The Star Citizen Thread V10

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I'm waiting for Chris to claim "I'm as disappointed with the progress as you, the backers are. The scope you wanted is currently beyond the capability of desktop hardware and I have ordered a pause in development to reassess the goals." And then release a sub-par game, followed by asking for more money to eventually fulfil the backers dreams.

If the backers can dream the game, I can dream the possible ends :)
I'm waiting for Chris to claim "I'm as disappointed with the progress as you, the backers are. The scope you wanted is currently beyond the capability of desktop hardware and I have ordered a pause in development to reassess the goals." And then release a sub-par game, followed by asking for more money to eventually fulfil the backers dreams.

If the backers can dream the game, I can dream the possible ends :)
And it will be praised by the faithful
And it will be praised by the faithful

And developed by procedurally generated handcrafted probability volumes using tokenised server meshing container streaming pipelines maximizing the benefits of flexible implementation whilst maintaining the agile remoted rigor of purposefully focused Vison (tm) to retain the achievable blockchained deliverable of the BDSSE at locus of the menticulate Best Thing EVAH!

Buy an Idris!
I'm waiting for Chris to claim "I'm as disappointed with the progress as you, the backers are. The scope you wanted is currently beyond the capability of desktop hardware and I have ordered a pause in development to reassess the goals." And then release a sub-par game, followed by asking for more money to eventually fulfil the backers dreams.

If the backers can dream the game, I can dream the possible ends :)
Like he'd stop there. More likely he'd start saying he's developing new hardware and would like you to contribute to this new endeavour. Here's a pic of the awesome new video card they'll be making, only $27K to "invest" now. Something, something never before seen tech....
And developed by procedurally generated handcrafted probability volumes using tokenised server meshing container streaming pipelines maximizing the benefits of flexible implementation whilst maintaining the agile remoted rigor of purposefully focused Vison (tm) to retain the achievable blockchained deliverable of the BDSSE at locus of the menticulate Best Thing EVAH!

Buy an Idris!

That was... art.
My two bobs worth.. Star Citizen will never leave Alpha stage. Well not on my lifetime. If they do, than everyone that got sucked into backing this supposed project (including myself) cannot or are unable to purchase another rig to run the game they can't themselves run. Haven't they gone way beyond their own capabilities? IMHO they are running out of resources. All is promised.. Nothing is shown for it. I so regret getting sucked in..
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Volunteer Moderator
My two bobs worth.. Star Citizen will never leave Alpha stage. Well not on my lifetime. If they do, than everyone that got sucked into backing this supposed project (including myself) cannot or are unable to purchase another rig to run the game they can't themselves run. Haven't they gone way beyond their own capabilities? IMHO they are running out of resources and are trying to get more funding through hmmm what's the old saying "hey... we've created another ship.. wanna buy it???" All is promised.. Nothing is shown for it. I so regret getting sucked in..

I think CIG is seriously considering some kind of Early Access form, and that could mean leaving Alpha state. Obviously even Early Access would be a far cry from the vision of the BDSSE and in doing that Chris Roberts also would be breaking a significant number of delivery promises at the roadside. Early Access allows CIG to have a check mark at the "game delivered" category while avoiding exposure to all down sides of an actual delivery such as formal critic reviews and liability for not fulfilling key promises.

Having said that I also think the 2020 SQ42 beta milestone is going to be key for the whole thing and should bring a bit of closure to this whole ordeal. I suspect the delivery of SQ42 may be tied to contractual obligations for returns on the Calder´s investments, and if that is the case it is going to be much more difficult for Chris Roberts to get away with it than it would be with the backers.

If the SQ42 beta is demonstrably delivered as planned next year, and it is reasonably good, then the project would recover much of the trust of the community and even some detractors´. If the SQ42 beta is not delivered or it is delivered but it demonstrably sucks the critics and detractors ranks will grow exponentially pushing the project to a very low sustainability state. Either way these two scenarios will bring us significant closure.

