The Route planner discussion thread

Oh yes, the "make it easy, holding hand" argument. No, longer routes doesn't make the game easier, they make it less tedious.

What next? If they put a "Sell all" button for explorers, people will complain that the game got easier, cause clicking thousand of times was "hard" and not tedious in the slightest?

I hope when they implement the new range they also remove this behaviour of calculating all around us the moment you open the map. Start calculating the route I tell you to when I tell you to.
Exploration is never about exploring thousands of stars thousands of lightyears away.

Exploration was always about taking months just to map 1 system by landing at all planets, looking for life and doing experiments to find out surface and atmosphere composition and find treasures.

For you that may be true, but other people may have different goals. What exploration is "about" is entirely dependent on your goals.
Had the same problem i fixed it by going to this folder: "C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Player" and deleting the files ".misc" and "custom.misc".

(Exit ED first ofc.) :)

- Be sure to make a backup of these 2 files so you can revert the changes if you break something.
- Do it at your own risk. :)

BTW, how did you discover it? :-o
Noob Trade route question

Just a noob here but does anyone have some good ideas of good trade routes? small stuff really I want to just mess around a bit. Also I have done a few missions but never one of the ones "considered illegal" How can it effect your reputation if you do those?? There is allot more money in them but I don't want to get to be known as the bad guy LOL :D
Just a noob here but does anyone have some good ideas of good trade routes? small stuff really I want to just mess around a bit. Also I have done a few missions but never one of the ones "considered illegal" How can it effect your reputation if you do those?? There is allot more money in them but I don't want to get to be known as the bad guy LOL :D

Hi Dan and welcome to the forums mate :)

A quick tip to get you going...look for a High Tech system (which show up as bright green in your galaxy map if you have set your view to economies) and usually they will have a high supply of Prog Cells or other valuable medicines like this. Then look for a resource extraction type system (which show up as red in the galaxy map) and sell the cells there for usually a juicy 700-1000cr profit. In that system you can usually buy Palladium or gold or other high value metals and go back to the High Tech system and sell for approx 700-1000cr profit.

The illegal type missions might affect your reputation with a faction within a system that the mission affects so choose these carefully! :)
Hi Dan and welcome to the forums mate :)

A quick tip to get you going...look for a High Tech system (which show up as bright green in your galaxy map if you have set your view to economies) and usually they will have a high supply of Prog Cells or other valuable medicines like this. Then look for a resource extraction type system (which show up as red in the galaxy map) and sell the cells there for usually a juicy 700-1000cr profit. In that system you can usually buy Palladium or gold or other high value metals and go back to the High Tech system and sell for approx 700-1000cr profit.

The illegal type missions might affect your reputation with a faction within a system that the mission affects so choose these carefully! :)

Thank you for the information - I'll give it a look see...

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And also thank you for the welcome :)
Just to clarify something about the chances of getting large amounts at each station..

If less than the maximum are available (e.g. Synder Terminal has 12t in stock), and you purchase that amount and then wait for restock, the new amount will only be enough to add up to the maximum (in this case 16, so you will only get 4t more).

However if you have 0t of the item, the amount that spawns can be higher than the maximum. E.g. Snyder Terminal has max 16 but if you have none of this item, the amount that spawns at the station could be as high as 27.

If a low amount spawns, buy it and immediately sell it back. When it respawns 12 minutes later, it could then be higher than the maximum.

I followed your suggestions, but was a fail... the first supply amount was below the max, I bought & sold back... but after the 12 mins, the commodity never came back, wasn't even on the list anymore (my cargo hold was empty at the time)... I had to move onto the next station, perhaps I did something wrong?
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Two-Way Route Finding in Excel

Hi Commanders.

I have taken inspiration from a guy called Ixo Belle on reddit/YouTube, and created an Excel sheet that displays decent two-way routes from Slopey's BPC exports.

My knowledge of Excel is VERY limited, so I know that this won't be much help to a lot of people here that seem quite clever, but a few people have asked me for routes, so I thought I'd just make it public.

The data is ALL from Slopey's tool. I guess it could be adapted to take data from any tool that can provide From To and Unit Profit. It doesn't know where you are, so the best route might be 500Ly from your current location. It also doesn't know which stations are outposts (they don't have Large pads, so no good for Type 7s, Pythons et al). And it also does not know the distance from the nav beacon to the station, so some might be thousands of light seconds, but others might be in the 10s. Because I'm a bit of a dunce, it usually shows each route twice, once in each direction, so you have to ignore almost every other row.

