The Star Citizen Thread V10

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Well, the lack of cost is even better or worse depending on which side of design you're on. Imho the better design is that it should cost the owner an insurance claim each time if it isn't brought back in a don't-lend-what-you-can't-afford-to-replace, but ah.
The insurance thing will get brought in eventually...I have some ships with the mythical LTI insurance, some with the usual 6 months. I'm still expecting Ci¬G to monetise it in some can practically guarantee that'll happen...hence their reticence in introducing it so far... It won't be introduced until they can work out exactly how much backers will swallow up without causing a revolt and how much income they can work from it in the long term.
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My point is, that was a neat thing to do back in 2003 when PS1 and EVE came out — a decade and a half later, it's pretty darn mundane. Calling it “super cool” is somewhere between nonsensical and ignorant, doubly so when it's implemented in such a meaningless and lacklustre way as in SC.

Can you name another game that I can give my main transport away? And get it back in my inventory, unscratched for an insurance claim? As I honestly don’t know of another game I can do that in.

I guess more specifically, name a space game, as I don’t play many other types of games.
So… giving someone a ship and getting it back is the low bar we have to pass to qualify as “super cool” now? :D

Well, hey, SC might actually compete with Planetside if they ever manage to squeeze an FPS out of the FPS engine.
I think he's on about the survival like stuff, like showering and eating. Personally I find that useless in a space game. If I want to play survival I play a game designed for that.
I think he's on about the survival like stuff, like showering and eating. Personally I find that useless in a space game. If I want to play survival I play a game designed for that.
...Along with 90% of the backers I've spoken to outside of the Ci¬G 'speshul person squad' ;)

Seemingly, I'm not one of them since I keep getting banned from Spectrum for persistent heckling and abuse :( Spectrum always reminds me of HOG (Harley Owners Group) for some reason...I bet most of them have forked out for Star Citizen, they share the same mentality.

I had the same banning problem with HOG too since I got free life membership when I bought my Harley many years ago....If I ever turned up at one of their meets, I kept giggling at their Village People arseless leather chaps that seemed to be part of the HOG required 50 year old green tank driver's parka, torn Levis and matt black cruiser helmet just didn't sit well with them I guess.
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So today i gave a shot at that 3.5 patch, with my main focus being the new flight model.
First mapping the controls: yeah there is no 'throttle' mapping anymore. It's a convoluted, 2 or 3 axis solution now, that is beyond idiotic. I'll see next weekend maybe if i can map my split throttle (i have a Warthog) to both axis.. that may alleviate a part of the burden, but not all.
So once that was cleared up, i immediately spawned my good ol Retaliator to see how it flies now, and if it still falls to the ground on that 1G planet and bounces like a sad beach ball (note the fidelity in physics here).
Went for a few passes around Port Olisar, and holy drift batman, this at least looks somewhat correct, given how this ship is a heavy beast. At least now it feels different, and at least in space, there is some mass.
So i went to Hurston to see how it flies in atmo, and while the falling-down bug is fixed, i cant say the atmo flight model is totally convincing. I could just slide sideways as quickly as moving forwards, and theres no aerodynamics to speak of, it kinda flies like in space. A bit disappointed on that one, i think i read somewhere they are still to implement the atmo flight model ? Is that coming in 2019 ?
Finally went to Arccorp to see their new planet and found mostly huge graphical glitches with entire hexagonal parts of the planets blinking in and out, then once near the surface i could see the 'city 3d texture' pop in in a circular area below me.. hmmm. Not impressive at all... Then tried to land at Area 18 to check out the new on-foot parts, but two things stopped me: first my MFDs were buggered beyond usability (couldnt change the display, or click on anything... yes they were working back at Port Olisar) so i couldnt hail the ATC. And then people on the chat were complaining they were totally stuck down there with the hangars being full and not getting cleared, ever, so they were stuck in there for days with zero option to get out (since landing there requires clearance from ATC.. couldnt pick someone up if i wanted to).

Ah also i tried to get up from my pilots chair and have a walk around my ship during warp between two locations (about 7-8 minutes to kill, and Retaliator is supposed to be one of the fastest ships..) and that basically crashed the game upon warp exit. Elevators, ladders, even some doors are still death traps too. This has been the case since 2.0, when was that ? I was much younger...
Didnt try any fight as missiles and torps are broken now, and ships are warping all around the place with very visible network rubber banding..
Ah also i tried to get up from my pilots chair and have a walk around my ship during warp between two locations (about 7-8 minutes to kill, and Retaliator is supposed to be one of the fastest ships..) and that basically crashed the game upon warp exit. Elevators, ladders, even some doors are still death traps too. This has been the case since 2.0, when was that ? I was much younger...
Didnt try any fight as missiles and torps are broken now, and ships are warping all around the place with very visible network rubber banding..
Alpha 2.0 was released on 12th December 2015, 3⅓ years ago
Something super cool, IMO, happened to me today on SC. Yesterday, as I was about to log off, I asked if anyone would like to use my 600i explorer. Someone said yes, so we meet up over Port O, and I showed him/her around the ship. Then I unlocked it and logged out in the master bedroom. Fully expecting to wake up at Port O and have to claim my ship.

Well I woke up in a hangar at a rest stop, in the crew quarters, but, still in my ship. RP, I went to kitchen to eat, then showered in my quarters. Then, refueled, repaired and rearmed my ship.

I thought that was awesome. I know small things make me happy.

Anyways, off to a server wide ship meetup now. See if we can crash the server.

Well, yes, it is quite amazing someone didn't decide to crash your ship into a planet when you were not logged in. In an internet game its frankly speaking astonishing.

However, if i was being skeptical, i would say the reason you posted that wasn't about it not being destroyed, but to try and point out how you can log off while letting someone else use your ship.
In all fairness, it's actually a pretty cool feature to be able to lend your ships (at your own financial perils) to someone else. I don't have many actual friends playing ED but for those few, I'd have loved to be able to let them have a spin at various of my ships to get a taster of what stuff is like, at zero hassle for them (no buying, no outfitting, no RNGineering...). There's plenty to lol about with the state of the game, but that isn't part of it imho.

Sure it is a nice feature, but as things stand, its contingent on a whale lending a ship to someone else, probably someone who can't or isn't willing to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on the game.

I think once the game has full persistence, and assuming it won't take forever to get the more expensive ships, then this feature will be more about sharing than showing off.
Seemingly, I'm not one of them since I keep getting banned from Spectrum for persistent heckling and abuse :( Spectrum always reminds me of HOG (Harley Owners Group) for some reason...I bet most of them have forked out for Star Citizen, they share the same mentality.

What? You keep getting banned from Spectrum?

I'm find that shocking since you are a very good poster.
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