There is a middle ground though. Or there would be if the Calders weren´t here. It is a middle ground in which Chris Roberts seem to excel. That of putting out some kind of shiny demo suggesting all is well and it is coming soon. This has worked many times so far for him. The difference now is that I am not sure if the Calder´s contractual arrangements will allow for more delays.
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My two bobs worth.. Star Citizen will never leave Alpha stage. Well not on my lifetime. If they do, than everyone that got sucked into backing this supposed project (including myself) cannot or are unable to purchase another rig to run the game they can't themselves run. Haven't they gone way beyond their own capabilities? IMHO they are running out of resources. All is promised.. Nothing is shown for it. I so regret getting sucked in..
I dunno...I'm quite enjoying the ride in a perverse way. I enjoy bits of it, sigh with resignation at most of it and remain curiously interested in how Ci¬G's devs can develop something at least worthwhile out of the whole fiasco... despite Chris Roberts and his fantasies, blatant plagiarism, mismanagement and his sole ambition to see himself back in Hollywood.

If anything comes of Star Citizen at all, it'll be the devs that rescue it despite being handicapped at every turn in it's long and troubled existence. Realistically, there's not much room left for the survival of the BDSSE, a vanishing budget being squandered at every turn by insane design focus and pointless fluff, the dreaded Roberts feature creep and financial suicide... which is the only thing he's managed succesfully as a developer (or movie director) in his entire's killing the project at every turn with no sign of abatement... desite the warnings having been writ large enough to see from the imaginary space he assumes sole credit for.

I suspect; like most of us, the grand project will achieve absolutely nothing except to have made the family Roberts extremely rich...lets hope it gains Chris Roberts the industry pariah status he so rightly deserves...lets also hope the same doesn't ring true for the very talented devs that have carried him throughout and made what is in Star Citizen currently, playable at all.
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I’m seeing increased disgruntlednessness on the YouTube comments section,in game t-shirts as a subscriber perk was not well received.How are the official forums reacting?
My two bobs worth.. Star Citizen will never leave Alpha stage. Well not on my lifetime. If they do, than everyone that got sucked into backing this supposed project (including myself) cannot or are unable to purchase another rig to run the game they can't themselves run. Haven't they gone way beyond their own capabilities? IMHO they are running out of resources. All is promised.. Nothing is shown for it. I so regret getting sucked in..

I think that SQ42 might be done 2020 but unless they REALLY have the tools to simply "populate" systems with all the planets, moons, locations and all the missions and all that stuff, not to mention a proper well functioning server meshing system it will take YEARS before the persistent universe part is "done".

They have talked about a 5 system start so they will create the bare minimum pool of systems and then, if they have the cash, move on from there.
Well, my annual check-in to see if any progress has been made on SC looks like the same as last year and the year before. Lots of upbeat promises of what is to come, new shiny things to distract everyone and no real game as yet.

Oh well, we'll see what happens in 2020 :)
Well, my annual check-in to see if any progress has been made on SC looks like the same as last year and the year before. Lots of upbeat promises of what is to come, new shiny things to distract everyone and no real game as yet.

Oh well, we'll see what happens in 2020 :)
At this point I’m considering this may well be an elaborate psychological test to see who are the most gullible humans on the planet.
The winners get a refund and a free ticket on the human expedition to colonise Jupiter!
I’m seeing increased disgruntlednessness on the YouTube comments section,in game t-shirts as a subscriber perk was not well received.How are the official forums reacting?
The usual Ci¬G shill type culprits are bigging it up...the majority are quite rightly asking... whats the point of T-shirts in a game where you can choke to death in your own spaceship while wearing a spacesuit?

I can't even remove my helmet in the majority of space stations due to the insanely overcomplicated formula they've used to work out atmospheres and airlocks dealing with the dodgy gaffer taped together environment spaces. If you can physically fall through the floor or glitch through walls, floors, doors and ship hulls...not much chance of those areas holding air either.

The T-shirts are only of value to those creepy folks who like hangar you ever visit your personal hangar in the first place, the hangar modules are completely pointless and part of SC that was never followed up on or developed into what they were supposed to be. At the end of the day, subbies want ships and stuff like fancy spacesuits or weapons they can actually show off and use in the PU.
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