Ships The Krait MKII Owners Club.

What's everyone doing for shields/boosters?

Well I’ve been borrowing equipment from other ships so not optimised though close to max modded. Mine has a size six prismatic (thermal) with two RA and one HD booster and a heat sink to back a size six (specialised) and 5 (rapid charge) SCBs. Looks like this:

Works like this: [video=youtube_share;X4K95zYYeJA][/video]


A look at my Krait, the Calamity Hawk, as she returns to her home port of Corte-Real Arsenal after a long journey.
Ok, last entry for a little while. I figuire it’s on topic as we were discussing the notion of the “poor man’s python”:
I really like the utilitarian look/feel of the cockpit! That huge viewslot above is really nice for high speed docking maneuvers!
I decided to set my Krait up more in the direction of an explorer. With some engineering, skipping reinforcements, leight weighting and a size 5 FSD booster, I get to 40ly with it. Put three large shard cannons on the top. The grouping of the hardpoints is so tight, all three create a thick glowing cloud of death on firing. POW! Hits like a truck, too. With drag munitions on a pair of Pack Hounds, i can slow down enemies to make them better targets for the shard cannons. Works well enough. Only downside is that the ship is paper thin with my fit. It's not really meant for combat anyway. Really, the Krait, to me seems like a ship you take out for an adventure in the black. I like.
I decided to set my Krait up more in the direction of an explorer. With some engineering, skipping reinforcements, leight weighting and a size 5 FSD booster, I get to 40ly with it. Put three large shard cannons on the top. The grouping of the hardpoints is so tight, all three create a thick glowing cloud of death on firing. POW! Hits like a truck, too. With drag munitions on a pair of Pack Hounds, i can slow down enemies to make them better targets for the shard cannons. Works well enough. Only downside is that the ship is paper thin with my fit. It's not really meant for combat anyway. Really, the Krait, to me seems like a ship you take out for an adventure in the black. I like.

Yeah I can imagine. 40 LY jumps? That’s really good! Krait is the first medium ship I think I’ll want more than one of. True multirole.
but Guardian weapon are only useful if you're only fighting Thargoids...

Nope. The Guardian weapons work fine against both human and thargoid vessels.

You're probably thinking of the AX weapons, which do almost no damage to human ships but do full damage against thargoids.
Agreed, mine is G5'd and is my new AX ship! at moments notice I can outfit it for scout or Interceptor combat due to it's absolutely amazing Convergence!
With a G5 Guardian FSD booster (+10.5 LY) and a G5 fighter bay and some HRP it jumps just over 40 LY impressive for a PVE combat ship :)
How are you liking the Pacifiers? Right now I'm using large fixed double-shot, oversized frags and I'm digging it. Is it worth waiting the couple of weeks and grinding out the rank for Pacifiers instead?

Pacifiers are great but they don’t have enough ammo these days. With changes to engineering, armour and shield values have all grown yet the bullet count on frags has not changed. In pve it’s still doable but often in pvp you just run out before a fight is over. Eg:
Those pacifiers used to be on my Conda and when I first used them, they’d strip the shields off some cutters and then have enough for the hull. Obv this is no longer the case. Pacifiers are still great weapons though. They hit at a better distance and in a tighter cluster than frags. Well worth having a few.

I prefer Pacifiers over Frags, tbh. The potential total damage is a lot lower p/shot vs a C3 fixed Frag. The tighter shot pattern is a huge increase to longer effective range. IOW, you're no longer constrained to shooting at 600m-800m to land 80%- 100% of the damage potential. The falloff is 2.8km without engineering. Even when engineered, the lowest falloff I've seen, is around 2km. Your "effective" range is essentially doubled because of that tighter shot pattern. IMHO, they're easily worth the 4 weeks.

I've been running Focused APA's on mine. I was planning to run a few Pacifiers and 2 LR hammers, after I get the balance between (speed / shield / integrity) performance I'd like. I really want to keep my boost between 540 and 560 w/o sacrificing too much of the others.

Rooks o7
I prefer Pacifiers over Frags, tbh. The potential total damage is a lot lower p/shot vs a C3 fixed Frag. The tighter shot pattern is a huge increase to longer effective range. IOW, you're no longer constrained to shooting at 600m-800m to land 80%- 100% of the damage potential. The falloff is 2.8km without engineering. Even when engineered, the lowest falloff I've seen, is around 2km. Your "effective" range is essentially doubled because of that tighter shot pattern. IMHO, they're easily worth the 4 weeks.

I've been running Focused APA's on mine. I was planning to run a few Pacifiers and 2 LR hammers, after I get the balance between (speed / shield / integrity) performance I'd like. I really want to keep my boost between 540 and 560 w/o sacrificing too much of the others.

Rooks o7

So you’ve managed to keep it light? Nice! Also I use Pacs over frags in most cases for the same reason. Don’t have access to APAs but that sounds good. Right now I’m thinking of trying a different setup entirely, with three PAs on top a rail and a Gimballed laser below, but have to see if I have it all spread in my fleet.
Anyone tried theirs with a pair of c2 Guardian Gauss Cannons? Considering unlocking them to give it a go, but I heard the heat is terrible and I'm worried about spending time unlocking something I can't use.

Or maybe 3x c3 Plasma Chargers?
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Man ohhh man do I love this new boat. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy the Challenger but this Krait is really a jack of all trades. Absolutley my favorite boat in the game. Thanks to some relaxed engineering all of the guardian modules are available to me and the Krait got even better[yesnod]
I cleaned house and removed and sold off all the boats I enjoyed but knew I would not use and saved some modules for whatever the FD team has up the sleeve for the future:x
My VR cord is not long enough to look close at the coffee machine and other interior parts but asides from that I am one Kraitful fan[yesnod]
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