My two bobs worth.. Star Citizen will never leave Alpha stage. Well not on my lifetime. If they do, than everyone that got sucked into backing this supposed project (including myself) cannot or are unable to purchase another rig to run the game they can't themselves run. Haven't they gone way beyond their own capabilities? IMHO they are running out of resources. All is promised.. Nothing is shown for it. I so regret getting sucked in..
I dunno...I'm quite enjoying the ride in a perverse way. I enjoy bits of it, sigh with resignation at most of it and remain curiously interested in how Ci¬G's devs can develop something at least worthwhile out of the whole fiasco... despite Chris Roberts and his fantasies, blatant plagiarism, mismanagement and his sole ambition to see himself back in Hollywood.
If anything comes of Star Citizen at all, it'll be the devs that rescue it despite being handicapped at every turn in it's long and troubled existence. Realistically, there's not much room left for the survival of the BDSSE, a vanishing budget being squandered at every turn by insane design focus and pointless fluff, the dreaded Roberts feature creep and financial suicide... which is the
only thing he's managed succesfully as a developer (or movie director) in his entire's killing the project at every turn with no sign of abatement... desite the warnings having been writ large enough to see from the imaginary space he assumes sole credit for.
I suspect; like most of us, the grand project will achieve absolutely nothing except to have made the family Roberts extremely rich...lets hope it gains Chris Roberts the industry pariah status he so rightly deserves...lets also hope the same doesn't ring true for the very talented devs that have carried him throughout and made what
is in Star Citizen currently, playable at all.