The Star Citizen Thread v5

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Wow, I cannot believe he said all of that on camera. The man has no shame.

No shame at 15:15 he even claim that "we" backers had now in alpha way more stuff that what was originally promised back in the day.....after that I could not watch anymore....
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3 games often mocked for their lack of content. Would you say SC (at this point) has more content than a game like The Witcher 3?


Yeap they were, and with good reason.
Witcher 3 doesn't belong in that list, It is a great game in terms of content and technical quality, it's just the gameplay that I've found lacking, maybe because I'm so found of Dark Souls.
No shame at 15:15 he even claim that "we" backers had now in alpha way more stuff that what was originally promised back in the day.....after that I could not watch anymore....

Haha, I couldn't bear to listen that far. My blood was boiling hearing his weak justifications for selling $400 spaceships while completely ignoring that all of those things have already been paid for, almost twice over...

Someone needs to confront this gob    e like they did with Peter Molyneaux
Sorry was only moaning. It is important info. For some reason this morning it was really making the pagination screwy!

I think the issue is that people quote whole posts that are spoiler tagged rather than snipping the content out it all shows up on mobile repeatedly...
Yeap they were, and with good reason.
Witcher 3 doesn't belong in that list, It is a great game in terms of content and technical quality, it's just the gameplay that I've found lacking, maybe because I'm so found of Dark Souls.

Star Citizen: Witcher 3's gameplay is lacking.
Maybe so, but that's my assessment after having played Titanfall, Evolve and SW:Battlefront. Since fun is relative to the player's tastes I'll just address that imo content wise those 3 games leave much to desire and that Star Citizen already offers more in terms of gameplay mechanics and variation.
You're delusional.
Star Citizen: Witcher 3's gameplay is lacking.

Indeed I felt that the gameplay options were lacking and repetitive in the Witcher 3, mostly "smash buttons" mode with less than stellar AI and a consoles in mind clunky UI.
It's not something I've felt exclusively in the Witcher series but in other games like the Skyrim, Batman, MadMax, Shadow of Mordor etc.
I'm easier drawn to games with a more visceral gameplay in the style of Dark Souls, Mount & Blade, Mourdhau and most likely Kingdom:Come Deliverance when it gets to that polished state of release.

Hope that helps [up]
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Indeed I felt that the gameplay options were lacking and repetitive in the Witcher 3, mostly "smash buttons" mode with less than stellar AI and a consoles in mind clunky UI.
It's not something I've felt exclusively in the Witcher series but in other games like the Skyrim, Batman, MadMax, Shadow of Mordor etc.
I'm easier drawn to games with a more visceral gameplay in the style of Dark Souls, Mount & Blade, Mourdhau and most likely Kingdom:Come Deliverance when it gets to that polished state of release.

Hope that helps [up]

And yet, in your rather strange mind, you feel that, right now, Star Citizen's current PTU has better gameplay than SW: Battlefront, Titanfall, Evolve and, best of all, The Witcher 3...

Explain HOW Star Citizen is anywhere *close* to surpassing any of those games in regards to playability, AI, control schema, graphics, music, sound design, level/world design, character modelling, animation and several other parameters I can't think of... And again I reiterate, I'm talking about Star Citizen the "game" *right now*, not what Chris Roberts babbled about may possibly *be* SC's future content and quality... Right now.
Indeed I felt that the gameplay options were lacking and repetitive in the Witcher 3, mostly "smash buttons" mode with less than stellar AI and a consoles in mind clunky UI.
It's not something I've felt exclusively in the Witcher series but in other games like the Skyrim, Batman, MadMax, Shadow of Mordor etc.
I'm easier drawn to games with a more visceral gameplay in the style of Dark Souls, Mount & Blade, Mourdhau and most likely Kingdom:Come Deliverance when it gets to that polished state of release.

Hope that helps [up]

I'm confused.

I mean Witcher combat vs Dark Souls combat? Lots would agree with you that DS is better, but what's it got to do with Star Citizen?[???]

edit: you're saying Dark Souls combat is better than Witcher's, in a similar way that SC's gameplay is better than SW: Battlefront, Titanfall, Evolve?
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And yet, in your rather strange mind, you feel that, right now, Star Citizen's current PTU has better gameplay than SW: Battlefront, Titanfall, Evolve and, best of all, The Witcher 3...

Explain HOW Star Citizen is anywhere *close* to surpassing any of those games in regards to playability, AI, control schema, graphics, music, sound design, level/world design, character modelling, animation and several other parameters I can't think of... And again I reiterate, I'm talking about Star Citizen the "game" *right now*, not what Chris Roberts babbled about may possibly *be* SC's future content and quality... Right now.

I'm confused.
I mean Witcher combat vs Dark Souls combat? Lots would agree with you that DS is better, but what's it got to do with Star Citizen?[???]
edit: you're saying Dark Souls combat is better than Witcher's, in a similar way that SC's gameplay is better than SW: Battlefront, Titanfall, Evolve?