Within Slopey's tool, delete old data in the Options page. I use 4 or 6 hours, depending on the time of day and my guy feeling on the quality of the data. You could leave old data in there, but routes come and go, so old stuff can't be relied on as much.

Your Slopey export should contain the following rows from left to right. You can have more, but we'll ignore them. From - To - Commodity - Unit Profit - Availability - Distance.
Copy those 6 columns WITHOUT the header row, and PASTE VALUES into my sheet. Then SELECT ALL and do a custom sort on Column L, Descending, with no headers. That will (should) sort everything into order of ROUTE PROFIT.

Column K is one-way profit-per-tonne.
Column L is two-way profit-per-tonne.
Columns M and N are for copy-pasting into the galaxy map for more convenient searches.
Column Y is for copying a list into text format for sharing with others.

If nobody likes it, then fine. It'll sink without trace. But I find it useful, and therefore so might some others. I'm not talented enough to take requests for improvements (probably - you can ask, but I'll almost certainly fail). Happy for anyone to take this on as their own project, either in Excel, or developing the [very simple] ideas into some sort of program. All I ask is that Ixo Belle and I are credited somewhere as a legacy of our limited input. I don't know who he is, but it seems fair for him to take some credit.

It contains no macros (although I have some on my version, I felt it would be frowned upon to include them for security reasons), and is as basic as most Excel sheets get. But I had to zip it up to upload it here.

tldr; Then this probably isn't for you.

CMDR Tristan Cliffe
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Let's trade trade routes! MY 30LY 3000CR for Your <10LY 2300CR route

Heya CMDR's

I have a problem. I have a trade route that is stable, 30LY almost 3000CR round trip profit per ton. Both stations are (well) below 1000LS from NAV. Awesome route really. Problem is that I am in a Python. And fuel costs an arm and a leg... or two. With fuel scooping time included the route is barely average. It'd be awesome for a T6/ASP though - I have yet to find better.

If you have a short stable route with decent profit - say less than 10 LY and 2300 CR roundtrip (Both stations below 1000 LS from NAV) then let's switch! We'll both make more money and be done with trading sooner.

Send me a message if you are interested.


CMDR Minou
Anyone else having a problem with fastest jump route calculation

Ever since yesterday I can't get the fastest route to run in the galaxy map. As usual when you log in you get the economic route by default, but now when I switch to fastest route it doesn't start to recalculate the jumps. It's getting quote annoying.
If no one else is seeing this then I assume the problem is my end somehow.
You're definitely not the only one. I've had this problem ever since 1,05 came out, but no one believed me until now. I spent Gamma exploring the back of beyond and since my return at the end of december i've been trading rares. I'm a mostly harmess merchant pathfinder. I know how the route planner used to work. It doesn't any more. Ticket it. I did
I'm pretty sure if you give it time it will plot the path for you - out to 100 ly to the nearest. It just takes quite a few minutes, probably longer than you would think. It does work even if you change from the most economic to the fastest - just give it time. I'm just hoping that the engine used for plotting has been replaced or refined as according to the latest newsletter the plotter will go out to 1000 ly in the next update.

If you switch views in the Galaxy map you can see the spider route arms slowly being drawn outward from the starting point. Gives you something to watch! :)
Yeah sometimes you just have to wait.

Also annoying is that it won't always calculate you the most efficient jumps. You could, for example, have a jump range of 20 and there is a perfectly good jump 19.5ly away but the destinations list may only show those up to 17.6ly.
You can see the difference with Elite Co-Pilot as it WILL give you the most efficient route, better than ED itself does.
Hopefully when the API is released, Elite Co-Pilot will be able to transfer it's route to your galaxy map.
Setting a route

So I have a nice rare route chosen. It is approx. 130ish LY long. On the galaxy map, I set my end point and wait forever for routes to populate. More often than not it won't set the full route so I guesstimate a midpoint, fly there and set the rest of my route. It is time consuming and inefficient. Is there a better way to do this?
The in-game route planner has a limit of 100ly right now. It will be upgraded to 1000ly in an upcoming patch, but for now you will have to continue as you have been or use another tool to calculate a route and select a midpoint along the way like one of the many trading tools or websites out there to calculate routes. One of them is
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