From that thread (edited for strong language):
"I doubt even EA/Ubisoft/Activison would wait till weeks out from release to say that the game is still a year out at least.
That was absolute straight out [cattle biowaste]. I had supported this game from day one until that. If they were so full of [biowaste] on the SQ42 then how is the rest of the project not that [expletive] up. I lost all faith in CIG and SC when that took place. There is no way on earth that was a surprise to anyone on senor CIG staff. It was painfully obvious when even the most basic tech that was supporting the game was still be shown off as "soon". Yet they all still had straight faces the whole time.
They probably knew 6 months at least before that the time line was [expletive]. If we were real share holders and not just [expletive] backers CR would be unemployed. It just amazes me that nothing seems to ever come to fruition minus ship sales. Yet we treat what other devs would call minor bug pass as a second coming of Christ, and we cant lap the teat fast enough.
And yet I still get the [expletive] corps bug in my [expletive] cockpit 50% of the time I spawn in."
Intense, but not a too bad way to put it, yes.
The problem to me has never been that what they want to do takes time. The fact that they at the end of the kickstarter only had a prototype and a script, and not much more meant that they needed to start a studio (or two) and THEN create the game should have been included in the original time calculation, two years from nothing to released game WITH the quality levels they wanted was too short a time.
Sure, they got more money and realize they could do MORE, then they should have proposed that idea from the start directly after kickstarter and not waited until the last second.
Im not worried, but it would be far less pressure on them if they had said 4 years instead of 2 because even starting ONE office and getting the people needed takes time and if 3-6 months to get a proper office and hire the people you need then you have lost a quarter of production time.