield strength than I've got. I hate to lose my fighter bay, but it would free up 20 tons. As long as I can keep it above 540, I'll be mostly happy. I'd prefer 550+ to stay on par with the meta ships, so this is what I try to maintain.

APAs are a lot of fun with PvE or the odd player that makes a mistake. The faster fire rate provides a nice "wail on'em" quality when you need it. In PvP situations against a competent CMDR, you don't always get enough ToT to "wail on'em." Standard PA's become more practical in that sense. On the other hand, the Krait PP naturally cools quickly, so... iHammers have higher thermal build than C2 RGs, but I think the cooling dynamics of the PP is plenty enough to offset a pair. Besides, it's worth looking into for that 9% extra damage potential.

You didn't mention which laser you were thinking of. I'm not a fan of hit-scan weapons for PvP. Since I already had them on my Python rig anyway, I just switched them over to the Krait. A pair of C2 beam lasers with thermal vent eliminated the need for a sink and freed up a utility slot. Just another thought to clutter your

Rooks o7
I'm not seeing many HR or MR in peoples optional, especially the ones using Bi-Weave shields. Am I the only one who things the armor is just too thin to do this?

I also agree; even though all my ships are exploration focused, I like to build them minimally combat effective. My AspX even has a 2D HRP in it since not only does it bring considerably more hit points to the table, it also brings much improved resistances. In addition increased hull integrity also provides more protection from overheating (you can cook longer before you hull hits 0).

Three words: Reactive Surface Composite

For the record, I'm still building mine. The jury is out for what it will do. Atm I've got 2 mrps and 2 HRPs. Off the top of my head, integrity is in the 1400s with hull resistances in the low 30s. I'll worry about the hull once everything else is balanced. Good luck CMDRs!

Rooks o7
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I believe speed saves re-buys with one exception. Do the speed limit near stations. Two types of modules will change the speed I want; SCBs and HD SBs. The addition of a pair of SCBs will slow it down, but they'll be necessary. I'd also like to see better shield strength than I've got. I hate to lose my fighter bay, but it would free up 20 tons. As long as I can keep it above 540, I'll be mostly happy. I'd prefer 550+ to stay on par with the meta ships, so this is what I try to maintain.

APAs are a lot of fun with PvE or the odd player that makes a mistake. The faster fire rate provides a nice "wail on'em" quality when you need it. In PvP situations against a competent CMDR, you don't always get enough ToT to "wail on'em." Standard PA's become more practical in that sense. On the other hand, the Krait PP naturally cools quickly, so... iHammers have higher thermal build than C2 RGs, but I think the cooling dynamics of the PP is plenty enough to offset a pair. Besides, it's worth looking into for that 9% extra damage potential.

You didn't mention which laser you were thinking of. I'm not a fan of hit-scan weapons for PvP. Since I already had them on my Python rig anyway, I just switched them over to the Krait. A pair of C2 beam lasers with thermal vent eliminated the need for a sink and freed up a utility slot. Just another thought to clutter your

Rooks o7

Right now I have a setup that has had some pretty reasonable success. Three PAs (TLB/Dispersal/sensor acuity one) and two Pacs (DS with corrosive/Drag). Until shields on opponent break, I only fire the drag one. After that I fire both. It’s nasty and brutal. But not OP. Win some lose some against good pilots. It’s cobbled together from other ships though so not optimal.

Also, tested three large PAs on top and even efficient the impact on distro is too high to also defend the systems. This is a brawler but relies on shields for survival.
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Three words: Reactive Surface Composite

I never considered using anything but lightweight alloy armour here since they are so very heavy and hurt the jump range quite a bit...but while I'm not ready to give up those LY on my Krait (I would probably drop the fighter bay first for a good HRP), this seems pretty solid advice for my AspX once you take into consideration the advantages of the FSD boosters.

Playing around with Coriolis is seems that:
G5 Lightweight Military Composites are better than G5 Reinforced Alloys while being lighter (18.9T).
G5 Lightweight Reactive Surface Composite trades thermal for vastly better kinetic/explosive resistance, at a horrendously outrageous price.

It also shows how much superior HRP's are!, my 2D G5 reinforced @ 2.8T offers the equivalent protection to G5 Heavy Military Composites with Deep Plating @ 54.6T, only giving ~15% more absolute protection...

However the Reactive Surface Composite with the G5 lightweight mod, offers superior Kinetic/Explosive resistance over the 2D HRP; 84% Absolute, 159% Explosive, 141% Kinetic, 55% Thermal, compared to the 2D HRP.

