The Route planner discussion thread

Back again :)

Is there any chance we could get a revised version that includes the, shall we say, illegal stuff? This is an excellent tool if you work only in Federation Space but if you go to say Empire then you start missing possible profitsss, same with Independent systems. I Can't comment on Alliance as I have not really ventured into that area yet but I guess it would be the same.

@ Stevie

I have been using the "Services" cell for system name as I don't really need them and just add candidate stations 1 after the other, in effect ignoring the "System" name.
Gyre, I know what thread you're taking this from because I just did the run. He mentions in the post to remove your weapons before starting. This should allow you to get to Diso as it will lighten you and increase your range a bit. I removed mine and was able to make it there. I used the route planner to a system mid-way to Diso about 70 Ly away and once I got there I had it recalculate to Diso. Once you make it there you're going to run into the problem I ran into as well. You wont have enough money to buy the full 10 and expansions, and even with 8 I'm too heavy to make it to Nu, the jump range is too short. I'm just going to do what he recommended and head to a system >100 Ly away from Diso in any direction the planner can take me in.
Some nice possibilities of tweaking this further with the route as an extra tab in the galaxy map showing a bit more detail with waypoints being added by the player (stop here - it looks interesting and I have a picnic to enjoy the view). All for the wishlist of course :)
Wow.. that is such a nice idea. I'd really like that.
Does anyone else find that since 1.05, the "Fastest routes" option doesn't work? I always get "economical routes, regardless of the tickybox, which always reverts when I exit/reenter the galaxy map.
Does anyone else find that since 1.05, the "Fastest routes" option doesn't work? I always get "economical routes, regardless of the tickybox, which always reverts when I exit/reenter the galaxy map.

Mines works fine. Been using it this morning no issues.
I did a couple of runs later last night and it was back to normal-ish - picked up 40t at the first two stations. Perhaps it was just lower initially after the server reset and took time to get back to normal. Fingers crossed.
Just to clarify something about the chances of getting large amounts at each station..

If less than the maximum are available (e.g. Synder Terminal has 12t in stock), and you purchase that amount and then wait for restock, the new amount will only be enough to add up to the maximum (in this case 16, so you will only get 4t more).

However if you have 0t of the item, the amount that spawns can be higher than the maximum. E.g. Snyder Terminal has max 16 but if you have none of this item, the amount that spawns at the station could be as high as 27.

If a low amount spawns, buy it and immediately sell it back. When it respawns 12 minutes later, it could then be higher than the maximum.

How long do you have to wait for supply to show up? I got 23 altarian skin in my cargo now that I picked up over an hour ago. Went back to Altair to try out this 3 stop loop that was posted but they have 0 supply of altair skin atm.
Any tips on how to get from Altair to either of the other two using the rather useless route planner? They're both too far to use it as far as I can see. (Which is two fars so far, and that's far enough.)
Any tips on how to get from Altair to either of the other two using the rather useless route planner? They're both too far to use it as far as I can see. (Which is two fars so far, and that's far enough.)

Type the location you want to go to in to galaxy search and pick it.

Then zoom out a bit and using the WASD keys and the right mouse button try to move the pointer around half way between your starting point and your target. Then zoom in and pick the nearest star that has system data and use it as a rest stop to plan the next half the of the jumps.
I use the route planner to find some intermediary star and just note that down as a jump point for the in-game planner.

When it comes to this route, I will try it out. But the fact that waiting for rares takes a lot of time I'm a bit skeptical, as my Lave alternative is pretty quick too, jump to a couple of stations and pick up what you need and jump on your way, however that involves some risk too. There's a time/risk/supply balance that's interesting but not always that easy to find.
i've just started in rares trading.. and started on a huge 71 stop route somebody posted last week. I'm enjoying it just because it's taking me on a wide tour of the occupied galaxy.. heh. thanks for the post though, I will check this route out once I finish this long ass route I'm currently on.
CMDR Krystina Weldon, was trying to reply to your PM but don't seem to find how. I will do so here. I will t ry to befriend you, if I can figure out how, when I get back in game. thanks for help. I am thinking that the suggestion of going only a few Ly's out and trying is probably a good one. If the bulletin boards are as empty as the one in LHS 3447 it won't help much. I need practice docking anyway so.... since I only have 1000cr to work with until I figure out a way to get more I will just practice I guess. will look for befriend thingy. ty again
A loooong trade route

I haven't seen all the galaxy yet for sure but I have a wild guess about the commodity price fluctuation: they are within the same range everywhere around.
I see rare trade to be different but that's a very particular and very limited way of trading.
What I have in mind and would be happy to do is a long trade run (150+ ly) with one or two commodities if the economy system would be scaled on a territorial way.
Right now it seems that everywhere in this habited galaxy the price of a certain good is fitting in the average price +/- a certain % depending on how expensive it is to buy 1 ton of them.
Which means the galaxy is pretty equal in everything - there's no difference between areas really (or it is scaled in a microcosmical way).
So we can trade with our truck "within our country" but I don't see the "intercontinental" traders because the price is the same if I go 100+ light years more towards any direction.

I guess if we had big hubs economically (like we have politically) where a full area is more likely to be agricultural/industrial/high-tech etc. and the commodity prices would reflect that, we could do some really "intergalactical" trade runs. Like carvans in the medieval times. Of course it doesn't mean to amend any local trade opportunities (like we have now in this 20-30 ly distance) but right now this huge galaxy feels really tiny and very local in terms of trading.
The special commodities are only valid for the rares and there are no areal hubs providing not limited but special goods to trade on a price which makes it worthwhile to cross a bigger chunk of the space and have adventures on the go.

Is this something you would like to see too or is it just me?
I was wondering the same myself, if the price differences are within the same band everywhere. it would be nice to see bigger differences between galaxies. There should be some added incentive to buy the bigger freighters besides just more cargo.
Yep, the big tales and stories are not told about the guy who runs back and forth between home and the grocery shop but about someone who travels through countries to get an item he marked as "pick up" on e-bay ;)
I agree, and I'd also like to see missions themed around the same thing. I'd like to see a faction ask me to take some cargo not just to the next system, but to one 600ly away, or further. "Can you get this cargo of computer parts to our research facility near the galactic core". they don't even need to be standard commodities that they want me to carry, maybe they want me to carry something unique that I couldn't just buy nearby?

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