Thinking about Fleet Carriers & Rebuy...

Behold, the most rare and precious commodity in the universe:

Common Sense

So your carrier ran out of jump fuel, all full of ships. You're going to have to board one of those ships at set off to find more carrier fuel. None in the system? I bet at least one of those ships on board is equipped with a Frame Shift Drive, possibly even a cargo rack. Yes, that's right, you may have to cross a few systems in your little ship to find fuel for your big ship. Imagine that.
Behold, the most rare and precious commodity in the universe:

Common Sense

So your carrier ran out of jump fuel, all full of ships. You're going to have to board one of those ships at set off to find more carrier fuel. None in the system? I bet at least one of those ships on board is equipped with a Frame Shift Drive, possibly even a cargo rack. Yes, that's right, you may have to cross a few systems in your little ship to find fuel for your big ship. Imagine that.
The posited situation was that it had jumped out beyond FSD range and there were no suitable minerals in the system
What is FSD range? I'm currently 43,192.48 LY from Jameson Memorial. Tell me again about FSD range.
On the very edge of the galaxy, stars can be more than 100ly apart. Even in a neutron-powered Anaconda, it is possible to find stars that can never be jumped to.

But Fleet Carriers will have a range of 500ly, significantly more than the furthest jump any other ship can make.
Would be interesting to find out if you can spawn or not on the FC. I suspect only the owner can refuel it. Imagine being thousands of LY away from the bubble, accidentally crash into a WD and die before refueling the FC. Then traveling aaaaallllllll the way back to your FC because it's dead in space and can't jump.

There's also the upkeep cost. I wouldn't be surprised if that was in ARX.
On the very edge of the galaxy, stars can be more than 100ly apart. Even in a neutron-powered Anaconda, it is possible to find stars that can never be jumped to.

But Fleet Carriers will have a range of 500ly, significantly more than the furthest jump any other ship can make.

Exactly, and a commander possessing even small amounts of Common Sense will know not to attempt such a jump without sufficient fuel to make a return jump, which may mean delaying that jump until sufficient fuel is gathered.
Exactly, and a commander possessing even small amounts of Common Sense will know not to attempt such a jump without sufficient fuel to make a return jump, which may mean delaying that jump until sufficient fuel is gathered.

Ninja'd again :D

But don't worry if someone was dumb enough to do that then come here on the forums to complain about it there would be the general outrage against FD and helpful advice to contact Customer Support for reimbursement or relocation of the ship :(
Suposing an Exploration FC makes a jump to a 500Ly distant star system, previously unreachable, and that system doesn't include the materials needed to fuel the beast...

Does the FC have a suicide button, and will the player be faced with a rebuy for the FC and all of the ships/modules on board it?

It could be 'interesting' to find out :)
You're just stuck.
The real question: The 'special fuel' for Fleet Carriers, you also can buy it, they say. So - can you transport it with one of your ships, and fuel up from your ship? This would be necessary to reach unpopulated systems. It also would limit how far and how fast you can travel outside the bubble.

I really hope, that travel outside the bubble is severely limited or even impossible, or this 500 ly jump range would destroy exploration quite fast, since there are a lot of systems which cannot be reached now with a maximum jump range of around 80 lys (160 with jumponium, 320 with a neutron star, but you will need one first). Exploration would become a thing of material grinding and money grinding and no longer attractive (to me at least).
You forgot time commitment. Otherwise, it's the same strip-mining that is going on now.
There's also the upkeep cost. I wouldn't be surprised if that was in ARX.
I would be. There would be an incredible outcry if that happened. It would be amazingly tone deaf to introduce game-content that required payment of real money, even if it was easily covered with free Arx from game-play.
If the fleet carrier doesn't have some form of cargo bay we can transfer these materials to that would be absolutely asinine and they would be missing out on a huge chance for players.

I can see the argument for not having hundreds or thousands of tons of storage at every station (blah blah logistics), but this is a station sized personal facility and it sure would be stupid not to have that - even it the storage only extends to the owner and nobody else.
If the fleet carrier doesn't have some form of cargo bay we can transfer these materials to that would be absolutely asinine and they would be missing out on a huge chance for players.

I can see the argument for not having hundreds or thousands of tons of storage at every station (blah blah logistics), but this is a station sized personal facility and it sure would be stupid not to have that - even it the storage only extends to the owner and nobody else.
I'd agree that it should have cargo. I can also see why they would be a little hesitant to put it in.

The argument against cargo in stations is that you could load up a station with cargo and then sell it all just before the BGS tick to massively affect the powerplay. If you could sell the cargo directly from the warehouse then that would be even worse. The game cannot refuse any transaction even if it is more than the demand for the goods. They effectively have infinite money. So selling, say 7,000 tonnes of gold or void opals, would be a huge effect on the BGS. It would only affect prices after the transaction had gone through.

With Carriers it is less easy. You can bring the carrier into the system, but you still need to ferry all those goods to the station and you can only sell them in batches the same size as your cargo hold. I think Frontier may not mind that. It may even mean better play for the power-play people since they would have a carrier to try to blockade. (If the owner was fair-minded enough to play in Open.)

But if a carrier doesn't have a cargo hold then I can't use it to switch ships if the new ship has a smaller capacity than the amount of cargo I am hauling. That makes little sense in a station but none at all in a personal fleet carrier. It removes a lot of the benefit that carriers would give us.
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