But this will allow me to still just scrape over 60LY on the AspX (only losing a little over 2LY). The only thing is that my FDL & AspX do primarily thermal damage (Lasers and rails), so if I was going up against myself, it would seem reactive wouldn't be the best choice, haven't really paid much attention to what NPC's primarily any case an interesting idea, I may look at reactive for my AspX when I get back from my short excursion in my Krait (~5000LY out at the moment).
My original Krait setup (posted on page 4), just copied my Python, but I wasn't happy with it so ended up shaving 3LY (45LY -> 42LY) to make it more combat worthy, however after unlocking the FSD booster yesterday; I had to sacrifice a slot somewhere and for the time being that meant sacrificing the hull integrity for jump range while keeping my fighter bay, so I'm completely dependant on my bi-weaves for protection, but I can make 53LY jumps, and for the most part deal with NPC big ships, eg Python, Anaconda, Krait, Chieftan, Challenger, FDL, 1v1 in the top 3 ranks (Dangerous, Deadly & Elite) and can manage wings of 3 of them at lower ranks.

This is my more optimised 53LY Krait build (until tomorrow morning with my engineering obsession!):

Just been checking out your build - impressive Jump Range, mine is sitting at only 32-35LY but is quite a bit heavier due to larger modules. How do you find the weapons recharge with the 5D Distributor?
Just been checking out your build - impressive Jump Range, mine is sitting at only 32-35LY but is quite a bit heavier due to larger modules. How do you find the weapons recharge with the 5D Distributor?

Well I upgraded to a 5A on that link since I didn't have the energy regen to keep the Bi-weaves charging with 2-pips, but for the brief time I used the 5D I didn't feel it was too lacking for the G5 lightweight weapons I was using.

The 5A however is excellent for my Krait with my current weapon setup. Subjectively it feels even better than my FDL; however to be fair, the 6A distributor, is powering much hungrier weapons as my FDL is combat focused (Long range rails, focused pulse and overcharged 4A multicanon).

Since G5 lightweight reduces the distributor draw by 35%, at a glance you can get similar performance using a 5A distributor with lightweight weapons vs a 7A without, although because of the way heat is calculated from weapons (The less capacity in your WEP after each shot, the greater the amount of heat generated), big one shot distributor draw weapons (like rails) will create more heat, and benefit more from the greater overall capacity of a higher grade of distributor like the 7A, even if the recharge rates were exactly the same.

I actually haven't tried it (I'm certain someone here has probably done this on a Python), but I think it might be fun to try a 7A WEP focused distributor with 5 x Lightweight rails someday, although the explorer in me can't bare the the thought of a hugely heavy 7A @ 80T without crying :D
So far, the Krait is my favorite ship. I've been playing now for a few years, and honestly right now I like it more than my Anaconda or my FDL. Maybe it's just because it's a new experience. I never owned a Python and the only multi-role build I've ever had was for my Cobra... that seems like an eternity ago. To me, it's something that is close to being as combat effective as my FDL when you factor in the fighter support but actually has room for cargo and a few convenience items that don't fit on the FDL. Here is my PVE Build. Very little engineering yet, I wanted to get out and try it and it has, so far, been tremendously effective.
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Enjoying it more than my Python tbh it's worth it for the sound alone , both good ships but the Krait suits me better so it's what Ive kept............
Well I upgraded to a 5A on that link since I didn't have the energy regen to keep the Bi-weaves charging with 2-pips, but for the brief time I used the 5D I didn't feel it was too lacking for the G5 lightweight weapons I was using.

The 5A however is excellent for my Krait with my current weapon setup. Subjectively it feels even better than my FDL; however to be fair, the 6A distributor, is powering much hungrier weapons as my FDL is combat focused (Long range rails, focused pulse and overcharged 4A multicanon).

Since G5 lightweight reduces the distributor draw by 35%, at a glance you can get similar performance using a 5A distributor with lightweight weapons vs a 7A without, although because of the way heat is calculated from weapons (The less capacity in your WEP after each shot, the greater the amount of heat generated), big one shot distributor draw weapons (like rails) will create more heat, and benefit more from the greater overall capacity of a higher grade of distributor like the 7A, even if the recharge rates were exactly the same.

