The Star Citizen Thread V10

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It's a nice gameplay touch is all...can't remember mentioning anything else to do with real life ;)
Gameplay touch could be used for any other game mission where it could make more sense, though? Most of the time I have no problem with suspending my belief, but the way you worded it just stood out to me - you go to abandoned outpost, where they happen to have your data regarding all crime and you can hack it freely and remove all traces? Oh, I see.

Why not have that data be a mission target or something? Is there a reason you have to go somewhere unpopulated to wipe your crime record when it makes sense your record would be mostly at populated spots?
Can anyone do this for any crime? If so then there is not much to deter griefers.
Like most things with online player interaction...there'll always be those that just like shooting stuff. I wouldn't say it's as prevalent as in E-D, or at least I certainly don't see it as much. The player base is more fractured than in E-D...but Kareah security post has been there...and been a centre for PvP action as long as I've been playing, certainly since the dogfighting module was added back sometime in 2015.

The way the crime system works currently is the crime stat indicator has 4 sections...the more sections you have red, the longer it takes to clear the crime stat at Kareah requiring several hacking attempts. Since the area is a free fire zone, the chances are you'll have your ship blown up on the pad should someone else turn up then be the target of whoever arrives since the bounty on your head may be worth taking a few shots.

Usually when I've gone to get rid of a crime stat, it's usually with a few friends in a few ships...they run protection while I clear the stats, same if they have one too. it's rare anyone visits Kareah solo, some groups preferring PvP camp there on occasion, most RP in some way, either as pirates occupying the station or as law enforcers...either way you'll lose your bounty, dead or alive

Like I mentioned, I quite like the arrangement as is although it will change at some point once Ci¬G get around to adapting the crime and punishment thing...right now it can be quite fun.
Gameplay touch could be used for any other game mission where it could make more sense, though? Most of the time I have no problem with suspending my belief, but the way you worded it just stood out to me - you go to abandoned outpost, where they happen to have your data regarding all crime and you can hack it freely and remove all traces? Oh, I see.

Why not have that data be a mission target or something? Is there a reason you have to go somewhere unpopulated to wipe your crime record when it makes sense your record would be mostly at populated spots?
I think you're either deliberately missing the point or aren't getting it. It's simply called 'the abandoned security post', I've no idea why it's abandoned, nor do I care much about the lore surrounding it.

It was initially put into SC early on as a place where players could remove their wanted a moderate risk...since it's a PvP free fire zone... nothing more involved than that. If you prefer Pew as a playstyle, you'll more than likely find others at Kareah happy to indulge... minus the whining when they blow up or get shot in the face whilst trying to expunge their crime stat...

I've no real idea how Ci¬G will implement their version of crime and punishment when they get around to it, Kareah was just a temporary measure in a very small play area at the in pre 3.0 and the planets/moons being added. So far, it's still there but has no real gameplay attached to it since the C&P from a players point of view doesn't exist since it hasn't been put into SC as yet. Kareah was included to draw players open to PvP into a free fire area of the map back during the dogfighting module.

I somehow get the vibe that you imagine me to be one of the cult of Roberts preaching gospel here... I play SC, yes...but read some of my previous posts, I'm no fanboi ;)
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I think you're either deliberately missing the point or aren't getting it. It's simply called 'the abandoned security post', I've no idea why it's abandoned, nor do I care much about the lore surrounding it.

It was initially put into SC early on as a place where players could remove their wanted a moderate risk...since it's a PvP free fire zone... nothing more involved than that. If you prefer Pew as a playstyle, you'll more than likely find others at Kareah happy to indulge... minus the whining when they blow up or get shot in the face whilst trying to expunge their crime stat...

I've no real idea how Ci¬G will implement their version of crime and punishment when they get around to it, Kareah was just a temporary measure in a very small play area at the in pre 3.0 and the planets/moons being added. So far, it's still there but has no real gameplay attached to it since the C&P from a players point of view doesn't exist since it hasn't been put into SC as yet. Kareah was included to draw players open to PvP into a free fire area of the map back during the dogfighting module.

I somehow get the vibe that you imagine me to be one of the cult of Roberts preaching gospel here... I play SC, yes...but read some of my previous posts, I'm no fanboi ;)
Is artificial chokepoint. Space games tend to be light on chokepoints. Eve went with jump gates. I give them the benefit of doubt this was actually intentionally designed to have ppl see more action.
I think you're either deliberately missing the point or aren't getting it. It's simply called 'the abandoned security post', I've no idea why it's abandoned, nor do I care much about the lore surrounding it.
I get that, but still - you'd suppose that if it's abandoned (meaning security has abandoned it, I guess?) then all records would be gone, right? The security would either delete them upon leaving, or - supposing they all died in a tragical accident - somebody from the security would come in later and delete the records or destroy the whole outpost.

