The Star Citizen Thread v5

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So I'm guessing that ANYONE with anything remotely positive to say about SC is going to be ridiculed on these forums now?

When/(IF) it gets released I fully realise it's not going to be anywhere near as good as some people say (just like NMS), but in equal measure it's going to be nowhere near as BAD as some of you lot say.

What are you basing your prediction on ?.

I think it'll suck as a sub-standard MVP or fail prior to release, this is based on glacial progress and RSI/CiG's obsession with mo-cap and pointless extra's (sandworms !, hat shopping !, PG birds) whilst ignoring the broken pre-pre-birthday-alpha and the ploptastic flight model. I know they currently claim to be fixing the flight model again, but that's a bit like (on again off again weeks not months already in the game) star marine which is all mouth and no space-trousers.

This is not a good thing, it's a tragic waste of funding for space games.
So I'm guessing that ANYONE with anything remotely positive to say about SC is going to be ridiculed on these forums now?
No, but people who say dumb stuff will always be ridiculed online and offline. Thats why I always recommend people to think before to communicate with others.

When/(IF) it gets released I fully realise it's not going to be anywhere near as good as some people say (just like NMS), but in equal measure it's going to be nowhere near as BAD as some of you lot say.
Heh, so its back to 'my imagination trumps evidence/logic/facts'.
So I'm guessing that ANYONE with anything remotely positive to say about SC is going to be ridiculed on these forums now?

When/(IF) it gets released I fully realise it's not going to be anywhere near as good as some people say (just like NMS), but in equal measure it's going to be nowhere near as BAD as some of you lot say.
Errr not really. Say something positive without sinking into cultism and marketing hyperbole, and you will get very leveled, nice discussion. If SC Alpha 3.0 drops tomorrow, believe me, we will be all watching videos and praising good things we see there. We are space sim geeks after all, we like new shiny things. Major issue is that project delivers disappointment after disappointment. I never ever had agenda on hating SC. It's just a game. Some people treat it it will destroy ED or other games - but that's heir problem, not mine. There's lot of harsh criticism directed towards things *around* game - management issues, way marketing works and crowdfunding is handled, issues with refunds in the past, display of incompetence (might be also more in past than now), cultlike fan base which try to silence any dissidents. You know there's saying 'It's not that I don't like God, it is his fanbase I can't stand'. Having project surrounded by yes men doesn't help - it is constant thug of war we fight also here. I am pretty much FD defender, but I have to admit without critics we wouldn't get lot of improvements we get in 2.2 for example. This has been learning experience for me. For the sake of project, it should be ridiculed, loudly. Because that's how projects grow and thrive. Positivism only goes that far.
When/(IF) it gets released I fully realise it's not going to be anywhere near as good as some people say (just like NMS), but in equal measure it's going to be nowhere near as BAD as some of you lot say.
Right, so if it releases the best thing we'll be able to say about it is "well, it could have been worse"? What a wonderful endorsement of the game and its development.
This is not a good thing, it's a tragic waste of funding for space games.

Have to say I agree really. If only SC would give it up as a bad job and all those lovely space-sim fans instead got into spending all; that cash through a similarly "fidelitous, never been done before and immersive" game into it's third, fourth, fifth and sixth seasons (and beyond). If only there was such a space game already playable and released ...

And this;

I've had the most entertainment from a game I've never purchased

So I'm guessing that ANYONE with anything remotely positive to say about SC is going to be ridiculed on these forums now?

When/(IF) it gets released I fully realise it's not going to be anywhere near as good as some people say (just like NMS), but in equal measure it's going to be nowhere near as BAD as some of you lot say.

Not really. If someone has a positive opinion about aspects of what is currently playable, then that's fine - if they claim that those aspects are more than they really are, then they will be called out on it.
Positivity towards the demos and marketing coming out of CIG tends to be called out as they (CIG) have not had a good track record of delivering playable updates to backers, and what has been released is viewed by many as sub-par. Many of us (as is my perception) find the constant "hell yeah, this is going to be the BDSSE honestly, CR has invented everything, buy some more ships" wearysome - to the point where many posters have become sarcastic and cynical.
Personally, I would love to be "silenced" and "proved wrong" by CIG sucessfully releasing something enjoyable to play.
So I'm guessing that ANYONE with anything remotely positive to say about SC is going to be ridiculed on these forums now?
It depends of the day, some days you might get a good discussion, other days some people will call you CR, Sandi(or someone else) or or tell you that you are another forum user with a new account.
When/(IF) it gets released I fully realise it's not going to be anywhere near as good as some people say (just like NMS), but in equal measure it's going to be nowhere near as BAD as some of you lot say.
I agree :)
Have to say I agree really. If only SC would give it up as a bad job and all those lovely space-sim fans instead got into spending all; that cash through a similarly "fidelitous, never been done before and immersive" game into it's third, fourth, fifth and sixth seasons (and beyond). If only there was such a space game already playable and released ...

