What SC is doing is called by them open development...i would call it open marketing.
<snip for brevity>
Agreed on the marketing, but when you say it's a con I disagree, though I can see where someone who backed the project would form that opinion.
I think a few others here called it more accurately: Almost everything that seemed so revolutionary 6 years ago has begun entering the mainstream, and they feel an ever-increasing pressure to make it look better in order to compete. I wish they'd focus on making it play better but Chris has a history of focusing on the Cinematic Experience in games. The interview with Andy Sirkus and the alien languages...that's all really cool, sure, but I'm not going to lean Vanduul. It's going to be subtitled. I'm going to ignore it as background noise, and so are most other players. There will be a few that learn the language and add it to their ComicCon resume next to Klingon but gameplay value is essentially 0.
We'll get a Star Citizen game some day. It will probably have a few technical marvels, and the mocap will be amazing (that star Marine moves like Golum!) but the gameplay is going to be bad, and only the dedicated will put real hours into it. </prediction>