The Star Citizen Thread V10

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…which, again, wasn't the point. The point was that he once again went off on one of his bashing sprees against posters in the thread, calling them out on a behaviour that only exists in his head. He keeps doing this and then refuses to acknowledge what he's doing or backing up what he says, to the point where it just becomes blatant trolling and abuse. Indeed, when called out on it, he just doubles down on the generalisations and windmill-chasing.

Oh you mean this stuff:

Regardless of all the 8 or 9 regular posters here with their (to put it bluntly) sad desire to see this project fail, so much so they pounce on the smallest tidbit of information and expand it to the nth degree, the rest of the world doesn't give a jot about star citizen in the same manner either way.

Yeah it's kinda tiresomely fascinating.

@Goose4291, I'm guessing it's an 'ED has major flaws, therefore criticising other space games is hypocritical' strand that drives you? Or something comparable? You do seem to get very wound up about it all for someone who doesn't have a dog in the fight ¯\(ツ)
Stealing this from the SA forums



Only 5 years off, possibly, maybe. But Chris absoloved himself of getting things wrong, so all is ok.
Oh, I agree with Goose. Its not worth engaging on though. Ya lay down with dogs, you'll wake up with fleas.

Who do I need to flea spray in this analogy?

Lemme see if I can get this straight. Do you agree with Goose that every CIG-cynic in this thread is a mindless saddo who slavours only for the company's calamitous end?

If so, stop agreeing with AA about how cool it'd be to play SC ;)
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Yes, people crashing other peoples events is certainly something to point and laugh at, good for you.


Ok, take a step back and think about this. Currently ZDF host these events by taking over a server and controlling what other people do should they come across them. Take a look at some of the vids as to what happens should a random wander into the middle of them.

Now, assuming CIG can fix their networking and make it so that potentially hundreds are sharing a server/instance, they won't be able to dominate the server. There will be more randoms coming across them. Now, this is an online game, so there will be griefers and gankers (whose behaviour i do not condone), but also just people who are not like that, but they come across a group of people all stood around saluting Rex while he parades up and down shouting and shouting about their mission and stuff.

Now, you tell me, you came across that sort of scene, and you just happened to have a grenade on you, you wouldn't be tempted to lob the grenade into the middle of them and watch the chaos?

I'm by no stretch of the imagination a griefer or a ganker, but even i'd find that funny as hell. Now just imagine what will happen if it is a griefer.
Latest from The Agent

  • surprise announcement of additional platforms supposedly coming this year (a rumor I've heard for like 2 years running btw)
  • more hardware tech bundles coming, including one with faceware (mentioned previously)
  • several people have mentioned, however, that the faceware camera is now completely dead
  • hardware production issues, lack of software improvements by CIG and potential legal issues have killed it, according to rumor
  • camera might be resurrected by a cheap 3rd party from china (restated rumor from last year)
  • demo levels of sq42, including mess hall / latrine character gen and PU character crossover ready to preview by q4 this year
  • lots of chatter now about "offline character" / "offline experience" replacing "single player" as the go-to phrase for squadron 42
  • anything you've purchased in the PU can be flown by your "offline character"
  • "The offline experience is as expansive, awe-inspiring and fulfilling as the PU. There's a thousand hours of gameplay there."
  • certain currencies can be taken from the offline experience and taken into the PU
  • same goes for ships -- buy one offline with in-game currency and take it online
  • an "open universe offline experience"
  • the storyline for sq42 is "just the beginning"
  • mine, farm, trade and take missions after the story has concluded, including taking over stations and cities via combat or economically
  • ability to hire other PU players as offline characters to crew your ships

As usual, take it all as nothing more than rumours.

Is this CIG getting ready to acknowledge that the hundreds or thousands of players in an instance is never going to happen. I hear server meshing has been pushed back again and isn't even on the current roadmap.

  • ability to hire other PU players as offline characters to crew your ships

I'm going to hire Montoya and make him mop the floor of my Idris... once i've earned one in game :D


@Goose4291, I'm guessing it's an 'ED has major flaws, therefore criticising other space games is hypocritical' strand that drives you? Or something comparable? You do seem to get very wound up about it all for someone who doesn't have a dog in the fight ¯\(ツ)

It's an odd one to put into words.

At a base level I don't like the way some people are treating this like we're around the back of the bike sheds windmilling with keys in our hands over whether a Super Nintendo or Mega Drive is better over two very different space games, and cite for example, how something (such as lengthy travel times in Elite) are 'great and immersive' whereas lengthy travel times in SC make it rubbish and doomed to fail. Or when someone like Sovapid or Mole calls someone on why their nonsense isn't true (because, they've actually played the game, whereas most of us here haven't) move the goalposts of their complaint, as well as apply it to anyone who challenges the consensus this thread has, that star citizen is somehow bad and anyone who isn't saying this is equally inherently so (e.g. the way Tippis is ignoring my original point that an Article in a 'mainstream' magazine like Forbes isn't going to be the downfall of SC like some were saying in here a month or so back, and has now moved onto personal attacks with a hint of strawman, in the hopes I'll retaliate so they can report me for moderation, shut me down for a while and consider the discussion 'won').

This extends further when everything is overanalysed to the nth degree as to why the project will fail (such as the court case), with people acting like armchair lawyers/accountants (as someone who managed small firm accounts from my teenage years, I actually cringe whenever it gets to the time of year for CiG to submit their paperwork and I read some of the stuff posted here) and when their findings don't come to pass, suddenly this was always going to be the case and its just tweaked to being another step before the final straw which is definitely this stage (look at the Crytek court case throughout the last iteration of this thread to see what I mean).

