The Star Citizen Thread v5

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I think major thing is that we know Bioware usually knows what they want their game to be. I am afraid that CIG has very vague sense of *game* for SQ42 (for SC it might be different matter).
Say what you want about EA, they do produce good games. Not all the time, sure, and some are terrible, but it has produced some classics.

Hopefully ME:A will be one of them.
I think major thing is that we know Bioware usually knows what they want their game to be. I am afraid that CIG has very vague sense of *game* for SQ42 (for SC it might be different matter).

I believe the problem lies with Genuine Roberts having a very firm sense of what he wants in the game. He has SQ42 all planned out in his head - he just needs to communicate that to other people so that they can help put it into pixels.

Of course, what he wants changes every week, even hourly apparently - so the poor devs end up going round in circles.
I believe the problem lies with Genuine Roberts having a very firm sense of what he wants in the game. He has SQ42 all planned out in his head - he just needs to communicate that to other people so that they can help put it into pixels.

Of course, what he wants changes every week, even hourly apparently - so the poor devs end up going round in circles.

Do you think there will come a time that CR realizes that he can't do that? Like, that he will eventually come to his senses as the money runs out?

Or is any project he heads inevitably doomed, no matter what reality he is confronted with?
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I believe he honestly doesn't see a problem. His "vision" is immaculate - and if anything ever gets in the way of delivering it - it's the fault of some external factor he had absolutely no control over.
Blimey, the Citizens are trying to get money from other Citizens. Is there no end to this?

I wonder if this could be their poster? :)

I've posted this pic in other thread, but it's a good'un :)
originally from viz :
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I believe he honestly doesn't see a problem. His "vision" is immaculate - and if anything ever gets in the way of delivering it - it's the fault of some external factor he had absolutely no control over.

Whose fault will it be? Do you think he'll have the gonads to blame the backers for not continuing to pay up? Or his hapless developers who discovered all too late that the man is a terrible leader?
Do you think there will come a time that CR realizes that he can't do that? Like, that he will eventually come to his senses as the money runs out?

Or is any project he heads inevitably doomed, no matter what reality he is confronted with?

Judging by rumors - and I stress that those are rumors and we don't know full picture, although some light were shed upon by articles - he is prisoner of his own ego. I was him, I would have launched SC long time ago, it would keep bring money and would vet technology required for Squadron 42 that way. It is no brainer really. Why he insisted SC to be hostage of SQ42 I really don't understand. All of that "should have quality release" nonsense. It is nonsense, driven by stupid gamer entitlement, young gamers who know absolutely jack backside about development, just because they want "everything in one package". It is unattainable goal. Issue is that Chris really doesn't understand much neither of these things, obviously. He is a kid with a dream. So his unrealistic, unpractical approach on both games are driven and boosted by this fan base who really have no clue.

Judging by everything it is over. I don't believe they have majority of the money, I don't they have any product to release any time soon. And even if they manage to squeeze Squadron 42 in first quoter - judging by again rumors and some of official materials and even their own shown videos - it is hardly likely. After that there's ME: Andromeda, most likely Season 3 for ED (whatever form it will take), other spaces games, Infinity new title...Squadron 42 will have to be not good enough, but incredibly awesome. Yes, there have been games with troublesome history who turned out to be really something. If Squadron 42 doesn't sell well...there won't be much to go forward.
Whose fault will it be? Do you think he'll have the gonads to blame the backers for not continuing to pay up? Or his hapless developers who discovered all too late that the man is a terrible leader?
Those who talked SC 'down', those who didn't believe enough, technology for not being good enough, developers not available with the right skills, other companies for stealing his ideas.... everyone else.

Just look at his responses with previous games - nothing seems to have been learnt :(
Whose fault will it be? Do you think he'll have the gonads to blame the backers for not continuing to pay up? Or his hapless developers who discovered all too late that the man is a terrible leader?

Hopefully CIG will be able to release meaningful content soon - but if it all does go horribly wrong - I think it'll boil down to something like "Technology just cannot bring our dreams to the realisation they deserve. If only we had more time, if only we had more money, if only we had fewer blockers, if only we had an engine....." with a tearful eye, and the sound of a Porsche being taken out of valet parking.
If I got paid to play games and stream I would do it too...

I'm still super confused on why people want to watch other people play games, it is so strange.
If I got paid to play games and stream I would do it too...

I'm still super confused on why people want to watch other people play games, it is so strange.

I watch some of the pro players for some of the games that I like. I learn a lot about the balance of the game, and different techniques to use while playing. I also watch people play games that have just been released, to see if I want to make a purchase or not. Its how I decided to buy Titanfall 2 (amazing game), and skip CoD.
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Ok guys I had a chance to play COD IW and.....well FPS part is good as usual like in all cod games so nothing new there except that you are in the future and using some space-kalashnikov(for real),Graphics are nice and really well optimized,story line is kind a meh and a bit boring but cut scenes still looks and feels very I play a bit flying part and I must said that it is arcadie offcourse but it works so good and its filled with action non stop.... to summarise at this point I simply can not see how SQ 42 can reach all this standards in just few month from now(if that ever happens)......
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It surprises me how well informed some of the more ferocious star citizen backers are of what's being discussed in this thread.
Can't say I ever visit the star citizen forums to see if people are poking fun at Elite, wonder why that is...

...Oh right, because I enjoy playing games that are out and reading about the development of games that aren't. :p
Judging by rumors - and I stress that those are rumors and we don't know full picture, although some light were shed upon by articles - he is prisoner of his own ego.

Not exactly rumours. His own words tend to condemn him. Think it was one of the kotaku articles where he basically said that he gets rid of anyone who tries to tell him that something cannot be done. That has to create a certain level of fear in the company that you simply do not tell CR something cannot or shouldn't be done. So, presumably people either leave, or become yes men.

To my mind the biggest risk to SC is CR.,,, which is kind of a problem this time round, no MS to bail him out, just backers who will throw him more and more cash.
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