Indeed there seems to be some confusion...
Just carefully follow the quotes for contextualization and read my replies thoroughly
Reading these comments just reminds me how "content" is an a ambiguous term that might as well be "magic dust". If the current PU has an acceptable level of "magic dust" compared to polished titles that are able to stand up by their own merits then i'm not hopeful. I really hope that SC fans are more discerning if we're ever going to get something worth playing.
Star Citizen is less completed, polished and functional than The WarZ/Infestation Survivor Stories. It takes some serious delusion to call SC anything other than a half baked buggy tech demo with less than 10% of it functionally stable.


Greetings and Salutations Citizens, it's been a juicy month with good news coming from the latest video-updates, atmospheric flight, capital ship damage states being the highlights of them all.




Have a good time.

Answers most of my questions as to why they continue to have concept sales
"It may not have all features they want"

Why are concept sales still necessary for the project? said:
"why we several things we have a big company right and so everybodys just working to make the game bigger and better and we sort of gauge the size of the team and kind of like the ambition of what we are doing based on how much money we sort of make every month.
So we have bunch of cash in reserve and but you know like we are bringing in decent amount of new people because its more about, its less about concept sale help and its cool thats the way to support the development, but in someways its more about also bringing in new people into community like because you know this is kind of an online game.
so we are kind of lucky that we have quite big community and we are growing the community so by the time game is you would call "finished" there will be quite big population of people to adventure and have fun inside and thats important for an online game because its sort of population and community of game dictates the success and so part of what we are doing you know sharing the stuff early is to bring community in.
and the concept sales continue to sort of help not only sort of support the ongoing development efforts but also just the cost of running a live servers,
so its not like you know its not free, you know we got google and amazon charges money every month for the servers we are running on the cloud for the all the servers that distribute the contend like when we do new patch we know with downloading gigabytes of data to every individual person so it ends up being petabytes of data overall so it costs us money to run things continually.
so all the bills(builds) we give to backers turning in turning(tuning) around getting the feedback doing it all. That just costs extra time and
(repeats time here couple of times :p) takes extra time like we have to make those you know like works at making those bills (builds, it seems like chris likes to pronounce builds as bills) as stable as possible fix the bugs and of course they are doing it if our engineers are doing that they cant be working on new features.
so there is a cost involved in running sort of live game as we are doing right now,but again like i said i think thats something that makes a big difference in terms of the ultimate quality of the game and things like you know concept sales and new people joining in early.
Its just helping sort of supporting that as well as sort of create this big feature set.
so for instance in a good example is you guys visiting here in the german office and we showed you the procedural planet work that we are doing and theres no way we would have done that we wouldnt have been able to afford to do that if we had just sort of raised the our money and stopped.
So thats all part of a kind of continual fundraising we had stretch goal for R&D into procedural techniques and thats just RD we arent promising procedural planets and moons for everything but now we are doing that and we are doing that because we have been able to continue to bring new players in and continue to bring money in and that your money just gets invested into making the game bigger and richer and deeper.
so thats kind of like my objective and goal i want to make this game as cool as possible.
I dont really care about making money (bursts into laughter) so all the money we can get in is just about being able to hire the best programmers the best artist the best designers and let them dream and build an even bigger world.
So you know im not really going to apologize for the the the concept sales for that for me its just a its a way to to make the game cooler and bigger and ultimately everyone at the end of the day will be you know thankful for that.
I mean you just wouldnt see a publisher to invest this kind of money into this game with this much ambition especially on the pc and we are just doing it mostly because its there there there's a community out there their fanbase out there and that this is kind of their dream game and they are willing to support it and im really thankful for that because it enables myself and you know the team here and the team in the other studios to deliver that so its just all about making the game cool as possible and you know if its a few more ships will make it even better then great "

Its pretty much seriously messed up that they are basing their development goals on monthly income.

Big population of people dictates the success of the game?(This is publisher way of thinking)
In my opinion its the quality of the game that dictates the success of the game.
Loads of people buy trash AAA games out on the market, A lot of companies have killed IP's with poor sequals that have sold well.

Concept sales are going into upkeep of the game. Now imagine if they stopped concept sales would they be able to keep developing the game?
Basically the game isnt fundet completely yet, if the concept sale profit is going into upkeep of alpha.

Petabytes is darn big number.

The engineers that are forced to do bug fixing are slowing the project down
Basically it was huge mistake to do live pre-alpha game.

Denies promising procedural tech, but at same time promises that they will deliver it. I also find it weird that Procedural R&D was the stretch goal. I wonder what else is just a R&D stretch goal.
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Maybe so, but that's my assessment after having played Titanfall, Evolve and SW:Battlefront. Since fun is relative to the player's tastes I'll just address that imo content wise those 3 games leave much to desire and that Star Citizen already offers more in terms of gameplay mechanics and variation.

"Pirate City" Levsky sneak peek taken from the Monthly Report.

Haha told you he'd dodge

When you can't answer a question, just try to make it sound like the only answer is purely subjective
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