Star citizen as pitched would have been nice, but the lifeboats been ejected on that already.

What could over a hundred million have paid for instead ?, ED's doing fine they don't need it (but would like it no doubt)

I'd like to see

Tachyon 2
Freespace 3
Babylon 5 starfury pilot
X-wing/tie fighter remake or new version (you could recycle the story, missions, voice acting, music, and even the ship balance from the originals)
I-war 3
X-com interceptor (maybe not)
Another x-game (that isn't rebirth)
Battlestar Galactica viper pilot
Not really. If someone has a positive opinion about aspects of what is currently playable, then that's fine - if they claim that those aspects are more than they really are, then they will be called out on it.
Positivity towards the demos and marketing coming out of CIG tends to be called out as they (CIG) have not had a good track record of delivering playable updates to backers, and what has been released is viewed by many as sub-par. Many of us (as is my perception) find the constant "hell yeah, this is going to be the BDSSE honestly, CR has invented everything, buy some more ships" wearysome - to the point where many posters have become sarcastic and cynical.
Personally, I would love to be "silenced" and "proved wrong" by CIG sucessfully releasing something enjoyable to play.

The thing that gets me is when the rabid Star Citizen fans talk about how gutted us Elite fans will be when Star Citizen comes out, and we find we've "backed the wrong horse".

Not really. I didn't pay thousands of Dollars to play Elite. I've still got enough money to buy Star Citizen. If it ever does come out as a Minimum Viable Product, I'd wait a bit first to see if they add to it first.
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Star citizen as pitched would have been nice, but the lifeboats been ejected on that already.

What could over a hundred million have paid for instead ?, ED's doing fine they don't need it (but would like it no doubt)

I'd like to see

Tachyon 2
Freespace 3
Babylon 5 starfury pilot
X-wing/tie fighter remake or new version (you could recycle the story, missions, voice acting, music, and even the ship balance from the originals)
I-war 3
X-com interceptor (maybe not)
Another x-game (that isn't rebirth)
Battlestar Galactica viper pilot

I'd love a new Mercenary and a new Starglider.
But something attracts me towards it; if only to experience the car crash first-hand.

So, if I were to purchase a package, what would you recommend? ('Idris' is not an acceptable answer) :)

Well, that depends on how hard of a crash you wish to experience ?

Aurora/Mustang package: minor crash, minor excitement. You get what you paid for, so don't expect too much. You will probably end up with just minor bruises and forget about the whole thing in a month.

Freelancer package: a bit stronger crash, medium excitement. A step up from Aurora, this package will give you additional punch once things go awry. You will end up a bit miffed and battered, but will recover in 2-3 months.

Constellation package: a step up from Freelancer, but still medium excitement. First ship that gives a feeling "too much is not enough" and hooks you up on experience of losing money.

Battle pack: why stop at Constellation? Experience your first real excitement of losing considerable amounts of money with Battle pack. Big crash, big excitement. You will probably end up baffled why and how you even got yourself into this situation. Recovery depends, but it's usually within a year.

The in-between packs: these packs provide increments of crash experience with excitements varying from big to "wth". Recovery depends on severity of crashes, from possible to less possible.

The Completionist: only the sky is the limit, because that's where you're going after this crash. Biggest major crash, biggest excitement. Nothing can be compared to it, only the few can afford it. Once it goes down you will wonder what hit you and what's happening. You may also experience strange side effects, such as - where's my family, where's my job, where's my house, where's my car and where am I? Total confusion, total bliss. Recovery is not guaranteed, but that's what you get with this, only the best package for your best experience.
Well its your money, however I would wait until CIG actually delivers a game, AKA release it.

Yeah, i'd go with this. At one point i might have backed SC, but considering its state and progression, i'd hold off. If they don't have enough money by now, they never will. If they do, they don't need my money now, and i'd be taking less risk by waiting. Yeah, it might cost more on release, but there again, at least i'd have a much better idea of what i'm paying for and zero risk of not getting a game.
The thing that gets me is when the rabid Star Citizen fans talk about how gutted us Elite fans will be when Star Citizen comes out, and we find we've "backed the wrong horse".

I never understood those types of comments. It might be a good game, but there are many good games out there i have no interest in. ED is a great game for me, and its set in the Elite universe, one i have been part of for 30+ years. SC simply cannot provide the same experience no matter what bells and whistles they add to it. For all its faults and (what i see as) developer missteps, ED is the game i want to play. However, if i ever get the itch to do some farming in space, and ED doesn't have that, i know which game will/might have it.
Star citizen as pitched would have been nice, but the lifeboats been ejected on that already.

