Hello all out there in the verse!
Back after a rather lengthy hiatus, its your friendly, neighborhood Meohfumado here with another Feedback thread. This time, our focus will be on the Mustang series. So here's your opportunity to be heard, and given recent 2.6 changes, I'm sure there are things you want to get your two cents in on.
So tell me what you think of the ship. Looking for the good, the bad and the ugly.
Keep in mind that feedback is feedback. As in prior threads, being a QA Manager, I have limited insight into when/what changes such feedback may lead to. My work tends to be done once the feedback is gathered and the report collated and sent off, and then I don't hear much until new revisions of ships are ready for testing (which may not be for quite a while). In addition, such feedback may not even affect the ship in question, but may go towards ensuring that any missteps made with existing ships are not repeated in the future with new ships. Nevertheless, good ideas are often incorporated, and as we continue to balance/rebalance/redesign things like ships and weapons, such ideas could very well make it into the game.
So while we encourage everyone to let us know how they feel, please remember that the development team all have their own opinions as well. So please do not take the consensus that may or may not be established in this thread as any sort of marching orders that we at CIG are bound to act upon.
Thank you all for your help, and for taking the time to aid us in making Star Citizen the best game that we can. We truly could not do it without you!
To help me with formatting and collating the feedback, please make General points, and also any points for specific variants kept separate. I also ask that you break it down according to the following categories:
- ART -
This is how the ship looks, its geometry, structure and textures, etc. You don't like the way something "looks" its an art request. You want the insides rearranged, that's an art request, etc.
Note...again, in the interest of full disclosure, I want to temper expectations and inform everybody as far as feedback requests go, this is the hardest to get changed due to the amount of work involved, and the fact that the existing art has already gone through numerous passes and approvals, and whereas some design changes can be made with simple XML adjustments, art changes are a totally different animal. But artists still want to hear that feedback in any case, and good ideas may still get adopted if Devs/Artists get the time and inclination, or if a complete ship rework is on the table.
This is how the ship is designed, its intended function (whereas art would be its form). What's your thoughts on its role, its weapon loadouts, shields, coolers, and other components that make the ship what it is. Cargo, shields, modules, upgrades, and any other features that don't require reworking art (such as adding beds/toilets/showers) would all fall under design in this case.
This is how the ship relates to other ships in the Verse, and how it currently performs against them. Comparisons are valid and wanted, but try to keep the theory-craft to a minimum as we are still working with moving parts in most regards (the situation is always...fluid). We would prefer comparisons to existing ships, using existing 2.6 data, and not hypotheticals about future ships not yet released. Where do you see the Mustang ultimately fitting in the SC hierarchy of ships, and where do you see it now? How does it fall short? etc. There is some overlap with Design of course, but whereas Design would be more for a "I think the Mustang Delta should be able to swap rocket pods for more guns," Balance would be for "The Mustang has zero chance going up against X ship due to Y when its supposed to be able to counter that ship," and that sort of thing.
Thanks again for taking the time to help out with your feedback. We at CIG appreciate it.
And as always...Keep Flying!!