Thread winning comment
(or I'm a bit drunk - it's one or the other...

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You trapped their head in a window???
(SA has a paywall now

ah sorry! let's hope I don't get a violation for this. If I do, I'm blaming you!
Here goes....
Man, some of you are tiresome. And ignorant. And a waste of time.
Please explain to me - in English, not Gibberish, which part of those Tweets was actually unclear, and/or written in Gibberish or Swahili.
I get tips regularly. Most of it from people who think I'm dumb enough to just post something without at least doing the research, getting corroboration from sources etc. I just happened to be sent a massive info dump, complete with files, folders etc.
The last time something like that happen - though that one pales in comparison to this recent dump - was the Dennison post on Facebook. I shared it in a blog, then had to take it down when he reached out to let me know that it wasn't public. ofc by that time, it was already making the media rounds. I pulled it anyway.
Yes - I
can mention some of the stuff sent to me, and share it in an upcoming blog. I neither said
which blog, nor
when such a blog would even be published.
No - I
cannnot mention some of the stuff sent to me, nor share it in an upcoming blog; without it being
thoroughly vetted and cleared by various legal entities familiar with
that sort of thing. Especially since some of that material probably belongs in the hands of
law enforcement, not some guy's blog.
In fact, prior to that dump, and the CitizenCon2016 disaster, I had
two blogs in the works. One "Star Citizen - The Think Tank" about the lead/primary devs at all four studios; and the other "Star Citizen - Year Five" about where we are a year later (in the same vein as my "Star Citizen - Year Four" blog from last Nov).
I had
NO plans to write a blog about CitizenCon.
However, following the show, I was going to do a scoop article,
similar to the one I did for GamesCom2016.
The disaster (depending on who you ask) that was CitizenCon, all of which played
out live in my Twitch channel, prompted me to write
another blog about the implications of this event, and which I will publish at some point this week.
The notion that my sole purpose is to "
tear down and/or destroy Star Citizen", is
unfounded bull . Sure, I am about the project, and the fact that an entire company and
some their anti-social nut job "fans"decided that vilifying me was a very sensible thing to do. But at the same time, I have to be
responsible enough to know that some things are very destructive; and regardless of merit - or the lolz - should be subject to much thought. I'm not in this for the lolz. I never was. Anyone thinking that, simply hasn't been paying attention.
Yes, most of us
DO want to see CIG/RSI in a legal setting so that the backers (at least those who care enough) can get accountability for the
project and the
money. I have NO doubt in my mind that it will happen. It's only a matter of time. However, at the same time, getting mired in legal action over peripheral bull , regardless of how long it takes to get around to the
core (money) Star Citizen matter, is a waste of my time. Not to mention a waste of legal fees; insurance or not.
Finally, let me just cut and paste what I wrote yesterday on my Discord channel:
tbh, it's not about "giving up". it's more about some people seem to have this misplaced opinion that my goal is to try and "convince" them of anything.
you guys who have been around know that's not my goal. being focused, borderline autistic, goal driven, means that there is very little room to deviate from the reason that I am engaged in this. I could be raging on any number of games (and God knows I own quite a few); including the debacles with NMS, Mafia3 etc. But none of those put me in the circumstance that I find myself in.
my goal is simple: vindication
a corporation, and their rabid fans, decided to vilify me for daring to speak out on a game that I saw heading into disaster. had that not happened, I would have lost interest after the noise of the July 2015 blog died down; and it won't be any different from the stories I post and discuss on social media - especially on Facebook.
when you're a notable industry figure, not just some anon moron (see Lethality, Cymelion and their ilk), it's hard to "disengage" from that sort of thing. and if you're me, who simply doesn't take too kindly to bullying and the like, well then.
I never have - nor do I wish for - the project to die. it is immaterial to me.
my involvement is no different from any number of causes that people pick up and champion. be it immigration reform, banking reform, save the whales, anit-vac etc. for me, it's more of a cause, than it is a vendetta - and simply because I have spent almost 30 years in this biz, and win, lose, draw, what happens to this project, directly affects me. I abhor the idea of caging animals in zoos, I have never been to Seaworld etc, but you don't see me writing tomes about that.
the key here is that the project has evolved into a scam. I believe it. I also believe that they have acted irresponsibly, and illegally. to the extent that I have spent my own money, pursuing this so that I can get a better grip and understanding of the extent of it. and sadly, being semi-retired means that I have way more time on my hands than I normally would.