What could over a hundred million have paid for instead ?, ED's doing fine they don't need it (but would like it no doubt)

I'd like to see

Tachyon 2
Freespace 3
Babylon 5 starfury pilot
X-wing/tie fighter remake or new version (you could recycle the story, missions, voice acting, music, and even the ship balance from the originals)
I-war 3
X-com interceptor (maybe not)
Another x-game (that isn't rebirth)
Battlestar Galactica viper pilot

Babylon 5 Starfury pilot is currently available as a mod for FreeSpace2 (The Babylon Project)
Battlestar Galactica Viper Pilot is currently available as a total conversion mod for FreeSpace2 (Disapora - it's a short SP campaign, but really well done)
The Star Wars thing is also being done as a mod in FreeSpace2 open (Fate of the Galaxy), and yours truly is in the process of converting all the missions from the original X-Wing/Tie Fighter games - actually, I am developing software to automatically convert the missions between formats - well mostly convert, some bits will still need manual attention.

All the above mods/addons are free - all you need is FS2.
I only really have two questions about Star Citizen ... 1) When can I start trading and making money? ... 2) When can I stop being Generic Male #1 and start customizing my character?
The thing that gets me is when the rabid Star Citizen fans talk about how gutted us Elite fans will be when Star Citizen comes out, and we find we've "backed the wrong horse".

Not really. I didn't pay thousands of Dollars to play Elite. I've still got enough money to buy Star Citizen. If it ever does come out as a Minimum Viable Product, I'd wait a bit first to see if they add to it first.
It is reverse psychology. They feel there should be ultimate game - Orlando waved that old page just few posts away - and that should be a winner. It is absurd on so many levels, but that feeling certainly isn't exclusive to SC vs. ED - see recent Paladins vs. Overwatch fallout. Thus they backed SC because they thought it is no brainer. For years, they have treated ED as something they will play while waiting for SC. Now they start slowly "understand" that there's threat ED might be that ultimate game, not SC. Yeah, it is ridiculous as it sounds.

I strongly believe that this "ultimate game rullz" crowd is reason why SC is off the rails. They never questioned scope creep. They always cheer for "moar features". They also derailed idea of SC being space sim primarily. Yes, it's a cult.

I always wanted Elite space game with multiplayer. SC does or plan to do so many things differently that even if it was released I most likely still would play ED. Doesn't mean I wouldn't check out. SC looks visually nice, and detailed ships are really something they can build upon. Shame that there's nothing yet.

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I only really have two questions about Star Citizen ... 1) When can I start trading and making money? ... 2) When can I stop being Generic Male #1 and start customizing my character?
Factually, trading should come in SC Alpha 3.0. We don't know release date yet.
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Jex =TE=

Bingo. My problem with the whole thing.

Recent interview where CR is saying that scope is dependent on monthly income: at 9:21

Completely insane.

This interview is what made me have real problems with CIG aka thinking that this is all deliberate vs simple mismangement.

That's not what was said at all! You watched that and that's what you thought? He said they base decisions on how much they make every month, just like any company would AND they have money in reserve.

Talk about a massive misrepresentation of the facts. I'll be sure to take anything you say in the future as nonsense.

additional: Another thing, take of your rose coloured specs. There's no company going to stop selling things LMAO - are people seriously asking why they're still selling stuff?
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That's not what was said at all! You watched that and that's what you thought? He said they base decisions on how much they make every month, just like any company would AND they have money in reserve.

Talk about a massive misrepresentation of the facts. I'll be sure to take anything you say in the future as nonsense.

additional: Another thing, take of your rose coloured specs. There's no company going to stop selling things LMAO - are people seriously asking why they're still selling stuff?

Before that CIG claimed they have all money they need to make game - and that was when they had 65M USD. Now scope is dependent on monthly income? That doesn't sound that there's much left from previous reserves.
I only really have two questions about Star Citizen ... 1) When can I start trading and making money? ... 2) When can I stop being Generic Male #1 and start customizing my character?

Trading should be in the Magical 3.0 patch AFAIK. Which should theoretically be released dec 2016, but which by all accounts doesnt yet exist. Dont know about character customization though.
Babylon 5 Starfury pilot is currently available as a mod for FreeSpace2 (The Babylon Project)
Battlestar Galactica Viper Pilot is currently available as a total conversion mod for FreeSpace2 (Disapora - it's a short SP campaign, but really well done)
The Star Wars thing is also being done as a mod in FreeSpace2 open (Fate of the Galaxy), and yours truly is in the process of converting all the missions from the original X-Wing/Tie Fighter games - actually, I am developing software to automatically convert the missions between formats - well mostly convert, some bits will still need manual attention.

All the above mods/addons are free - all you need is FS2.

Yep, played and enjoyed them all you can also get the free-space 1 campaign through it (free). Good luck with fate of the galaxy it's one of the only ones I haven't tried yet, can you post a link for it please. The FS2opensource stuff really deserves its own thread here, I'll start one but since your involved in it would you rather do it your information will more authoritative and accurate than mine.

The point I was making with my previous post is that I'd happily pay money for any or all of them.

(I've run out for rep for you, you've got one in the bank)
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