So today i gave a shot at that 3.5 patch, with my main focus being the new flight model.
First mapping the controls: yeah there is no 'throttle' mapping anymore. It's a convoluted, 2 or 3 axis solution now, that is beyond idiotic. I'll see next weekend maybe if i can map my split throttle (i have a Warthog) to both axis.. that may alleviate a part of the burden, but not all.
So once that was cleared up, i immediately spawned my good ol Retaliator to see how it flies now, and if it still falls to the ground on that 1G planet and bounces like a sad beach ball (note the fidelity in physics here).
Went for a few passes around Port Olisar, and holy drift batman, this at least looks somewhat correct, given how this ship is a heavy beast. At least now it feels different, and at least in space, there is some mass.
So i went to Hurston to see how it flies in atmo, and while the falling-down bug is fixed, i cant say the atmo flight model is totally convincing. I could just slide sideways as quickly as moving forwards, and theres no aerodynamics to speak of, it kinda flies like in space. A bit disappointed on that one, i think i read somewhere they are still to implement the atmo flight model ? Is that coming in 2019 ?
Finally went to Arccorp to see their new planet and found mostly huge graphical glitches with entire hexagonal parts of the planets blinking in and out, then once near the surface i could see the 'city 3d texture' pop in in a circular area below me.. hmmm. Not impressive at all... Then tried to land at Area 18 to check out the new on-foot parts, but two things stopped me: first my MFDs were buggered beyond usability (couldnt change the display, or click on anything... yes they were working back at Port Olisar) so i couldnt hail the ATC. And then people on the chat were complaining they were totally stuck down there with the hangars being full and not getting cleared, ever, so they were stuck in there for days with zero option to get out (since landing there requires clearance from ATC.. couldnt pick someone up if i wanted to).
Ah also i tried to get up from my pilots chair and have a walk around my ship during warp between two locations (about 7-8 minutes to kill, and Retaliator is supposed to be one of the fastest ships..) and that basically crashed the game upon warp exit. Elevators, ladders, even some doors are still death traps too. This has been the case since 2.0, when was that ? I was much younger...
Didnt try any fight as missiles and torps are broken now, and ships are warping all around the place with very visible network rubber banding..