I had already posted about that way back
I never said I took that screenshot, you just (wrongly) assumed that. For context the poster I was replying to said my screenshots wasn't suited to be is wallpaper so I just picked a cool one from my sc wallpaper/art collection to please him.
As a response to this poster:
That pic isn't fit to wipe my behind with, let alone hang on my wall.
The exercise in question was about the pictures in the racing module, ANYONE that has backed Star Citizen and follows it's development and has the ability to play the game as tried the Racing Module at least one time! The bottom of that planet is widely known because everyone tries to fly to the planet lol, if not for curiosity alone. This module was heavily advertised as was the M50 Ship (Racing Ship comercial). I never said that I was going from space to planet lol, I never said that was a PG planet, what I said it was me playing and that those screenshots were taken by me (they were). The truth is that it was exposed clearly that very few here actually played the damn game in the first place and even less have done a thoroughly research about it's features, yet they harshly keep calling shots like they know all about it.
Before someone even hinted about the racing module track, I amusingly got "accused" of using:
Photoshop, Bryce, ATV footage, Cinebox/Cryengine, Sandbox, Editor etc etc.
Exposing how little most of the harsh critics in this thread actually know about the game. Nothing that I wasn't expecting tbh, just never tought it would take so long.
Concerning Star Marine, almost 2 months ago I posted about how the animations were much better now than what they had shown for Star Marine before
Yeah folks showing Star Marine is no proof at all, I was at Gamescom last year (also going this year), I played the Gold Horizon Map Death-Match. It did not play better than what we have now. Animations were really really clunky, head-bobbing was extreme to the point that people needed to take breaks because of some were getting dizzy. It was really hard to aim even with the iron sight because it would wobble all over when you moved, now the FPS feels more tight, less wobbly movement, the char turns when you want and it aims where you aim at. They had the assets and some animations, but 1st person & 3rd person were not integrated nicely, it felt bad, clunky and with no depth, after some matches you had seen it all and there was do drive to keep playing, it wasn't fun or skillplay because of the randomness of the wooblyness. Now is much tighter, the char responds then you turn and stops when you want it to stop.
Long story short, they had to redo all the animations since paxeast, for gamescom they were still very messy (not something you would like to release to the general public) and it's still a continuous work in progress, but it is said (latest 10ftc) that they have done good progress on it and that we can probably will see it at Gamescom (I've hinted a Star Marine boot for players to play there).
This week at a video-show discussing Star Citizen another player confirmed just that here, minute 9 into the clip:
I know exactly why FPS got destroyed, I've talked to people within CIG. What happened was, I think it was PAX East. They were actually moving the computers over there, all of the FPS animations totally the bed on them. All of the FPS animations, they were supposed to have a live booth of Star Marine. The animations all the bed, the characters were all T-Posed. The only animations that worked were zero-G, so the only thing they could do was Sataball, because you can fake a zero-g animation. So the only thing they could show and have people play was Sataball. And when all of that happened they took the chance to rethink a lot of things that they were supposed to do...
...I didn't ask for specifics on who's fault it was, I didn't want to know because I didn't want to be tempted to tell. But I know it was a mix of things, it wasn't just IllFonic, it wasn't just some animator in Santa Monica. It was a whole range of things that went wrong at the same time.