I am just pointing out the misinformation in your posts. CIG's own history and past actions, including statements, was what was being discussed. If you have a problem with quoting the CEO of the company and people believing what he said, well...
Oddly I am not "trying to make like I was answering your argument", you seemed to have forgotten that you have responded to other people, as well as to me. Another attempt at misdirection? I have joined the discussion already in hand, providing quotes to statements made by CIG, and discussing actual facts.
Its too bad that CIG history is so poor that its better to just ignore it, or it will harm CIG's current narrative. Its also telling when a company actively attempts to change their own history to hid their flipflops and the times they go back on their word.
Look, I'll admit to being a little confused as to whom is claiming what. I'm not attempting to misdirect anything. I'm not here to thump the Star Citizen bible either. I'm just trying to address misinformation that turns a legitimate discussion into a hate circle-jerk.
I don't think CIG is attempting to change or hide any of their history. It's not like they've gone and removed anything from the website; it's all there if you go far enough back enough. Is it terribly
easy to do? No.
Hindsight is 20/20. Can we both agree that there are things CIG could have done better? Undoubtedly. But I'd like to see some evidence to support your claim that they're being revisionist.
If you really want to be cynical, you could point out the fact that CIG could have just fixed the Cutlass and turned it into the ship they promised the buyers, instead of creating a new ship and charging people for it. Seems like creating a crappy ship and then making a better ship to replace it, then selling said ship, makes CIG money. That is not a good direction to see in a company go, or an action you want to see in a company. Makes the company seem like they only care about making new money instead of providing the products that have already been purchased.
See, the problem is that there were divided camps on what the Cutlass was supposed to be. Some believed it was supposed to be a space-superiority craft almost on-par with the Hornet, but just less durable and with more cargo space. Others believed it was supposed to be fast, nimble, and light on firepower with enough cargo space to make off with the spoils (arguably this is closer to what it was initially sold as). CIG didn't help themselves by basically issuing statements that conflicted on that front. Obviously the design goals of the craft were shifting as the craft was designed; there were some balance concessions that needed to be made, and they moved towards the more traditional "slower, but dangerous" design.
Should they have designed and sold a new ship? Not really sure about that either. I mean, now "pirate" players have more variety in ship choices by the in-game ship manufacturer that supposedly caters to their needs. On the other hand, I really wish they had instead split the Cutlass into two variations. There were some very vocal, very opposed camps within the community that had very different ideas about what the Cutlass should be. CIG would have made a lot of people angry if they'd decided to ignore one of those camps and simply change the role of the ship.
So do I agree entirely with the decision? No, but I do see why it was made. I should also point out that CIG has allowed Cutlass Black owners to effectively trade their ship even-Steven for the new Buccaneer fighter, offering a Hornet space-superiority loaner until the ship is flyable.