In this regard it makes better sense to me how it works in Elite, tbh. You have this organization that you pay to and it has multiple angles of attack, maybe they hacked something, maybe they bribed someone, maybe they killed a witness, etc, etc. But here you have an outpost or two and apparently nobody is asking why they have thousands of crime records disappearing and from where.
Getting annoyed .... tried twice now to get to ArcCorp .... got as far as being assigned a landing pad, but it's so bloody hard to find it, I run out of (the ridiculously limited) time and end up dying .... then I'm back at Olisar (usually after the game crashes or goes wrong) and I have to start all over again.

EDIT: and this is on top of the game not remembering how my joystick is set up.
I get that, but still - you'd suppose that if it's abandoned (meaning security has abandoned it, I guess?) then all records would be gone, right? The security would either delete them upon leaving, or - supposing they all died in a tragical accident - somebody from the security would come in later and delete the records or destroy the whole outpost.

In this regard it makes better sense to me how it works in Elite, tbh. You have this organization that you pay to and it has multiple angles of attack, maybe they hacked something, maybe they bribed someone, maybe they killed a witness, etc, etc. But here you have an outpost or two and apparently nobody is asking why they have thousands of crime records disappearing and from where.

See it more as an active uplink to the police computer network through something the local law enforcement think is shut down. You merely access the network from there.
I think it just goes to show that SC is whatever you want it to be. In the absence of an actual game with a clear direction and the devs being ordered to say “yes” to everyone’s requests,the players get to cherry pick the “confirmed” features that makes their own private dream game.

I've no real idea how Ci¬G will implement their version of crime and punishment when they get around to it,

I think i've got a vid of CR explaining it.

I get that, but still - you'd suppose that if it's abandoned (meaning security has abandoned it, I guess?) then all records would be gone, right? The security would either delete them upon leaving, or - supposing they all died in a tragical accident - somebody from the security would come in later and delete the records or destroy the whole outpost.

In this regard it makes better sense to me how it works in Elite, tbh. You have this organization that you pay to and it has multiple angles of attack, maybe they hacked something, maybe they bribed someone, maybe they killed a witness, etc, etc. But here you have an outpost or two and apparently nobody is asking why they have thousands of crime records disappearing and from where.
If you can make sense of how the C&P works in E-D, you get 100 brownie points from me :D

Ach, Kareah was just added as something to do back when SC consisted of Port Olisar and a few points in space to fly's still there but serves no real gameplay purpose. It's not like we can pay bounties off anywhere since that facility or any meaningful C&P hasn't been added, nor will it be for some time. All Kareah serves is an outdated PvP choke point where pew-pew could be had around and inside a space structure in ships and on foot. I've had a few good sessions there with some friends either attacking or defending Kareah against other random teams of players, a good mix of both ship combat and FPS in the same session with no rage quitting or general whining about losing. The activity there has died off of late since there's more places to go and things to do...but some of the older players from before the moons and places like Lorville and levski were added still pop out every now and then for a session.

It still works...but to be honest, it's not like anyone fusses much about a crime stat since there's no law enforcement agencies in SC as of yet, it's merely the fact that if you have're open season for anyone who fancies themselves as the new Buck Rogers. It's only annoying if like me you're a general haulage pilot dragging cargo about in big ships with no crew to man defensive can get expensive losing a ship full of cargo a few times because of unpaid parking fines. You get the basic ship replaced for free of course (with a countdown timer)...but lose any and all credits spent on either cargo or ship upgrades.
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All this talk of buying ships in game are imaginary ramblings of complete dreamers of course...since Ci¬G won't...or can't... add persistence due to ship sales continuing as the easy option income solution. Once players have persistence, can earn enough credits to actually buy a do Ci¬G explain why that ship magically vanishes in the next major patch?

Even worse, how do they go about adding that ship to the players inventory when the entire system to do so has never even been approached, far less attempted. It'll be a complete clusterfarce as usual and I'm sure Ci¬G are quite happy with folks having to buy ships from their store as opposed to ever having the ability to realistically own one they've bought with in game credits.

