The Star Citizen Thread v5

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I actually received my Ghost Hornet around the time it came out, so while I'm not super filled in to all the going-ons, I can say that I only remember the Katamari issue. Past that, the only ridicule that I'd witnessed was towards behaviors and commentary deliberately aimed at creating disruption.

...and that B'tak guy. God, I wish I could call him out for the lower-quality stuff he is.

B'tak, the concern lion! I remember him. True, he is a bit of a sad kitty. Back to the image, the wave on her arm. Notice how it's very similar to the watermark in the image? Anywho, no worries. I'm just kind of surprised we've had so many of these little bomblets from cig lately. They aren't going to e3, they stole an Internet pic and they discriminate against backers they don't like and best of all, their reaction to being caught out is to shut things down a quickly and quietly as possible. Ironically that's the biggest admission of guilt: how quickly they reacted without saying a word. I wonder what's next from the church of C.
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I'm going through the motions of troubleshooting, but I'm not going to go and suddenly say "Ah, I see it now!" if I don't see it. You want me to see it? Find some means to show me, because your proposed solutions aren't making it seen.

EDIT: I'd like to apologize if my posts seem slow. I'm engaged in a phone call with the texture guy to figure out why he insists on .DDS format (that's causing some issues with opening them with my cheap budget-cutting programs).

I don't see any shadow of the watermark, the only thing I can see that looks off in the non stock photos is the models arms, where the water mark goes on the original, look photo shopped as they have too uniform a colour and texture, so it looks like something has been changed, particularly the shadow of the gap between the arms

That said if that stock image was the base, and you bought it you would get a watermark free copy, so that something has been removed by Photoshop suggest the watermark was still present and removed


And you were worried about your posts being slow, I am nearly two pages behind now lol
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Mostly unrealistic and high expectations from people entering what was repeatedly said to be an early version of the game. Sort of the same result as what you get from people joining the army to find that it's not really like Call of Duty.

That's a first. Not sure if I should feel humbled or insulted.

Yup nothing at all to do with publicly released deadlines being missed/cancelled/lack of content/bugs/lies/etc etc etc. It's all our fault for having high expectations for the company promising EVERYTHING combined in the BDSSE!
Yup nothing at all to do with publicly released deadlines being missed/cancelled/lack of content/bugs/lies/etc etc etc. It's all our fault for having high expectations for the company promising EVERYTHING combined in the BDSSE!

That's sort of a two-sided blame there, in that the Star Citizen developers were fools for having promised those deadlines, and we were no less the fools for believing them. Neither of us stopped and said, "Hm, but what if something goes wrong?"

As for the sequence? Well, the whole train doesn't flop all at once when the engine hits something.
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That's sort of a two-sided blame there, in that the Star Citizen developers were fools for having promised those deadlines, and we were no less the fools for believing them. Neither of us stopped and said, "Hm, but what if something goes wrong?"

As for the sequence? Well, the whole train doesn't flop all at once when the engine hits something.

Actually I did, even made a post on the RSI forums, it was closed by their mods. In fact many people stopped and said it was wrong. Why do you think CR had to talk about all the feature creep and everything else.

So no there is no two sided blame, just CIG screwing up.
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....Sometimes I think FD should require an active game account to post on this forum.

This has been on my mind for quite some time and would certainly get my vote.

As for GIFgate, UnderConstructioGate and GoonGate, whilst all are silly, embarrassing and unprofessional, none are really big issues.

Are they indicative of an underlying cultural issue at CIG? Possibly.
-and CIG is not responsible for our expectations becoming unreasonable. B'tak was an excellent example of people dreaming about more than what SC would really be, or how many issues it might face along the way.

CiG are responsible for their unrealistic marketing, which may yet come back and bite them on the bum. But that's not any backers fault or problem.

Getting a realistic grip on expectations is probably a good idea seeing as what's going to be delivered (if at all) is increasingly looking like it won't tick many of the promised boxes.

This requires some honesty from CiG and maybe a realistic roadmap. Singling individual enthusiastic backers out for criticism is absolutely the wrong path to take.

I have no doubt CiG will take the wrong path.
Actually I did, even made a post on the RSI forums, it was closed by their mods. In fact many people stopped and said it was wrong. Why do you think CR had to talk about all the feature creep and everything else.

So no there is no two sided blame, just CIG screwing up.

I did not see your thread in particular, though I do remember a particular group going out of their way to disrupt those threads with unreasonable behavior, for the same purpose you suggested previously - controlling the narrative. Their disruptive behavior resulted in threads being closed, affording room for these cries of censorship.

Sadly, the rules need to be enforced. If you want a word, you might want to get the more verbally violent of the detractors from derailing the discussions.

