"The Stones"

Is this one of the INRA base logs by any chance?

Kind of, its from 3 LPs but theres no specific mention of INRA and theres no signage or lettering anywhere on the base....I always assume part of INRA but wondering now. Maybe a sub-contractor who didnt paint their name everywhere?
Urgh, hate when that happens.
Danger of the sea might relate to salt, maybe ammonium, maybe aerosol particles...
They wouldn't have smelt it and if too much gets in the blood, attacks the central nervous system, can induce an unresponive or comalike state(murphy) and behaviour disorders(crew).
Not sure how but seems to fit...might be a barnacle thing and murphy too close, why effected the worst. Mad science, sponsored by the brains at bigmt.
Was that communication human, or signs of goid?

Except that’s not really how it works. The “ammonia” in the blood you’re talking about is only poorly coorelated with delirium and occurs in people with liver failure as a result of the organ dysfunction. Inhaled ammonia, or ammonia poured on the skin does not get into the blood or CNS in that way (well, a very small amount would, but even then only at toxic levels of inhalation). It causes local burns, mucus membrane irritation and lung damage.
interesting theory though.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnrGUrdI32c

Watching this live now.
D2EA is saying there is a new mega ship in Chukchan, Is this the case? i have missed the first 80 minutes

EDIT: Yeah new mega ship. They are not sure whether related to the Adamastor but its parked right next to it. They trying to find out if it is.
Based on the designation, it's a standard megaship which jumps from system to system periodically. CHU indicates Chukchan is it's home system.
Except that’s not really how it works. The “ammonia” in the blood you’re talking about is only poorly coorelated with delirium and occurs in people with liver failure as a result of the organ dysfunction. Inhaled ammonia, or ammonia poured on the skin does not get into the blood or CNS in that way (well, a very small amount would, but even then only at toxic levels of inhalation). It causes local burns, mucus membrane irritation and lung damage.
interesting theory though.
I read all the info about liver damage and i don't think i'll look at alcohol in the same way ever again...scary stuff.
And yeah, the problem always was how it could get in the blood.
Might be something in how a thargoid ship interacts with a barnacle. If they can lift humans then prolly other lighter stuff as well. I need to check if murphy was directly under one when it was active.
I read all the info about liver damage and i don't think i'll look at alcohol in the same way ever again...scary stuff.
And yeah, the problem always was how it could get in the blood.
Might be something in how a thargoid ship interacts with a barnacle. If they can lift humans then prolly other lighter stuff as well. I need to check if murphy was directly under one when it was active.
I do think you’re right that they captured a live Thargoid though. I don’t think it was merely a UA or probe. I strongly suspect that the Thargoids manipulate the meta alloys into something they use and it’s this that provided the Quirium fuel. The Thargoid was probably kept alive in some secret bunker for decades churning the fuel out which GalCop made billions on before it died or was recaptured by its own people. Perhaps the Thargoid was transmuting the barnacles into what they need and it was this process that they described as the sounds in their heads and compulsions. Our biology is clearly quite different than theirs. Or something like that anyway. I’ve always been suspicious about the Quirium drives somehow being based on captured and non-replicatable tech from them.

oh, you’re not kidding about respecting your liver. Liver transplants are a mess. Would be great if we could make a dialysis machine for liver function...
Based on the designation, it's a standard megaship which jumps from system to system periodically. CHU indicates Chukchan is it's home system.

That megaship discovered 5 days ago after the weekly tick. Its an Alliance megaship, probably parking for future contents. Yesterday a new GalNet article released about Coalsack - maybe this megaship will be the part of a later storyline here. The owner faction is a Witch Head Sector one, so this ship travelled 1000+ ly to reach this spot, surely not a random thing.
The Alliance seized all WHS through BGS (except two small undockable installations of the Federation), so they will be in control with thargoid stuffs. The question is what will the other superpowers do... Especially as a presidental election incoming in the Alliance in a few months. And there were rumours as not the Federation is the only one who has a leader suspected with a removal of a competitor...

Edit: yep, noticed, Chukchan is not Musca Dark Region. Its early morning here...
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That megaship discovered 5 days ago after the weekly tick. Its an Alliance megaship, probably parking for future contents. Yesterday a new GalNet article released about Coalsack - maybe this megaship will be the part of a later storyline here. The owner faction is a Witch Head Sector one, so this ship travelled 1000+ ly to reach this spot, surely not a random thing.
The Alliance seized all WHS through BGS (except two small undockable installations of the Federation), so they will be in control with thargoid stuffs. The question is what will the other superpowers do... Especially as a presidental election incoming in the Alliance in a few months. And there were rumours as not the Federation is the only one who has a leader suspected with a removal of a competitor...
I think we're talking about different megaships.

I'm talking about the megaship which G4RY mentions appearing in chukchan in this shot:
Screenshot_20201110-185941_Samsung Internet.jpg

The Alliance megaship in coalsack, yeah, that's related to the new GalNet article recently and probably future content.

Edit: sorry, re-read your post. No, this is definitely a standard megaship of no interest.

Plot/ event megaships don't have designations like that, and the guy in that video gets its jump schedule, which is also standard for the proc gen megaships.

Screenshot_20201110-190740_Samsung Internet.jpg

All procgen megaships have this. When it makes its next jump to alowali, jurisdiction and ownership will change
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Fine horror story :)

I just hope Canonn once will list this site, as well as the Crashed Anaconda in GCRV 65988.
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You saying thats a brand new site, presumably added that Thursday update? If so how was it found, LPs or stumbled across?

No, probably it was in the game before, as the system discovered in 2017 (EDSM), but somebody found a listening post nearby yesterday, what leads to two other LPs with references, and "triangled" the base location. So not a "new" content, just a new discovery - not listed at Canonn, like the Crashed Anaconda site in GCRV 65988.
No, probably it was in the game before, as the system discovered in 2017 (EDSM), but somebody found a listening post nearby yesterday, what leads to two other LPs with references, and "triangled" the base location. So not a "new" content, just a new discovery - not listed at Canonn, like the Crashed Anaconda site in GCRV 65988.
Any link to where the LP are? nvm - found em
i got a system security spawn at the LP in Synuefe XE-Y c17-7 of "Nauacan Dynamic Holdings ".

i can#t get them to respawn - so ... anybody got system security spawning there as well as well, and is the faction consistent?
I'm at this base now parked beside it. I have the logs.

Very spooky stuff.

The logs are spooky alone...

The spookier thing that has happened to me as i finished reading the logs is that i got some sort of voice coming through my comms. Yes, i am still parked beside this base :eek: as i type this.

All i managed to hear was muffled noise... and then "send help".

Anyone else hear this?

EDIT: yeah just had another. This one was different - muffled noise/gargled noises and then breathing. Freaked out but I'm staying for a bit, see if anything else comes through.
I'm sitting in my ship and not the SRV if anyone else wants to try this, its quieter in the ship so can hear more


^^^ This is where I'm currently sitting for reference.

EDIT 2: nothing since. Been sat here for 45 minutes. The two logs that came through were about 10-15 mins apart.
EDIT 3: First comm came through again about 30 seconds ago. Seems there are just the two comms that come through. Around 16:15 - 16:20 in game time.
EDIT 4: 16:30 second log came through, so at least 10 mins between the 2 comms. Possibly repeat every hour ish.

It might be nothing but i have never heard this before at a settlement.
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