As to why I get wound up... what annoys me is to be (somewhat flippant) the Jar-Jar scene from Spaced.

Bilbo Bagshot: I was like you once. Blonde hair. Scraggly little beard. Childlike ears. Full of beans, and spunk. I let my principles get in the way of things. I punched a bloke in the face once for saying Hawk the Slayer was rubbish.
Tim: Good for you.
Bilbo Bagshot: Yeah, thanks. But that's not the point, Tim. The point is I was defending the fantasy genre with terminal intensity, when what I should have said was "Dad, you're right - but let's give Krull a try, and we'll discuss it later. [pause] The Phantom Menacewas eighteen months ago, Tim!

I've been at that level of obsession with gaming. I remember the guy who may or may not have been having a heart attack mid-battle in EvE who's Corp mates were screaming at him to fight through it, because he was running one of their titans, and the vitriol that poor chap incurred for the bank of EvE madness.

We're all here (for the most part) well on our ways to middle age, and should know better.
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roflmao now they're going for full blown skyrim/gta/x series style open world for the sqd42? roflmao, can't wait for the comedic technical nightmares news from players who alpha test them.


Latest from The Agent

  • lots of chatter now about "offline character" / "offline experience" replacing "single player" as the go-to phrase for squadron 42
  • anything you've purchased in the PU can be flown by your "offline character"
  • "The offline experience is as expansive, awe-inspiring and fulfilling as the PU. There's a thousand hours of gameplay there."
  • certain currencies can be taken from the offline experience and taken into the PU
  • same goes for ships -- buy one offline with in-game currency and take it online
  • an "open universe offline experience"

I'm not fully getting this. While I understand they're rebranding Sq42's 'single player content' as 'offline content' in line with current industry buzzphrasing, doesn't SQ42's whole concept conflict massively with this seen as originally (as I recall) the idea was you could play SQ42 and import your character into SC?

Also, it's military in space. Not mercenary auxiliary 'bring your own kit' nonsense.
(e.g. the way Tippis is ignoring my original point that an Article in a 'mainstream' magazine like Forbes isn't going to be the downfall of SC like some were saying in here a month or so back, and has now moved onto personal attacks with a hint of strawman, in the hopes I'll retaliate so they can report me for moderation, shut me down for a while and consider the discussion 'won').
Yeah, this is just nonsense.

I was not ignoring your “original point” because it was simply not the topic I was discussing. This was pointed out in the very first post and in every subsequent one as well so it would require a galactic pair of blinders to not notice exactly what post and what comment was the actual source of the topic at hand. The discussion was already on a tangent when I came in, so if there was any movement of goalposts, it was on your end because you did not want to speak on that topic. I did not move on to anything — I simply tried to make you address the very simple point that ECity made. You refused, instead trying to drag a wholly unrelated matter into the discussion because you couldn't/wouldn't actually respond to any of that.

You're seemingly obsessed with calling people obsessed and with generally disparaging everyone in this thread. This is not a matter about trying to make you retaliate or goad you into making a report-worthy post — it's a matter of you being a troll throwing out accusations and then immediately playing the victim when people call you on it. You refuse to back up any of your claims, which is why I will keep referring to them as hallucinations: because you have not given me the slightest shred of a reason to think they're anything else.

We're all here (for the most part) well on our ways to middle age, and should know better.
Lead by example, then. Stop making broad accusations and then refusing to own what you say. Read what people say, rather than go after some strawman argument you're hoping that they're discussing. Stop moving the goalposts when it becomes clear that your imagination did not match up with reality. What was that accusation you threw out a while back that you (as always) refused to actually back up…? It seems rather applicable here.
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As I've said a few times, I think we're misconstruing what they're saying which is that the mainstream gaming community will snap it up and buy it on release, as well as folk like myself sat on the fence, and I'm not a massive Chris Roberts fanboy but they may have a point (note the stress on may) when you consider how 'mainstream' by the standards of it's time Wing Commander 3 was.

It's this whole topic that I find weird/interesting - the assumption (or hope) that there will be a wider audience for Star Citizen and/or SQ42. CIG have already taken ~$250m in pre-orders* for their games which, I imagine, is a very large chunk of their target market and all of the pre-order/1st week purchase crowd.

The days of Wing Commander 3 are very, very over. The gaming world has changed massively. WC3 is 25 years old. PC ownership demographics are vastly different now - back then PC ownership was still very niche (I know - I had one, a vastly expensive 386/33 machine with 4MB RAM, 100MB HDD that cost as much as a used car when I bought it in 1992) and nerd-driven, so space games esp ones that tried to do something new - cinematics - had a wider audience** in that pool. CIG are offering nothing new, Planetside 2 does large-scale FPS fighting, ED has the flight model & trade, and single-player FPS space games haven't exactly done the numbers that their publishers hoped for.

Bar the few people sitting on the sidelines waiting for a finished product before purchasing, I can't see a market for SC/SQ42 on the PC. It's already been saturated. If they're potentially looking at consoles for a wider audience then that's very, erm, brave of them.

I don't know. I just think that CIG have put themselves in a cleft stick with their business model.

EDIT: Apologies if waffly. Thinking out loud, so to speak. I just think that CIG are screwed if they actually release their games.

* $250m is over 4.1m copies of a $60 game, just to put that figure into context wrt sales of AAA games.

** I played WC2. Didn't get on with it: I thought that the story was simultaneously both overblown and dull, plus the actual space combat kinda sucked. I was an avid RPG/tabletop gamer, Scifi movie & book nut so perfect audience for the Wing Commander series. Oops.
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