CiG are responsible for their unrealistic marketing, which may yet come back and bite them on the bum. But that's not any backers fault or problem.

Getting a realistic grip on expectations is probably a good idea seeing as what's going to be delivered (if at all) is increasingly looking like it won't tick many of the promised boxes.

This requires some honesty from CiG and maybe a realistic roadmap. Singling individual enthusiastic backers out for criticism is absolutely the wrong path to take.

I have no doubt CiG will take the wrong path.

In the world of building, no roadmap is realistic. Hell, road maps in general can give intentions, but rarely speak of the normally unseen obstacles along the way. If anyone honestly expected a long series of tasks that required considerably more time to correct mistakes to go perfectly to plan, then I've got some property at the bottom of the ocean to sell.
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In the world of building, no roadmap is realistic. Hell, road maps in general can give intentions, but rarely speak of the normally unseen obstacles along the way.

Which is why you keep people updated with changing demands and estimates, and tell them your deadlines are estimations. It doesn't mean you can't have a plan you just have to manage it.
That's sort of a two-sided blame there, in that the Star Citizen developers were fools for having promised those deadlines, and we were no less the fools for believing them. Neither of us stopped and said, "Hm, but what if something goes wrong?"

As for the sequence? Well, the whole train doesn't flop all at once when the engine hits something.

Thing is when I hear them talk about a "Minimal Viable Product" now I can't help but think: "What a minute this was exactly the scope and scale that was being proposed for the 2014 'Beta' back in 2012?"
Ohhhhh, a great big sign and more new people. So apart from cig mucking up again, any development news?

Not really they are on patch r, and from reddit it is more broken then ever. At this rate they are going to run out of letters, I guess we now know why they did letter instead of the standard numbers. It will be funny when they hit 2.4za or perhaps they will use numbers again.


Volunteer Moderator
*Mod hat off

So if Crytek Engineers say it is possible and they have shown it already (Double-precison 64 bit map's & Local Physics Grids tech implementation).
Why would anyone doubt it?

This bit still nags me a little and I have not been able to find a detailed answer.

Unless something has changed in the latest SC builds it was the case that the miniPU had a much smaller Z axis scale than X and Y as described by CR himself: "the playable area on the large world map that we're currently using is one million kilometers by one million kilometers by 200 kilometers high." (which was later corrected to 400 Km high).

Still, 400 Km Z vs 1,000,000 KM X and Y seems tremendously odd. And I assume that actual 64b double precision maths would not impose such an arbitrary limitation.

So, why? Does anyone know?
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Which is why you keep people updated with changing demands and estimates, and tell them your deadlines are estimations. It doesn't mean you can't have a plan you just have to manage it.

I'm willing to admit, there is a glaring lack of transparency in that regard, though hardly a sign of end-times or a minimally viable product being the final product.
*Mod hat off

This bit still nags me a little and I have not been able to find a detailed answer.

Unless something has changed in the latest SC builds it was the case that the miniPU had a much smaller Z axis scale than X and Y as described by CR himself: "the playable area on the large world map that we're currently using is one million kilometers by one million kilometers by 200 kilometers high." (which was later corrected to 400 Km high).

Still, 400 Km Z vs 1,000,000 KM X and Y seems tremendously odd. And I assume that actual 64b double precision maths would not impose such an arbitrary limitation.

So, why? Does anyone know?

Possible due to CryEngine loading water on every level? I heard that was a blocker at some point causing ships on the launch pads to act funny. There is video out there of ships not taking off (being stuck in sludge)
I'm willing to admit, there is a glaring lack of transparency in that regard, though hardly a sign of end-times or a minimally viable product being the final product.

Then why has the chairman talked of an MVP, and why do they applaud themselves for open development.

If anyone honestly expected a long series of tasks that required considerably more time to correct mistakes to go perfectly to plan, then I've got some property at the bottom of the ocean to sell.

You added that sentence after I was already replying above, please don't do that.

Criticizing the backers for believing CiG's hype is a really stupid thing to do, it's insulting to the people who bankrolled the project. Insulting the people who paid you, whilst denying refunds is not a clever approach to increased interest in the game.

It's as bad as labeling people with disparaging customer service tags.

They need to bite the bullet explain what they can actually deliver, how long they think it will take and hope the backers don't decide they are not to be trusted anymore and get their money back.
Not really they are on patch r, and from reddit it is more broken then ever. At this rate they are going to run out of letters, I guess we now know why they did letter instead of the standard numbers. It will be funny when they hit 2.4za or perhaps they will use numbers again.

2.4zzzzzzzzzzz, where everyone is so bored they've fallen asleep.
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