Lol...just seen this (sorry if it's been already).
Hitler is not happy about SC development
Huh, I didn't expect such a high upvote/downvote ratio on a video criticizing CIG's creative output.
Lol...just seen this (sorry if it's been already).
Hitler is not happy about SC development
Huh, I didn't expect such a high upvote/downvote ratio on a video criticizing CIG's creative output.
Well, outside the fan zone, people are realistic.
Yeah, but I remember someone posting a simple video of Chris Roberts trying to play PU, and it was 40% downvotes IIRC.
Also, we shouldn't accidentally ruin his efforts. Just consider the possibility that maybe he's a deep-cover saboteur trying to further spread the already-prevalent perception that anything positive that's ever said about SC is inherently untrustworthy and systematically exaggerated.
I'm not entirely sure that this perception needs any more help than what CIG and its executives already provide, but you know…
sorry boys, never thought I'd be asked to prove this up. If you want to believe it never happened, that's your right. Do what you want. But it was fun as all hell, for something that never happened![]()
I'm thinking of setting up an intra-org discord channel so we can actually plan out nights like that.
not sure I get where you're going.. is this not a thread to discuss other games we enjoy playing? my post doesn't address -- nor does it claim to address- any of the parade of horribles you're alluding to. Roberts has given us a game that's fun to play, I wasn't trying to turn it into proof of anything else. So.....?
Well decided with the price drop on the Rift that's where I'll spend my refund money. That and probably upgrade my 970 to a 1070. I find it funny that this computer I bought 3 years ago as an off lease workstation for $250 as an "interim" solution for my PC gaming needs is still going strong. Granted I did put $500 into it at the end of 2014 in the form of new PSU, 970, and SSD.
No, he's given you a barely functional tech demo in which it's possible to contrive "fun" in exceptional circumstances, in spite of its limitations and lack of features, that's not the same thing.
next time, try forming a party before loading in. Makes it much easier to get into the same instance.Yeah, I'm going to call bull pucky on this. Only because I recently tried to play with two other friends while we waited to arrive in another game(hellion).
Here's Chris brainstorming new ideas for Star Citizen:When I was I kid, I was quite capable of getting 'fun' out of a large cardboard box.
we can just agree to disagree then.
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Yeah, I'm going to call bull pucky on this. Only because I recently tried to play with two other friends while we waited to arrive in another game(hellion).
next time, try forming a party before loading in. Makes it much easier to get into the same instance.
Sorry, forgot to mention we did add and form a party. That process took 10 minutes and multiple restarts of the game to add each other.
Kill Jester.Also why hasn't someone let Limmy design a game? He'd be diabolical.
we can just agree to disagree then.
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Sorry, forgot to mention we did add and form a party. That process took 10 minutes and multiple restarts of the game to add each other.
it does take a while to get used to, unfortunately, but once you do, it's pretty easy.
it does take a while to get used to, unfortunately, but once you do, it's pretty easy.
Get used to what exactly? The lag or inability to join each other?
In any case if you want anyone to believe you had 20 ships anywhere in sc I'd setup a twitch account and learn how to stream. I'm sure most of us would be happy to watch it.
I would for sure if only to learn more about this fascination which certain people have and which is eluding me
Get used to what exactly? The lag or inability to join each other?
we can just agree to disagree then.
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next time, try forming a party before loading in. Makes it much easier to get into the same instance.