The multi monitor thread... coz wider is better!

Sorry I couldn't be of more help. I even looked through all config files looking for something that might set that panel's position, but no joy. I assume you've ticketed it, for what that's worth?
several times : )
and never had a reply, there are quite a few us suffering the same thing, there's been quite a few threads about it, ever since the galactic map was first introduced way back! hopefully they'll get around to it one day
I really don't get why some people are having problems with this. I run triple 16:9 screens on an ATI R9-280X with a resolution of 6096x1080 including bezel compensation. My galaxy map controls fit neatly within the centre monitor. I've attached a screenshot of it, with the areas under my bezels highlighted in yellow. As you can see, everything's accessible.

This is an issue with triple 16:10 screens, not with triple 16:9 screens. With the 16:10 screens it splits the panel on the left pretty much down the middle making it difficult to read.

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No longer true. All NVidia cards since the 7xx series support more than 2 monitors per GPU. That did indeed used to be a limitation in the 6xx series and before, though.

I personally have a GTX 980 with three 2560x1440 monitors. One using DL-DVI, the other two using DP to DL-DVI adapters. One card, no SLI.

well... the 660 ti had no problems with triple monitors on a single gpu
Hey Commanders!

I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but can you actually change the default 'center of screen' in ED or externally via nVidia/AMD(ATI) control panels when playing with multiple monitors (especially two!)?

Because right now I have the problem when I activate Eyefinity for my two monitors the view ingame always centers in the middle of the set resolution. So the 3840 x 1080 makes it center right between the two screens. Is there a possibility to change this or do you just have to use 3 monitors to get around this problem? ;)
Hey Commanders!

I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but can you actually change the default 'center of screen' in ED or externally via nVidia/AMD(ATI) control panels when playing with multiple monitors (especially two!)?

Because right now I have the problem when I activate Eyefinity for my two monitors the view ingame always centers in the middle of the set resolution. So the 3840 x 1080 makes it center right between the two screens. Is there a possibility to change this or do you just have to use 3 monitors to get around this problem? ;)

Wouldn't this be splendid! Sadly, no, not as far as I know and I've been wanting this since the start of alpha. I run 2x24" screens and would love to be able to lock "forward" on the front screen and have the right screen showing status etc. Currently I think you need three screens to do this.

Although... I did read something about you can now disable headlook and "lock" your view where you were looking. So maybe that might work? Turn your headlook until the forward view is on the correct monitor, then lock headlook that direction. Hmm needs testing.
Wouldn't this be splendid! Sadly, no, not as far as I know and I've been wanting this since the start of alpha. I run 2x24" screens and would love to be able to lock "forward" on the front screen and have the right screen showing status etc. Currently I think you need three screens to do this.

Although... I did read something about you can now disable headlook and "lock" your view where you were looking. So maybe that might work? Turn your headlook until the forward view is on the correct monitor, then lock headlook that direction. Hmm needs testing.

Thanks for the info. :)

Please let me know about the latter when you find out how to lock the view. I'll see if i can find out, too.
How do you guys cope with the 'fish eye lens' effect on your sure monitors? It's bad enough on my 21:9 so can't imagine how bad the side monitors would look.

Does anyone know of a way to reduce/disable the fish eye lens effect in E: D?


Volunteer Moderator
Hey Commanders!

I don't know if this has been discussed yet, but can you actually change the default 'center of screen' in ED or externally via nVidia/AMD(ATI) control panels when playing with multiple monitors (especially two!)?

Because right now I have the problem when I activate Eyefinity for my two monitors the view ingame always centers in the middle of the set resolution. So the 3840 x 1080 makes it center right between the two screens. Is there a possibility to change this or do you just have to use 3 monitors to get around this problem? ;)

I've recently discovered Display Fusion, which may well be able to help you in this regard as you can create "virtual" monitors within the desktop space. But, yes, triple headed is the way to go. Dual headed is going to result in a big bar in the middle of the screen which is pointless for virtually any game.


Volunteer Moderator
How do you guys cope with the 'fish eye lens' effect on your sure monitors? It's bad enough on my 21:9 so can't imagine how bad the side monitors would look.

Does anyone know of a way to reduce/disable the fish eye lens effect in E: D?

It's an artifact of FoV with a large resolution - happens on all games. To be honest, I don't notice it as you're mostly focused on the main window anyway - the side monitors are just filling out the view - you don't focus on them specifically. The other handy thing is that things tend to be magnified a little a the extreemes of the monitors, so you can use it as a poor man's zoom feature! ;)
How do you guys cope with the 'fish eye lens' effect on your sure monitors? It's bad enough on my 21:9 so can't imagine how bad the side monitors would look.