I actually haven't tried it (I'm certain someone here has probably done this on a Python), but I think it might be fun to try a 7A WEP focused distributor with 5 x Lightweight rails someday, although the explorer in me can't bare the the thought of a hugely heavy 7A @ 80T without crying :D

Ah - hadn’t spotted the Lightweight engineering on the weapons! Interesting ... the engines on the Krait seem to recharge really well even on low pips which is nice.
Right now I have a setup that has had some pretty reasonable success. Three PAs (TLB/Dispersal/sensor acuity one) and two Pacs (DS with corrosive/Drag). Until shields on opponent break, I only fire the drag one. After that I fire both. It’s nasty and brutal. But not OP. Win some lose some against good pilots. It’s cobbled together from other ships though so not optimal.
Also, tested three large PAs on top and even efficient the impact on distro is too high to also defend the systems. This is a brawler but relies on shields for survival.

Yeah, shields have been my biggest problem on this ship. The borderline shield strength, might be its' Achilles heel. Then again, I haven't tried to hybrid tank with it yet either. I may have go that direction ultimately, to keep my boost speed above 540.

I've been getting 4 salvos with Focused APAs in the same fire group. I'd imagine you'd get only one when firing 3 PAs in the same fire group. The ship has a naturally fast cooling rate though. In a joust, I don't think it would be a problem for you. By the time your PAs re-load, the plant is probably almost cool enough to fire again.

I never considered using anything but lightweight alloy armour here since they are so very heavy and hurt the jump range quite a bit...but while I'm not ready to give up those LY on my Krait (I would probably drop the fighter bay first for a good HRP), this seems pretty solid advice for my AspX once you take into consideration the advantages of the FSD boosters.

Playing around with Coriolis is seems that:
G5 Lightweight Military Composites are better than G5 Reinforced Alloys while being lighter (18.9T).
G5 Lightweight Reactive Surface Composite trades thermal for vastly better kinetic/explosive resistance, at a horrendously outrageous price.

It also shows how much superior HRP's are!, my 2D G5 reinforced @ 2.8T offers the equivalent protection to G5 Heavy Military Composites with Deep Plating @ 54.6T, only giving ~15% more absolute protection...

However the Reactive Surface Composite with the G5 lightweight mod, offers superior Kinetic/Explosive resistance over the 2D HRP; 84% Absolute, 159% Explosive, 141% Kinetic, 55% Thermal, compared to the 2D HRP.

But this will allow me to still just scrape over 60LY on the AspX (only losing a little over 2LY). The only thing is that my FDL & AspX do primarily thermal damage (Lasers and rails), so if I was going up against myself, it would seem reactive wouldn't be the best choice, haven't really paid much attention to what NPC's primarily any case an interesting idea, I may look at reactive for my AspX when I get back from my short excursion in my Krait (~5000LY out at the moment).
It's a possibility that really makes you think, huh? I use RSC on most of my ships, with just a few exceptions. The difference comes in play when you consider that it frees up a slot or two and helps balance resistances more easily. It's a game changer for ships that have fewer internals. Think Viper MK III or iCourier for example.

I never try to think of "versus myself" anymore. Youtube proves everyday, there's a whole bunch of CMDRs out there, that are way better and much smarter than I am. So, I equip anything I can, to help close the odds gap. :D Enjoy your trip! It's a good ship for the view alone.

Rooks o7
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I'm thoroughly pleased with mine. I'm tempted to do what I've never done before and buy a second (this^^).

I would have to sell something which is a tough decision. I have a small (9 ships) fleet but all are engineered to different levels. I'm a solo player so none are god-like in any way. I'll have to compromise somewhere ???

If I do decide to buy a second I want to make it into an explorer Krait. My Conda jump 55+ Ly with a fairly heavy loadout including an SRV bay. I need another explorer and the Krait seems to fill most of my needs for exploring, but I won't know for sure until I build one.

Have a nice day
I'm thoroughly pleased with mine. I'm tempted to do what I've never done before and buy a second (this^^).

I would have to sell something which is a tough decision. I have a small (9 ships) fleet but all are engineered to different levels. I'm a solo player so none are god-like in any way. I'll have to compromise somewhere ???

If I do decide to buy a second I want to make it into an explorer Krait. My Conda jump 55+ Ly with a fairly heavy loadout including an SRV bay. I need another explorer and the Krait seems to fill most of my needs for exploring, but I won't know for sure until I build one.

Have a nice day

Same here....I'm buying my second Krait in the next few days and have an exploration build in mind for it that will get me 46lyrs unladen, 49 max which I can live with. I also have an Exploraconda like you that's loaded out for this and also get 55 lyrs, and like you, I want that second exploration only ship.

This thing is such a blast to fly and has such a great view, and is WONDERFUL in SC for checking out systems I miss it when I'm in any of my other ships lol.
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