CMDR Palazo,
I think the issue is that you are looking at it from the point of view of PVP, and as I've been told many times by those who want to refute some arguments...Open is not a pvp place. Open just allows PVP, and if you take that into acord and then look at the other groups.. why would you want them "punished" for not pvping? And if PP doesn't make sense in solo mode it won't in open either as PP is a PVE aspect of shadowplay.
My intention is not that everything is full pvp.
If you're within a faction within the systems that controls you should not be interdicted by an enemy.
It is assumed that this faction is allied, perhaps if you are on a separate faction you can be interdicted.
This would create routes, safe and unsafe making the game more fun.
If what you want is to kill NPC you can do so within the extraction resources belonging to your faction.
If you want to play solomode so you can, but do not try to change the entire economy being in an apparent offline mode does not exist.
I do not agree with eliminating the private and single mode.
Could boost the economy mostly in open play, could be bonus for those who want to take a risk to make it more fun.
Likewise, the game economy is fine but no where to spend the credits.
Without this everything in the game becomes meaningless and only explore or search players being the end of the game.
For me, more weapons, more ships, unique modules or maybe in a future upgrade weapons with rare components are required.
The player needs to have more goals instead credits and a beauty queen.
I love the game and so spending time writing this with difficulty to make it better.
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