You forgot immersion
The FPS is looking good. It reminds me a little of Star Wars Republic Commando. Game play seems like a mix of Call of Duty style maps plus ARMA gun play.
I'm hoping that Frontier go the direction of "A Fist Full of Frags" for ED's gun play, with a focus on pistols and tech. No sniper rifles or assault rifles.
And killing hopefully is only done out of necessity, not because it's cool.
So wrong on many Levels, they developed the technology so that what you see in FPS is the same as in 3rd Person, with the rendering of the eye movement independent from the head, this allows for fidelity while moving that makes you see what you and the others do exactly as its happening.
Star Citizen will have persistent death on the PU so i don't think most of the people will be killing others just because it's cool
Arena Commander will be for that!
Btw any ideia how will ED handle players death in fps? Does it have perma-death also?
ED will have two modes, normal and ironman.
In normal your pilot auto ejects from the ship when it get's destroyed and you spawn at the last station you docked at.
In ironman you need to manually eject, if you don't you're dead and your character is downgraded to a normal mode character.
Normal and ironman players will be in different instances.
Check this for more info
I think the crosshair is drawn on the helmet visor according to where you actually have the barrel of the gun pointed. I don't see why that's a bad choice.
Star Citizen will have persistent death on the PU so I don't think most of the people will be killing others just because it's cool
Arena Commander will be for that!
Btw any ideia how will ED handle players death in fps? Does it have perma-death also?
That depends on what you mean by persistent death, CIG have already stated that each char will have a set number of "lives", before they truly die. Even then all your stuff just gets given to another char that you create. So not really persistent death like you think of in other games.
Just have the gun shoot at the center of the screen, and let the player move their virtual head/body with the mouse. No need to simulate those two separately.
Nice interview with the SC FPS Module guy for MMORPG.COM >
Also some screenshots from the FPS Live Show >
And the introduction Video: