The Star Citizen Thread v5

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1. Flight and combat is beyond awful. It feels like noclip mode in an FPS. It is flat out not fun and is neither arcadey in the way that Freelancer was or anything close to the realistic physics Chris Roberts was talking about.
2. The engine appears to be fundamentally broken. Constant clipping issues, physics glitches and utter weirdness abounds and I cannot see how they have a hope in hell of fixing it any time soon. I don't want to even think about what a mess the networking code must be. ("It's an alpha" is not an excuse.)
3. Audio and art direction is a disaster. Flying a ship subjects you to a bombardment of tedious audio effects which are not helpful, pleasing to hear or even consistent. The art is grey grey grey cookie cutter sci-fi. Most of the ships look like something a ten year old would draw if you asked him to make a cool spaceship.

It fails on the basics, even before you get onto the FPS and the bajillion other things that have been promised.

I completely agree on all three points.
Guys lets not keep beating that dress horse, its dead. Anyone with just two brain cells can see what is going on here.
Some people here say it okay to do this even when you are making big bucks on it, others don't including this old dog.

Moving on.

Anyone know how to import 3D assets from Sc or ED into Cinema 4D? My Son have this software and I would like to see some of the models
from both games together, that would be cool.

Best I could find from both SC & ED



Anyone know how to import 3D assets from Sc or ED into Cinema 4D? My Son have this software and I would like to see some of the models
from both games together, that would be cool.

Star Citizen - I originally used the CryEngine SDK to export models as .obj files. Never got the textures or UV mapping to work and only managed to export the Hornet and 300i. Anything else came out in the classic 'exploded' borked model form.
I haven't tried in two years though.

Elite - This requires a couple of obscure 3rd party softwares that will grab geometry directly from DirectX as I understand. I don't trust having to download multiple 3rd parties, so I haven't tried.

Star Citizens need help from Frontier Developments

One day this silly mob of COR (Church of Robers) acolytes will realise they've been had and they'll turn on their master like rabid dogs. They hardly even bother to pretend at discussion anymore. They see dissent and they want to silence it through whatever means possible. For all the hate they accuse critics of, they are themselves a hateful bunch. Anywho, I'm sleepy so it's getting close to time for me to tuck in. Cheers

2. The engine appears to be fundamentally broken. Constant clipping issues, physics glitches and utter weirdness abounds and I cannot see how they have a hope in hell of fixing it any time soon. I don't want to even think about what a mess the networking code must be. ("It's an alpha" is not an excuse.)

A very visible case in point.

*Edit* And just to further the point more.... Go to 1:21 in the video.

You don't even need to go searching for stuff like this. Unless you're watching an edited video put out by someone trying to promote the game, any footage of star citizen will be chock full of evidence that the engine is barely hanging together. Just walking around in FPS mode can result in the PC clipping through the floor or being launched into space (and that's in an engine designed for FPS!)

While viewing these vids it is worth keeping in mind that among the many things promised by CIG is that the game will be hardcore and quite unforgiving: ships need insurance or they are lost forever, and even when they are insured it can take time for a new one to be built. I believe they have also spoken about some form of permadeth involving respawning as a clone or family member or something. Without going into any of the many questions this raises, it is an impossible dream with the current state of the game. Either they are not going to do this anymore and in fact new ships can just be spawned instantly without major cost (which has repercussions for combat balance among other things) or they are going to need to spend a great deal of time and effort focusing on fixing the engine so that your ship doesn't explode midflight or randomly start spinning at 5000RPM while bits fly off it.
Does anyone with a CiG account want to ask on their forum as to why that Sandy + Buccaneer image is disappearing? Or would that be insta-ban territory?

I wonder if it will affect the concept ship sale? Will people be put off, or will the fans use it as a show of solidarity and buy it as a badge of honour?

Have CiG surpassed ED's 30-odd ships yet?
You don't even need to go searching for stuff like this. Unless you're watching an edited video put out by someone trying to promote the game, any footage of star citizen will be chock full of evidence that the engine is barely hanging together. Just walking around in FPS mode can result in the PC clipping through the floor or being launched into space (and that's in an engine designed for FPS!)

While viewing these vids it is worth keeping in mind that among the many things promised by CIG is that the game will be hardcore and quite unforgiving: ships need insurance or they are lost forever, and even when they are insured it can take time for a new one to be built. I believe they have also spoken about some form of permadeth involving respawning as a clone or family member or something. Without going into any of the many questions this raises, it is an impossible dream with the current state of the game. Either they are not going to do this anymore and in fact new ships can just be spawned instantly without major cost (which has repercussions for combat balance among other things) or they are going to need to spend a great deal of time and effort focusing on fixing the engine so that your ship doesn't explode midflight or randomly start spinning at 5000RPM while bits fly off it.

I'm no programmer, but I think they've modded the poor Cryengine beyond reason. It's no longer Cryengine, it's Frankensteinengine, and you know how Frankenstein looks like? Yeah, stitches that hold it from falling apart on both.

Does anyone with a CiG account want to ask on their forum as to why that Sandy + Buccaneer image is disappearing? Or would that be insta-ban territory?

No point in asking any sensitive questions because they have rules for each one of them, and you know what happens if you violate rules? They can, though. It's in the ToS.
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removed stray bracket

1. Flight and combat is beyond awful. It feels like noclip mode in an FPS. It is flat out not fun and is neither arcadey in the way that Freelancer was or anything close to the realistic physics Chris Roberts was talking about.
2. The engine appears to be fundamentally broken. Constant clipping issues, physics glitches and utter weirdness abounds and I cannot see how they have a hope in hell of fixing it any time soon. I don't want to even think about what a mess the networking code must be. ("It's an alpha" is not an excuse.)
3. Audio and art direction is a disaster. Flying a ship subjects you to a bombardment of tedious audio effects which are not helpful, pleasing to hear or even consistent. The art is grey grey grey cookie cutter sci-fi. Most of the ships look like something a ten year old would draw if you asked him to make a cool spaceship.

It fails on the basics, even before you get onto the FPS and the bajillion other things that have been promised.

I'd go with 1 & 2 but for me number 3 is more nebulous.

It's a general overall disappointment with the whole experience - it's so far removed now from those heady days of the 1st livestream whereas now everyone is in the trenches and things not quite right that look as plain as the nose on anyone's face get excused or explained away as if saying it doesn't exist somehow rewinds time and changes what has clearly happened.

I think it was 1st - not sure - 12 or 24 hour? whichever one it was Wingman and the gang were basically on the lash at one end and CR was getting a bit narky at the other end (understandably a bit to be fair - but that was the first time I can recall seeing the charm slip).

I've said before that back then in the early days to my untrained eye CIG seemed a lot further along than FD - I do actually recall some voices very early going sounding warnings about CR's ability to finish stuff referencing the Freelancer thing and also saying that Cryengine wasn't a great choice but bear in mind back then I had honestly never heard of CR or Wing Commander/Freelancer or any of that stuff.

Back then I laughed that off as people suffering from "expert syndrome" that just liked to sound off. I'm not laughing now! Well I am - but for different reasons..
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1. Flight and combat is beyond awful. It feels like noclip mode in an FPS. It is flat out not fun and is neither arcadey in the way that Freelancer was or anything close to the realistic physics Chris Roberts was talking about.
My impression: They threw the entire physical thrusters thing out of the window together with Arena Commander 1.x, because the idea didn't work with the large multi-crew ships (my assumption). Since then it's moving around mass-less cameras with a weightless ship asset attached.

2. The engine appears to be fundamentally broken. Constant clipping issues, physics glitches and utter weirdness abounds and I cannot see how they have a hope in hell of fixing it any time soon. I don't want to even think about what a mess the networking code must be. ("It's an alpha" is not an excuse.)
There is no way to save it. You can clearly see it degrading with every new commit.

3. Audio and art direction is a disaster. Flying a ship subjects you to a bombardment of tedious audio effects which are not helpful, pleasing to hear or even consistent. The art is grey grey grey cookie cutter sci-fi. Most of the ships look like something a ten year old would draw if you asked him to make a cool spaceship.
Many talented people left, there is a severe shortage of able engineers.

Star Citizen is the textbook example of what happens, if you remove the publisher and throw $115m on an inexperienced indie game developer.
You don't even need to go searching for stuff like this. Unless you're watching an edited video put out by someone trying to promote the game, any footage of star citizen will be chock full of evidence that the engine is barely hanging together. Just walking around in FPS mode can result in the PC clipping through the floor or being launched into space (and that's in an engine designed for FPS!)

No need to exaggerate, there's as many videos os bugs as there plenty of perfectly normal (well for SC standards anyway) gameplay running hours long without encountering any major game-breaking bugs. When the servers don't crap-out that is.
Does anyone with a CiG account want to ask on their forum as to why that Sandy + Buccaneer image is disappearing? Or would that be insta-ban territory?

I wonder if it will affect the concept ship sale? Will people be put off, or will the fans use it as a show of solidarity and buy it as a badge of honour?

Have CiG surpassed ED's 30-odd ships yet?

I'd rather not get tagged as a "goon" for asking simple question. :p

I don't think will affact the sale in any meaningful way. More likely as you say, some will be put off, while hardcore fans will buy it in 'solidarity' — Both directions sort of balance it out. (Newcomers won't know and will buy normally)

Maybe they will find a way to monetize the drama again, like they did with the rediculous "You got our backs (Electro skin hull)".
Many talented people left, there is a severe shortage of able engineers.

That seems to be true, especially about the audio. There's some crazy good stuff there, but also some really utterly bland effects (weapons mostly).

What really grates on my nerves however are the constant computer callouts that are cool for exactly 30 seconds, and then you wish you could make that thing shut up. If you play for 30 seconds, you typically hear something like this:


And that's just what's going on during half a minute. What a stark contrast House of the Dying Sun is, with destroyed ships not even producing a blast sound, but merely a cold acknowledgement beep. The worst thing they do is a rather prominent "crosshair on target" sound, which is weird but not really a problem.

I really wish SC would make the ship computer shut up by default in all but the most severe situations. So "shields down", "shields recharged" and "target destroyed" are probably the ONLY items I'd leave in for normal combat. Perhaps a "damage critical" callout. But other than that, all that useless chatter about the fact that your shields are charging or the incessant "scanning" and "clear" should just be dropped without replacement.
The ship sounds really are all over the place, they are too repetitive and become annoying very fast, but since you can disable them and/or get written msgs It's no biggie.
Interesting to see and somewhat related...

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The ship sounds really are all over the place, they are too repetitive and become annoying very fast, but since you can disable them and/or get written msgs It's no biggie.

Oy then that one's on me for not checking that first. Then again what little playtime I got was not on my account so I didn't bother rummaging around in the settings.
But if this can be disabled then it's cool.
That seems to be true, especially about the audio. There's some crazy good stuff there, but also some really utterly bland effects (weapons mostly).
Which happens if you have hundreds of people working without proper (art) direction.

What really grates on my nerves however are the constant computer callouts that are cool for exactly 30 seconds, and then you wish you could make that thing shut up. If you play for 30 seconds, you typically hear something like this:
This is mainly to fake involvement, because there is not much happening else than move camera, point & shoot.

On top of that over all this chatter incoming missiles don't get announced prominently enough.
Which happens if you have hundreds of people working without proper (art) direction.

This is mainly to fake involvement, because there is not much happening else than move camera, point & shoot.

On top of that over all this chatter incoming missiles don't get announced prominently enough.

They'll fix that by having the computer berate you for 10 mins after you get hit. That'll make you avoid them.
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