[Thread reserved for future complaints]

I'm now stuck in the middle of this bog, now with no ship, can't move.. what crap. wth am I supposed to do? Do I have to delete my commander and start the whole game again, just because I got stuck in a swamp?
Worst game ever. That's it. I'm done.
Oh the feels!!! T_T

Don't even get me started on the immersion breaking hot cocoa synthesis! I mean really, how can 2 iron and 1 nickel make cacao beans?
Superb but caused me to spit me beer!

I love the new C&P but having to attend court hearings in person just seems like a poor way to force you to use the new space legs. And, while I get that the judges are meant to look inbred, you really went to town with the ugly stick this time.

Also, Thargoid mothership battles are far too hard. Once you're stunlocked by their tractor beam, it's pretty much over (yes I'm using the guardian fighter as a distraction, but no dice).

btw, I sided with the Bazmeson PP faction back in June but the salt module is really underwhelming. I've discussed this with a friend and we've decided to leave next June.


Beaten with the ugly stick, you say? You haven't met my Fighter pilot. You really get the impression that someone in her family knew someone in her family...


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Snow drifts are too deep.

I stepped out of my ship and was up to my neck in snow ...couldn't move .... had to log out and into the old Horizons game (that one with the deserted planets and no weather) just so I could get back in my ship.

I'm 15,000 light years from the bubble and I accidentally launched my last Subaquatic Reconnoissance Vehicle (SRV) instead of Surface Reconnoissance Vehicle (SRV)...
Now it's just sitting on the rocks like a fracking beached whale and my crew member is constantly repeating the same phrase over and over, "It's drier than a Leestian Desiccator, Commander."
Thank you for that!!!

You could at least

1) Rename the fracking thing to Underwater Reconnoissance Vehicle (URV) so that's it's clear WHICH ONE I WANT MY CREW TO LAUNCH when using voice recognition.
2) Prevent the game from launching the URV when there is no fracking water!
3) NPC's lines still suck!
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Was out for a stroll on an ELW, got my suit snagged on some sort of spiky bush. Had to self-destruct my Remlok, ended up back in my SRV. Why does this keep happening?

Log out to the game launcher and run the 64 bit client to respawn in your SRV and avoid losing your dinosaur feather jacket.
I keep getting lost in the station. Can we please have some map kiosks?? Seriously, this is supposed to be the year 3314. My local mall used to have map kiosks before they closed the doors of course.
This thread is the sad embodiment of why actual whistleblowers from the future are not taken seriously nowadays. GG Skynet.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE FD - Why did you make our NPC crew semi-sentient and base them on Marvin from HHGTTG - and ALSO allow them to post on the forums? At least make them less grumpy than our Holo-Mes.....

Now that FDev has acquired all of bankrupt Roberts Space Industries' assets, I'm concerned the game will shift towards pay-to-win. How are you gonna ensure that the in-game balance will ooooooooh shiny new ships in the store...

Exclusive Cobra Mk IVMk III for pre-ordering Domesticated Paisley Yonder DLC confirmed!!! [money]
So, we got Earth likes, space legs, dynamic Thargoid war with shifting fronts, NPC crew mates, perfect networking, gorgeous encyclopedia, fully voiced dialogue AND STILL NO ORRERY! Why you hate me? Literally unplayable, and no, you can't haz my stuff!

Give them credit for giving us the Orrery, pal. The problem with this current version of the Orrery is that it won't let me dismantle it and inspect the gearworks. C'MON FDEV!
My drinks machine cannot make a proper cup of tea. This is because the air pressure is lower (so the water boils at a lower temperature). Please can FDev make water boil at 100C regardless of the air pressure? That way I can enjoy a proper brew!

Oh, and the Panther Clipper is absolutely USELESS. Mine spends 28 hours a day asleep on a cushion beside the fire, ruins the valuable antique furniture by stropping on it, eats about 10 tonnes of steak a day, and needs over 100 tonnes cat litter a month (despite there being plenty of space outside she WILL insist on using the litter tray, the way her mother taught her).
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FDev, could you PLEASE sort out the volume of the Discovery Scanner? Every so often (usually after I have had a drink to two of Lavian Brandy with a joint or two of Onionhead) I find that, as the 'foghorn' sounds, the planets all run away with their hands over their ears! It is embarrassing to have to go chasing after them!
Now you've spent so much time getting us down to the surface of Earth Like Worlds, couldn't you have made them a little more different. After exploring the first million or so, they all look the same. For example, the sand on the desert zones are all the same yellowy-beige everywhere (except when its red of course), I would have expected that you could have modelled some different elements (Oh, I forgot some of the grey sands) with more interesting colours (like the purplish slate sand, oh yeah forgot that too).

And then there are jungles, I mean you've got a really nice variety of size and variety of plants, but they all seem to be fractals. And green. Could you have at least generated different colours of chlorophyll?!!!

And the ice poles, why are they all white?!!!!!!!
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When will you decide to include STC into the crime and punishment system !

Ever since you allowed commanders to control space traffic in stations it has been complete chaos !

Just now someone thought it would be amusing to blow my over engineered corvette with the station weapons, just for lols !

STC murder hobbos should be instantaneously transferred to a prison and pay the fee of the re-buy of their victims !

Frontier, please nerf the sharks, so I have a chance to escape in my dolphin! Not fun anymore! [mad]

You have to form a pod and jump the shark to confuse it before having your mates flip it over... [downcast]

Which you would have known if you had bothered to read the Memoirs of Commander Thrusticles III as clearly stated on page 1337, prominently hosted for free on the INARA historical documentation repositories website.

Working as intended.
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