The Star Citizen Thread v 4

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I have lots of flight time in both games and while Elite has roll-to-yaw to deal with, the learning curve with Star Citizen starts out shallow but gets very steep as you learn how to fly Decoupled or Coupled with toggles to ComStab and G-Safe as needed during flight, then mix in Boost and AB, or even Cruise in some scenarios.

Roll-to-yaw is terrible in Elite, thankfully it can be turned off.

Things like G-Safe and Comstab are completely unnecessary, but I guess it's good to help lowskill and new players who can't manage basic throttle and inertia.
Gonna be a stupid question I'm sure.

I've mucked around with free-flight weekend SC but that's about it.

So with ED's flight model you can run manuevers like s-splits etc..

If SC abstracts direct control so the player isn't directly controlling the craft, rather they're moving a cursor which the ship then orientates to, does this make such manuevers much more difficult to acheive? I'd kinda presume it would, or maybe it doesn't matter?
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So would you be able to link an SC video that shows difficult/complex maneuvers that require a lot of skill with the SC flight model?
Last time someone asked, they linked a dogfight of two of the top AC dogfighters and all they did was point and strafe.
(Which by my experience playing AC was the most efficient way of flying in SC, considering how fast you can turn and how keeping your crosshair on the enemy is your No1 priority)

Something equivelant to the Isinona ED videos who noone disputes show increadible skill with the ED flight model.

Also you do realize most people here who critisize the SC FM have actually used it and are giving first-hand critisism right?

Oh like this one.


Nope haven't seen anything like that in SC.

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Uhm, reality check, Star Citizen allows full direct control of all 6 DoF as well.

There are 3 IFCS (Intelligent Flight Control System) modes:

- Decoupled/Coupled Mode is effectively the same thing as Flight Assist Off/On
- G-Safe Mode which enables / disables G-force limitations to allow faster turns (primarily pitch) at the risk of allowing blackout / redout
-ComStab, which is like space traction control to counter lateral drift

These can be enabled and disabled separately to the desired effect.

Additionally there are 3 flight modes:

- Precision (primarily for landing)
- Space Combat Maneuvering (SCM)
- Cruise (low-speed sublight, limited maneuvering)

And Quantum travel for linear intrasystem travel.

Oh and then you've got Boost for your manuevering thrusters and acceleration, and Afterburner for extra velocity.

So, despite your assertion that ED's flight model has a higher skill cap, I beg to differ. I have lots of flight time in both games and while Elite has roll-to-yaw to deal with, the learning curve with Star Citizen starts out shallow but gets very steep as you learn how to fly Decoupled or Coupled with toggles to ComStab and G-Safe as needed during flight, then mix in Boost and AB, or even Cruise in some scenarios.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that ED isn't sophisticated in its own way, but SC's flight model isn't just about pointing your ship. :p

Theres a reason the sim fans like to gush about SC after they really get into flying; there are a lot of settings to play with and you can with practice and a pair of joysticks have an insane amount of control over your craft.

Hmm, not going to comment on that, the only ones I see "praising" it are streamers who get some benefits from CIG. The SIM community I know in IL-2 and DCS world, do not in any way like it. As you can read in several forums. But I am also bias in these matters :D
So would you be able to link an SC video that shows difficult/complex maneuvers that require a lot of skill with the SC flight model?
Last time someone asked, they linked a dogfight of two of the top AC dogfighters and all they did was point and strafe.
(Which by my experience playing AC was the most efficient way of flying in SC, considering how fast you can turn and how keeping your crosshair on the enemy is your No1 priority)

Something equivelant to the Isinona ED videos who noone disputes show increadible skill with the ED flight model.

Also you do realize most people here who critisize the SC FM have actually used it and are giving first-hand critisism right?

Oh like this one.

Nope haven't seen anything like that in SC.

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Hmm, not going to comment on that, the only ones I see "praising" it are streamers who get some benefits from CIG. The SIM community I know in IL-2 and DCS world, do not in any way like it. As you can read in several forums. But I am also bias in these matters :D

Of course you will never see anything like the Isinona (or other FAOff show) in SC as long as you can move your aim on any target in range from any position within a second. The skill in ED comes from the fact that you cannot do that, you are not a turret. I don't know why there is a discussion about this in the first place. It is irrelevant how many modes SC has, as long as you don't need to anticipate and manoeuvre in order to get the opponent in front of your crosshair but only move the crosshair in the direction of the arrow for a second. Nothing will change ever as long as this remains to be the case.
What exactly are the advantages with the way SC does it's flight model and aim-to-fly? It sure makes combat videos incredibly boring. You never really get people raving about it, at most it ends in a wash of "Well, ED and SC both do things differently and that's OK! I Love that there's variety!"

Variety is great, but one is fun to fly, has weight, makes for tactical combat. The other is a broken excuse with a "balancing pass" tantalizingly out of reach by several years... Heaven forbid they nail things down and make it fun in alpha, right?

Besides sounding excruciatingly awkward and try-way-too-hard-to-be-military, G-Safe and Comstab are pretty useless. Invoking them to banish bad thoughts about the flight model is always amusing, it's usually the second or third reply after a moan... helps dismiss any qualms by painting the complainer as a hopeless newbie.
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What exactly are the advantages with the way SC does it's flight model and aim-to-fly? It sure makes combat videos incredibly boring. You never really get people raving about it, at most it ends in a wash of "Well, ED and SC both do things differently and that's OK! I Love that there's variety!"

Variety is great, but one is fun to fly, has weight, makes for tactical combat. The other is a broken excuse with a "balancing pass" tantalizingly out of reach by several years... Heaven forbid they nail things down and make it fun in alpha, right?

Besides sounding excruciatingly awkward and try-way-too-hard-to-be-military, G-Safe and Comstab are pretty useless. Invoking them to banish bad thoughts about the flight model is always amusing, it's usually the second or third reply after a moan... helps dismiss any qualms by painting the complainer as a hopeless newbie.

Twitch Reflex...and that's it....It's like if we can said that pilot who can catch the fly with his hand it must be the best pilot in whole fleet?¿That's kind of logic behind the FM in SC....
Hey, the new Major's Tom video is out:
The Avenger is exactly as I remember: the most sensible looking plane ship in the game IMO, and utterly terrible when it comes to the interior design (and as a result, the potential for phasing through the hull).

What you are saying is your personal opinion. You think it is a buggy tech demo? Ok, fine for you. But other people have a different opinion about that. How should we weight that? Are you wrong or the others? No one can say that, even me.

Hey VidarSnipes, as you can see that's just Major Tom's personal opinion and not a buggy tech demo. :rolleyes:

Good wreck (the game, not the ships) [up]
Hey VidarSnipes, as you can see that's just Major Tom's personal opinion and not a buggy tech demo. :rolleyes:

Good wreck (the game, not the ships) [up]

I admire Major Tom's persistence in trying to bring us the latest news from the front line regarding persistence in 2.4.

I'm fairly certain he's not a real major though!
I admire Major Tom's persistence in trying to bring us the latest news from the front line regarding persistence in 2.4.

I'm fairly certain he's not a real major though!

I was being sarcastic because of what Clawhammer said (see the other quote in my post), because that was his response when I said SC is currently a buggy, messy tech demo.
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I was being sarcastic because of what Clawhammer said (see the other quote in my post), because that was his response when I said SC is currently a buggy, messy tech demo.

I know, so much gets lost in translation.

Was just trying to riff off your comment in a comedy style!

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