To Boldly Go

So, after a lot of work, I've gotten my DBX to a range of 35.34 LY. I've been dumping any non essential systems, gotten id of my hard points, and changed all of my gear to D class. Is there anything else I can do?
Yes, with engineering and the Guardian Frame Shift Drive booster, which is great.

As to whether anything can be done to increase your non-engineered build you'll need to post it.

I suggest using a program called Elite Dangerous Market Connector, EDMC, which when configured, allows you to easily export your current ship build to Coriolis, so we can see it and make suggestions. You can also manually enter all modules in Coriolis, but it's better to export it, especially once it's engineered.

I just quickly built a non-engineered DBX on Coriolis and got 35 unladen (with several A modules, including thrusters and PD) so I reckon you're right in the ballpark. Check out the requirements for the GFSDB, it will add nearly 10 jump. Engineering will take you to 70 jump.
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Unfortunately, right now, I don't have Horizons, but I do plan on getting it soon. Coriolis is still timing out, so should I just manually input my build with text here?
Yup! It's only $7.49 right now, so I'll get it sometime this week!

As for the build:

Hardpoints: None

Utility Mounts: None

Core Internal:
1C Lightweight Alloys
4D Thrusters
3D Life Support
4A Power Distributor
3A Sensors
5C Fuel Tank

Optional Internal:
4E Shields Generator
4A Fuel Scoop
2E Cargo Rack (Cap: 4)
1E Supercruise Assist
1E Advanced Docking Computer
1E Planetary Approach Suite
Two things you could do that pop out right away... Change the shields to either A-rated (same mass, better protection) or D-rated (60% lighter, still crap protection). You could also downsize the fuel tank for minimal gains, but of course you may need that extra gas at some point.

And for me personally, A-rated thrusters all day, every day. But I think I've said this already :)
I'd 4D the thrusters if I was ever going to use them. Most exploration takes place in super cruise, after all! As for the shields, do they only protect against weapons fire or are there some environmental hazards they block as well?
Raw MJ is important for collision protection. Speed and thruster response helps in high-G environments. My personal credo is never skimp on shields and thrusters for additional jump, the gains are usually so small as to not be worth the trade off. But those are my ships, not yours. Blaze yer own trail or sumpin' :)
I think I'll keep my thrusters where they are, but the shields could do with an upgrade. I don't want my expedition to end with me accidentally backing into an asteroid and nearly killing myself
I'm going to take a week of practice, touring around the bubble and practicing my fuel scooping. Then, I'm going to head to Colonia as a final pit stop, and head to the Vulcan Gate section of the galaxy (Section 32), where exploration is minimal. I'm going to stay in that area for at least 4 months, hopefully leaving a mark on the map!
By the way, here's your DBX in Coriolis. I changed the sensors to D-rated. You don't need A's in a explo build (I don't even use them in combat builds myself)

Elun's DBX

You didn't say which PP you are using, so I put in a 4A. You can add a wake scanner and a heat sink (you should have a heat sink). And if it were mine maybe a couple of shield boosters. I like heavy-duty engineered E-rated ones. Chaff maybe. Lots of options to go with here. Use this tool to test things out and see what path you wish to follow.
Yup! It's only $7.49 right now, so I'll get it sometime this week!

As for the build:

Hardpoints: None

Utility Mounts: None

Core Internal:
1C Lightweight Alloys
4D Thrusters
3D Life Support
4A Power Distributor
3A Sensors
5C Fuel Tank

Optional Internal:
4E Shields Generator
4A Fuel Scoop
2E Cargo Rack (Cap: 4)
1E Supercruise Assist
1E Advanced Docking Computer
1E Planetary Approach Suite
4D the shield generator,You can also purchase shield boosters which strengthens shield damage absorption,and fit in the utility slots.
How far are you intending to go?Ok,well in that case,ditch the Supercruise assist and fit an AFMU,ditch the docking computer & fit hull repair module,upgrade your bulkheads and dont bump into anything. :giggle:
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Well, as I said in a previous message, I plan to first head to Colonia, maybe do a bit of sightseeing along the way, then head towards the Vulcan Gate, which is area 32 on this map

I've been practicing my fuel scooping skills, and so far, I haven't gotten the slightest bit of heat damage in a while. However, if heat sinks don't make my jump range lower, I suppose I could fit a few in
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