The Star Citizen Thread v5

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we sort of gauge the size of the team and kinda like the ambition of what we're doing based on how much money we sort of make every month so... we have a bunch of cash in reserve but if like we're bringing in a decent amount of new people 'cause it's more about less about ... concept sales help

The concept sales continue to sort of help not only to support some of the ongoing development efforts but also just the costs of running a live service...

They are so screwed.

Star Citizen: Sort of open eeer kinda development
...even if you ignore all the circumstantial evidence pointing to a not so rosy situation we still do have the very CEO of CIG stating that even after more than doubling the amount they asked for for all the stretch goals now they do not have enough to complete SC proper and need future revenues to do it...

"we sort of gauge the size of the team and kinda like the ambition of what we're doing based on how much money we sort of make every month so... we have a bunch of cash in reserve but if like we're bringing in a decent amount of new people 'cause it's more about less about ... concept sales help"

When I read this sort of stuff I'm never sure if my overwhelming feeling is one of sadness, or one of irritation. Mostly likely it's a mix of both.

Underpinning both examples is, for me, arguably the significant worry that even if they have/had a plan, they are paying it scant regard and are just busking their way through. This is fine for small projects and small teams, but definitely not for large projects with teams spread across the globe.

If this is the case - and I've zero evidence either way, but the circumstances suggest - then I doubt that even CIG know how far into/through the project they are, which would render any dates they give meaningless - of which we have evidence to date. Sad really, as proper project/programme oversight isn't that difficult, and certainly not rocket surgery.

I'm used to providing P&L (profit and loss) to date and projected, every month to various boards/committees, and whilst (sometimes) the end-date projections could look worrying, at least you could have a grown-up conversation with the customer/sponsor. Whilst they were not happy when things were slipping, they were comforted that at least we were on top of what was going on, and I think CIG are doing themselves and their backers a disservice by not coming clean if (and I stress if) things are looking worryingly bad. Assuming they know.
Assuming they know.

Operative words, right there. And in the aftermath, this is also what will decide where ye olde Hanlon's razor will cut: if they don't know, a failure will be down to gross incompetence; if they do, there will be a genuine case for calling it intentional deception and outright malice.
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Hey, does anybody know what happened to the guy called "Money" usually wearing a "Money-Cap" in the shows?

Count de Monet?

No seriously, where is he. Or is this project such a neoliberal swamp that nobody cares about people anymore, do people working for CIG just vanish at some point and nobody even remembers them? If you google images for money + Star Citizen you don't find him, just a lot of creepy and strange photoshops from something awful (probably). Like this one:

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No seriously, where is he. Or is this project such a neoliberal swamp that nobody cares about people anymore, do people working for CIG just vanish at some point and nobody even remembers them? If you google images for money + Star Citizen you don't find him, just a lot of creepy and strange photoshops from something awful (probably). Like this one:

That's not strange and creepy, it's funny.

This is creepy :
Hadn't heard of this before, but it is very easy for incompetence or honest mistakes to be interpreted as malice.

Hanlon's razor is also a very good way to chill out if someone is screwing you over, even if they really are being malicious. It defuses the situation and, assuming you don't actually say you're applying the razor, tends to make peace.

people think it's just a funny quote, but it's honest to goodness an excellent philosophy.
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In all fairness have you seen some of the Guardians related theorising?

(ps. not wanting us to go OT just pointing out it can be as bad here)

That's exactly what I though of first (I got a link then edited it out and replaced it before posting), as it's right off the end of the weird scale. Staying on topic was also a contributing factor.

But I got the impression it was never a serious thing more the OP being deliberately daft and maybe some harmless trolling of people who didn't spot that, which to be fair is equally applicable to the reddit thread.

On topic : Star Citizen is rubbish and doomed IMO.
Oh no I think it's pretty serious!

Just like much of the SC fantasising that seems to beggar all belief - but then you look at that total funds raised and the rampant excusing of their every misstep. Nah it's mostly serious I think. The whole reason the goon insertions work so well is it just fits in perfectly
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