Does anyone know of a way to reduce/disable the fish eye lens effect in E: D?

Quite simply, get used to it. I spend most of my time looking at the centre screen anyway, and the stretching on the sides mean that things in my peripheral vision are a little easier to pick out. Reducing the field of view will also reduce the apparent distortion, but then i feel like my nose if squashed against the windscreen...
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Volunteer Moderator
Thanks for the info. :)

Please let me know about the latter when you find out how to lock the view. I'll see if i can find out, too.

You can't do that currently. Even if you "locked" the view looking to left/right, the other window (i.e. out the front) would be distorted enough it'd be terrible to play with. And swapping between left/right hud panels would make you ill!
Thx Slopey. But the program is only free for 30 days it seems?

My brother just did a workaround by faking a 3rd monitor for the nVidia software (plug and play style). It works apparently very well, even though his graphics card now sends 1/3rd of the GPU power to nirvana.

Correction: You have to plug in one monitor with 2 sockets both into your graphics card so it can detect 2 monitors connected plus the other monitor makes 3. Of course you can only view 2 screens then at once, but the middle screen is centered
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Would be great if Frontier could implement the multi window / multi monitor views that FSX handled so well. I.e. the various gauges etc. have separate popup window versions that can be scaled and dragged onto secondary displays.

Don't think any other sim managed to support multi monitors as well as MS Flight Simulator. Perhaps if they could open up an API to enable 3rd party coders to achieve something similar.
I am trying to setup two monitors, i am use borderless mode in game.
But the idea is to work in OS while my ship flying in supercruise, but every time I alt-tab the game or switch to another window the ship drops speed to minimum.

Is there any way to deal with it?
When you play some racing and even Euro Truck you get a 3 camera view for your triple monitor... ETS2! Driving a truck, you would think that a space game would allow this. You don't get the outrageous distortions.
If you got the space for them its easy these days, I needed a new video card anyway so my Nvidia GTX660 was £140 and will support 4 monitors at once 3 for gaming and one for other use.

I just asked my Facebook mates if anyone had an old PC monitor they didn't want, i picked the two best ones i was offered (i'm going to get two the same size as my main one now i've tried this out, its MUCH better but odd sizes cause issues on some games.)

Nice custom world of tanks hangar.
its high time they address this issue, i have not played ED since getting my 3 screens because it looks rubbish, also this was promised.....yeah right more lies from devs to get you to buy a product.
sort it out and stop making people just except your poor multi screen support.....PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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its high time they address this issue, i have not played ED since getting my 3 screens because it looks rubbish, also this was promised.....yeah right more lies from devs to get you to buy a product.
sort it out and stop making people just except your poor multi screen support.....PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks great on my 3x 23"...

Try angling you outer monitors inwards a touch. Forms a wrap-around and reduces the 'fisheye' effect.

( '-')7
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I suppose its a question of priorities, and despite this I am still very grateful this game got made. I got to meet an old hero and I haven't been disappointed. Going forward though, I would love to see multi-screen implementation. I'm sure not many people in this forum have seen or played Assetto Corsa, but it was an early access game on Steam (very small dev team) and they have created what I regard as the benchmark for triple screen adjustment - and it's really basic.

Someone at Frontier should go buy that game (its amazing anyway) and copy it. It really wouldn't take long at all. Rift works. That's a challenge!
My 17" laptop screen just seems inadequate now. How helpful has it been to go multi-monitor? It seems like vertical movement would be more critical than horizontal, so a trackIR might be a better option.
I apologize if this has been answered. I am trying to get ED to work with two identical monitors. I have a Radeon R9 200 Series card (Sapphire) and have a DVI cable going to each monitor. I created an eyefinity group with no trouble, however ED does not seem to work right. From scanning the threads, it sounds to me like basically ED decided just not to support true multi-monitor support. (I am accustomed to X-Plane type support) Can someone just answer that for me? Am I barking up willow tree hoping to experience the climb of a redwood? I am interested in Occulus anyway, so it isnt a huge deal, just annoying to have to drag my giant HAF case out to the living room to connect to my 52" 3D TV for any kind of immersion experience...

If someone knows exactly what I need to do to get both monitors to display the whole cockpit evenly across both monitors, I am all ears.


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