They've been mumbling about persistence for 3 years due to backer's questions and comments...can you see any imaginary rush to implement or even discuss it?
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I find a lot of the SC community to be like this:

I'm not quite sure what it is, but it is for sure not some Fortnite fanboy.

More like some Flight Simulator X fan who enjoys 8 hour flights from St. Louis to London and thinks Star Citizen flight times should be in the same ball park.
Even if someone can play for 8 hours you'd be very much reliant on AI crew on the bigger ships. A Polaris has a max crew size of 28, that's the size of a raid group in an MMO. I don't see how you're gonna have all those people available at all times everytime you want to take the ship out, and there's no telepresence, so it's not like you can drop in and out as you please.
Even if someone can play for 8 hours you'd be very much reliant on AI crew on the bigger ships. A Polaris has a max crew size of 28, that's the size of a raid group in an MMO. I don't see how you're gonna have all those people available at all times everytime you want to take the ship out, and there's no telepresence, so it's not like you can drop in and out as you please.
The plan is for hireable Ai crew...multicrew ships won't have the reliance on human players to crew them bar the owner/pilot/imaginary space Admiral ...According to Ci¬G of course... I'll believe it when they actually manage to have NPC's in the PU that serve a function more than being rather irritating moving scenery. They did mention auto-turrets at one point, no idea what happened to that.
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Even if someone can play for 8 hours you'd be very much reliant on AI crew on the bigger ships. A Polaris has a max crew size of 28, that's the size of a raid group in an MMO. I don't see how you're gonna have all those people available at all times everytime you want to take the ship out, and there's no telepresence, so it's not like you can drop in and out as you please.

Yup, the biggest ships with a player crew are going to be only for those who really dedicate a lot of time to playing and can be available at set times. This happens of course, you can see it with EvE or WoW guilds where players meet up at the same times most days and go on raids or whatever.

However, i think that is beyond the ability of a majority of players, and for many it would be a case of either joining a ship and then half way through whatever having to log off, and next time you log on you are where? Back at Port O? On a despawned ship... so floating in space? At the nearest starport without any ships there? I feel these are issues that still need to be tackled by CIG. Or you log on only to find your guild are a long way from you and already mid mission. So you call your ship and fly to them, by which time they are done and on their way back.

I think AI crew will be the norm for many... but for that, CIG will need to implement AI crew....
They probably haven't figured out how to monetize it yet.

Still, i'm glad CIG aren't greedy like those horrible big bad publishers like EA who ship a game first and ask an outrageous $60 for the game....
If I remember rightly, the option they were looking at (Look, Squirrel!) was optional ship upgrades purchaseable in game with in game credits via the ship parts stores....or some ships being optionally fitted at source with them out of the Ci¬G ship production line...I'm sure there was cash involved in that idea.

We can currently purchase upgrades like coolers, QT drives, weapons and shield gens etc via those stores for a ridiculous amount of aUEC...which goes straight down the pan if your ship is destroyed or gets eaten up by one the many ship spawning bugs that requires you to reclaim the ship via 'insurance' that still doesn't exist. All those upgrades aren't insured and you get the basic model ship back.

I do a lot of insurance fraud on my ships...stripping military shields and modules from one ship to upgrade another or several...then reclaiming the stripped hull for a brand new ship fully fitted with the same military grade weapons and modules I just removed. A lot less painful than watching several 100K of in game creds go up in flames with your ship....which is only useful if you're silly enough to have bought more than one ship of course, and preferably a couple of different ships with military grade modules of various sizes.
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If I remember rightly, the option they were looking at (Look, Squirrel!) was optional ship upgrades purchaseable in game with in game credits via the ship parts stores....or some ships being optionally fitted at source with them out of the Ci¬G ship production line...I'm sure there was cash involved in that idea.

We can currently purchase upgrades like coolers, QT drives, weapons and shield gens etc via those stores for a ridiculous amount of aUEC...which goes straight down the pan if your ship is destroyed or gets eaten up by one the many ship spawning bugs that requires you to reclaim the ship via 'insurance' that still doesn't exist. All those upgrades aren't insured and you get the basic model ship back.

I do a lot of insurance fraud on my ships...stripping military shields and modules from one ship to upgrade another or several...then reclaiming the stripped hull for a brand new ship fully fitted with the same military grade weapons and modules I just removed. A lot less painful than watching several 100K of in game creds go up in flames with your ship....which is only useful if you're silly enough to have bought more than one ship of course, and preferably a couple of different ships with military grade modules of various sizes.

Its when you hear stuff like this you become quite grateful for what we have with ED with rebuys and whatnot.
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