The Route planner discussion thread

I used about 20LY at a time as I would stop off, check missions and outfitting. I took my Cobra from starting location to Sol (110LY) then on to Aiabiko (80LY) picked up a few upgrades on the way. Bought a Sidewinder and took it to HR 6836 (80LY) just to get my Eagle, upgraded the FSD and Power plant (Longer jumps and quicker boost when interdicted) and then did the return trip slightly different (dumped weapons to lighten the load, lost shields at one point).

Generally I search for my target system and then spin the Galaxy Map so that if I click Current Location in Navigation the my target is somewhere in front of me, zoom out a bit, check what systems I can reach and look for some high population ones for refueling and missions, then off we go.

Don't forget to D-Scan when ever you get to a new star. 1 Object = 600CR, pays the fuel. 10 Objects = Profit

P.S. @TheHairyMob. Did you used to play WoW Vanilla?
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What? If I select Sol then I can follow a path back to where I am? Never knew that, thanks. :)

No, sorry if I confused it a bit... It will show the route (if a route is possible) but it wont help you when it comes to flying it.
But it does help for making notes ;)

Im using this -
until one is implemented in game...

Nice, ill check that out
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Crazy_HK_Monkey;1123009 P.S. @TheHairyMob. Did you used to play WoW Vanilla?[/QUOTE said:
No never played WOW. I have play Settlers from BlueByte, good games and of course who hasn't played Skyrim. I don't normally play online though :)
- Merge Threads

I've got a bit further afield today. I found a hightech system and flew my Freagle out to stock up. The outbound journey was OK and I had to fuel scoop a few times as 3 systems in a row had no space stations.

So once docked and in outfitting I changed the power distributor (for one the same weight), and I couldn't find anything else suitable to buy, so I left for where I came from. However it became quickly obvious that there was no route back. So in the end I had to dump two pulse lasers, a multi canon and my sheilds just to make it home!

I'm a bit confused at how I get out, but not back with virtually the same ship. Is this normal? Does fuel weight count against jump distance?
The items you bought could have weighed more than the ones you sold. This would reduce your ships jump range. You can see this at the bottom right of the screen in Outfitting.
I've got a bit further afield today. I found a hightech system and flew my Freagle out to stock up. The outbound journey was OK and I had to fuel scoop a few times as 3 systems in a row had no space stations.

So once docked and in outfitting I changed the power distributor (for one the same weight), and I couldn't find anything else suitable to buy, so I left for where I came from. However it became quickly obvious that there was no route back. So in the end I had to dump two pulse lasers, a multi canon and my sheilds just to make it home!

I'm a bit confused at how I get out, but not back with virtually the same ship. Is this normal? Does fuel weight count against jump distance?

Yes, fuel weight definitely counts, which is why I buy a fuel scoop and a small tank.
Thanks all. I think I need to find another high tech system (with smaller jumps!) to try my luck, as I've been caught out with both Freagle and Hauler.
Still an issue in Gamma 1.04.

Could any one at least respond to tell me if Trade route filters should remain as set when moving into/out of Galaxy map.

It has me keenly aware of how annoying it is to reset the trade route info every time I enter the map.

Any chance of a manual reset button and/or an all imports/exports for current station?
This QoL feature would make it more bearable ;)
I have not had that problem. In fact that's the setting in the galaxy map that (IIRC) IS persistent within a session. (at lunch/work so can't ckeck but will later today)
But, when I set systems to "Economy" and turn off systems I don't want to display (i.e, Hi-Tech ON - Tourism or Terraform OFF, etc), each time I re-enter the galaxy map its back to default. The same applies to the size of the "dots" which I set to "Poplulation" and adjust the sizes so the large population systems are large and the small pop systems are small.
I think they need to take a close look at these settings also. I think as a minimum, the galaxy map settings should stay persistent throughout a session. (better yet, stay persistent until you change them or go back to default)
Good luck
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OK I think I know what's going on, the galaxy map is not telling the truth about routes or more exactly how far you can jump.

I was in my hauler coming back from the high tech system (again, I don't learn) with 6 tonnes of cargo for a mission. The galaxy map route claimed I couldn't make it with 6 tonnes, but could with 4-5. I didn't fancy losing my shields, as bad things would happen. So I decided to go as far as I could, burn some fuel (I only had half a tank) and see what happened.

I ended up at a system I've gone via before, but no joy. So in another attempt at fuel burning I jumped to the system above. There was no visible route from where I was, to where I wanted to go. But according to the navigation tool I could jump 10 and the distance was only 9.x . Looking at the navigation panel it looked OK (not red), so I jumped. Success!

So the moral of the story is to double-check jump lengths if the galaxy map doesn't show a connection between systems (and you think you can make it).
OK I think I know what's going on, the galaxy map is not telling the truth about routes or more exactly how far you can jump.

I was in my hauler coming back from the high tech system (again, I don't learn) with 6 tonnes of cargo for a mission. The galaxy map route claimed I couldn't make it with 6 tonnes, but could with 4-5. I didn't fancy losing my shields, as bad things would happen. So I decided to go as far as I could, burn some fuel (I only had half a tank) and see what happened.

I ended up at a system I've gone via before, but no joy. So in another attempt at fuel burning I jumped to the system above. There was no visible route from where I was, to where I wanted to go. But according to the navigation tool I could jump 10 and the distance was only 9.x . Looking at the navigation panel it looked OK (not red), so I jumped. Success!

