Two-Way Route Finding in Excel
Hi Commanders.
I have taken inspiration from a guy called Ixo Belle on reddit/YouTube, and created an Excel sheet that displays decent two-way routes from Slopey's BPC exports.
My knowledge of Excel is VERY limited, so I know that this won't be much help to a lot of people here that seem quite clever, but a few people have asked me for routes, so I thought I'd just make it public.
The data is ALL from Slopey's tool. I guess it could be adapted to take data from any tool that can provide From To and Unit Profit. It doesn't know where you are, so the best route might be 500Ly from your current location. It also doesn't know which stations are outposts (they don't have Large pads, so no good for Type 7s, Pythons et al). And it also does not know the distance from the nav beacon to the station, so some might be thousands of light seconds, but others might be in the 10s. Because I'm a bit of a dunce, it usually shows each route twice, once in each direction, so you have to ignore almost every other row.
Within Slopey's tool, delete old data in the Options page. I use 4 or 6 hours, depending on the time of day and my guy feeling on the quality of the data. You could leave old data in there, but routes come and go, so old stuff can't be relied on as much.
Your Slopey export should contain the following rows from left to right. You can have more, but we'll ignore them. From - To - Commodity - Unit Profit - Availability - Distance.
Copy those 6 columns WITHOUT the header row, and PASTE VALUES into my sheet. Then SELECT ALL and do a custom sort on Column L, Descending, with no headers. That will (should) sort everything into order of ROUTE PROFIT.
Column K is one-way profit-per-tonne.
Column L is two-way profit-per-tonne.
Columns M and N are for copy-pasting into the galaxy map for more convenient searches.
Column Y is for copying a list into text format for sharing with others.
If nobody likes it, then fine. It'll sink without trace. But I find it useful, and therefore so might some others. I'm not talented enough to take requests for improvements (probably - you can ask, but I'll almost certainly fail). Happy for anyone to take this on as their own project, either in Excel, or developing the [very simple] ideas into some sort of program. All I ask is that Ixo Belle and I are credited somewhere as a legacy of our limited input. I don't know who he is, but it seems fair for him to take some credit.
It contains no macros (although I have some on my version, I felt it would be frowned upon to include them for security reasons), and is as basic as most Excel sheets get. But I had to zip it up to upload it here.
tldr; Then this probably isn't for you.
CMDR Tristan Cliffe