The Star Citizen Thread V10

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How do you feel gravity and atmosphere impact the way the ship handles? ;)

Its a bit weird. Sometimes in the Freelancer you have these gushes of wind slightly swinging the Freelancer oddly and the IFCS compensates. It feels like its kind of scripted to happen every now and then. Some sort of atmospheric drag effect.

Gravity is felt when you have a weighty ship and go down to the surface at high speeds. It really pulls you down and you cant go up as quickly as in space. So gravity is a factor but not that huge of one the smaller your ship is.

There is a reason Reclaimers aren't getting out of Atmo in Hurston. But I do think that big ships should be able to enter and exit atmo in earth like gravity planets quicker. Just very unbalanced right now.
It's still completely absent. You just move your ship like in a noclip FPS, there's no "model" to speak of. Point at a direction, move there, stop. Space and atmo make no difference at the moment, they are both quite not connected to any kind of reality. Ships have zero weight or almost, they will bounce off the ground like giant beach balloons.. It's a huge turn off for me as i am a flight sim enthusiast, and played KSP with all realism mods on (like FAR for realistic aero). Current model also is uttely boring for ship to ship fight as it's whoever can strafe and change directions the quickest without lagging out that wins... There's no "flight" it's more like "FPS in 3D" if you get what i mean. Some like that, as a flight sim addict i cant enjoy it. (i do like FPS games but in their own context..)

That's what I was afraid of.
So basically, no change since Alpha 0.8.
That's what I was afraid of.
So basically, no change since Alpha 0.8.

Obviously you know nothing about Game development- Next YEAR will be the year all finally gets fixed... there was like a panel at a convetion or someone talked about it...

I mean- they wouldn't lie to the backers...
That's what I was afraid of.
So basically, no change since Alpha 0.8.

That statement is not true. The flight model changed two times since 0.8. For a period combat was way slower and the entire ship fleet had a pass. Then after negative feedback it was changed again. Around the time of addition of SCM and PRE. The new FM is the third big iteration.


Entire FM summary.

I watched the Yela Drift video. Something about it is just odd and I realise I sound like I am picking fault for the sake of it...

It looks to me like someone sat in a sim pit with a rear lit projector a foot in front of them... There is no nose on that ship.

Also, the 3rd person preoccupation drives me demented. Not helped by the frequent frame stutter on the recording.

Maybe that level of yaw / drift is what spaceships should be like, but to me it still looks like a helicopter or a hovercraft :/
Is planetary bouncing still in?

You know - where you crash a ship into the ground and it ricochets off into the diatnace like one of those solid rubber dog toys?
Maybe that level of yaw / drift is what spaceships should be like, but to me it still looks like a helicopter or a hovercraft :/

Fast yaw and pitch in a space game is a video game trope of the highest order along with banner arrows sliding around the screen and compasses telling you where to fly all the time. I'm almost certain that other developers just implement those features because they've been so prevalent rather than actually reassessing whether the game needed them or could be even better without them!

Always brings a smile to my face :)
New PTU patch 3.4.0i dropped in preperation for 3.4 live. Adding the cool Shipjacker Armor.
Nice to look at, but quite digressive don't you think?

After all the lights in helmets, FOIP is very important... y'know? And what about the skull? Looks like Chris just played Destiny 2 and wants his share of "let's throw any zany ideas concept artists may have and gently caress the backside of consistency".
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*chuckles* Seems somebody lost their sarcasm radar:

Just lol, they don't see that their dream game is not 100 % crowdfunded anymore...Chris just sold out The Dream Game..

So 210m later they still need extra money to finish the game...totally not over the budget..its Freelancer all over again...history loves to repeat itself...last time its was Microsoft so who is this time ?!
Funnier still, a lot of the performance parameters that are currently fed to the IFCS are still numbers that a community member has created because he took the time to deconstruct the entire model to figure out why it was so horrid — in the process, he at least attempted to offer some remedial action back to CIG since he, unlike most at the company, actually understood what was happening. [haha]

But yes, it's still the same pointlessly overcomplicated system that is entirely built around the notion of overwriting physics to achieve a behaviour that is consistent with inputs, rather than have physics dictate behaviour in response to input.
Just lol, they don't see that their dream game is not 100 % crowdfunded anymore...Chris just sold out The Dream Game..

So 210m later they still need extra money to finish the game...totally not over the budget..its Freelancer all over again...history loves to repeat itself...last time its was Microsoft so who is this time ?!

Unless they have gained a publisher it's still crowdfunded. And if they have new private investors they just have another investors, just as they had from the very beginning when they said they had some private investors.

Over the budget though...yup...pretty much...And come to think of it...I have yet to SEE a budget...
Funnier still, a lot of the performance parameters that are currently fed to the IFCS are still numbers that a community member has created because he took the time to deconstruct the entire model to figure out why it was so horrid — in the process, he at least attempted to offer some remedial action back to CIG since he, unlike most at the company, actually understood what was happening. [haha]

But yes, it's still the same pointlessly overcomplicated system that is entirely built around the notion of overwriting physics to achieve a behaviour that is consistent with inputs, rather than have physics dictate behaviour in response to input.

SC defines physics anew in never-done-before fashion. The haters are gonna go humble and silent when they hear this. Only genius engineering can accomplish such feats.
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