So the moral of the story is to double-check jump lengths if the galaxy map doesn't show a connection between systems (and you think you can make it).

You have two route modes in galaxymap. Economic and Fast.
-Economic will show you connections that are "easy" on your fuelstorage. So not utilising your full jump range. That means you get to a system with more jumps but overall more fuel at the end.
-Fast shows you the fastes way to a system. Expect less jumps then economic but more fuel cost to reach it.

Together with that you have a slider to set your current cargo in order to see what will happen to your "planning" when having a full cargo. Especial important when you are doing a near max jump to a system. Without cargo and expecting to make the same jump with more mass/cargo...
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Thanks for taking the time to respond. It had been driving me nuts trying to recall the default working of the trade route filter.

Hopefully Quality of Life features will be constantly added as the game matures.
- Merge Threads

Minor update 11/12/2014:

Building on previous work now you can browse station data, ie: Dock&type=station
After some fighting with hosting limitations I was able to import a few stations today from a master list.

Now I'm going to implement a way to upload and process automatically CSV files from OCR scans to populate commodity data and have a complete online station browser. (Then after that thje next function in the todo list is a 'mission running' help tool which will use that commodity data + route planner.)

UPDATE 08/12/2014:

I want to update you on the status of Elite Dangerous Central. Today I've pushed an other update, now you can enter existing system data (like faction, economy, population, etc.), more will be coming ASAP (like commodities traded, stations and facilities). Along with it the registration/logging system is implemented (need to register to enter system data). You can browse detailed information without logging in. In addition, the route planner will show system security and allegiance if available.

There will be also minor service outages for a day or so as the hosting is pushing some upgrades.


I would like to thank TornSoul for developing EDStarCoordinator, which is an invaluable resource for pulling together community effort efficiently, as well as any other member contributing with their effort developing tools or even posting data. Please take time to contribute if you can adding new data (especially after the final wipe, if there is one!).

Below there is a bit more info about the route planners if you are interested.

The current max range distance is limited to 500LY from any given point. This will cover all the 'bubble' of populated systems from one extreme to the other.
For a distance of 100LY, approximately 280,000 cubic LY will be scanned. For 500LY, approximately 1,414,285 cubic LY will be scanned for candidate routes. Hard coding limits is understandable as the necessary operations scale exponentially.

An example: from 'Indians' to 'HIP 8758' there is a distance of 398.73LY, the route (can vary), with a range of 25LY gives a total of 19 jumps and the whole operation shouldn't take longer than a few sec (3sec-6sec) excluding Internet lag. Unfortunately there is some overhead in terms of database access and computation that cannot be reduced (at least without considerable effort), so reducing it is not possible for now at least.

Names of the systems have to match the database, so they are case sensitive and spaces and symbols matter. Hopefully a partial search will be implemented in the future to help with this. That's all for now!
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home from work
my route settings are still in place. So .... on my computer the trade routes are still as I set them several sessions ago (aka several days ago).
However, my other settings are back to default. As I mentioned above, I set systems to Economy but they're back to default along with size of dot (which I set to population size).
AND on another note ... alt-tab and my WINDOWS button don't work completely. I can go from game to desktop but not back. I have to Control Panel (close) or C-Alt-Del- to close ED Client then restart.
just another headache ... but I can get over that one as long as the game works.
good luck again
- Merge Threads

Okay, so I've seen about 30 or so gameplay videos of Elite Dangerous so far (if not more). Unfortunately I jumped onto the game wagon a day late (literally one day after beta access ceased) so I haven't gotten to enjoy the full game yet (Money issues suck like that).

In the duration of everything I've seen, I have seen numerous people (Scott Manley included) complain, with varying degrees, about the galaxy map in one way or another.

I mean, I get it. The Galaxy map is beautiful, and you want to show it off. That's fine. Go right ahead. Here is all I'm asking for:

I want a route planner. A system created for use in the game in order to plot out exactly which systems you want to visit in which order all at one time so you don't have to constantly open and close the galaxy map between every system. Instead, you select a system, click add to queue, and it's added. It calculates the current distance you are away from that system and how far away it is from the last system in your queue so you still get the necessary information on whether or not you can even reach it. Then, after warping to a new system, the next system in the queue is visible on your left panel to select and lock destination, rather than having to pull up the whole galaxy map after every jump.

I think this would probably solve one of the biggest headaches in the game right now, which is selecting a destination from the galaxy map, hyper spacing in, having to pull up and reorient the galaxy map again, select the next destination, close the galaxy map, and do it all over again for 20+ jumps until you reach your destination for long hauls. You know where you're going at all times. You can dock anywhere you want along the way, and it saves you the mentioned hassle.

This is by no means automation. It's simply ease of access. I would like to know your thoughts on the idea, which I'm sure has been mentioned before.
It'd be nice if, when you plot a course, your computer could highlight the next destination in the list for you - not actually set it, just highlight it. Trying to remember them is impossible when half of them are called something like LP-164-128-479-902-383-457 or G6723848769028374. :D
I'd rather not have a route planner. Develop you own strategies to mitigate the difficult and engender community tools.
Yea highlighting is good. Trying to get back the same way you went exploring is a pain if your memory is short and distance great.
Try using its in early format stages as its been undergoing changes to keep up with development but its the best star chart for plotting courses so far bar none. I find it, as a visual representation of my current location indispensable.

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