To Solo Play Players: If You Could Disable PVP, Would You Play in Open Play Mode Instead?

General rule of thumb when it comes to this topic:

You should always conform to the rules of open, aka the rules of the many, instead of trying to terraform it according to the taste of the few.

There's really nothing else to be done in the matter. Combat is an integral part of the game, and any type of godmode would trash already existing dynamics in one way or another by abuse. No thank you. I don't want indestructible bgs attackers in my system only because their weapons are stowed, and they're not part of any pp group lol

Also, it would be a huge disservice to any newbie to prevent their untimely deaths in a videogame (it's still a videogame, bummer, I know...), because then they would never improve on their builds/piloting/route plotting.
When I play in solo I wanna feel like a protagonist, when I play I Open I want to feel dangerous
Heaping ridicule on those who don't like random unprovoked attacks against their pixel ships, but crying foul when your pixel politics go pear-shaped because someone influences it you haven't invited to your party. And whining about toxicity when being called out on the hypocrisy. Yeah, right. Off to real work, till next time.
It's not "crying foul", it's just pointing out the issues in the game design and what actually happens in the current situation (grind grind grind -> ignore any meaningful and complex gameplay if you want to take a side in the galaxy -> we all already have jobs ).

For example, I mentioned how security levels are a joke in the game, but I never ever read some "anti-ganking crusader" blame the game about it, it's usually just blaming the player that shoot you dead... In a game of spaceships with guns. I even read in the past people asking to ban players getting too many bounties, which is totally ridiculous especially when there's no strong language involved.

So it is clear that there is a strong request of something open but not PvP. As there is a request of something PvE but Open Only.

And again, both sides would benefit by being splitted, with one galaxy designed for a purely cooperative PvE gameplay and the other for a mixed PvE/PvP approach. It's would be the only thing to ask for, if everybody would cut it with this feud trying to "gank the ganker" by forums.
When I play in solo I wanna feel like a protagonist, when I play I Open I want to feel dangerous
and that's the thing. Playing SOLO should allow the CMDR to influence the galaxy ALONE and in a greater way than in Open. Playing some BGS in SOLO would be possible if "SOLO" was to have local database files, with editable influence rates. Basically an OFFLINE version of Elite where you can do "your game, your rules", still having an option to download "real galaxy data" from Open Servers and let you start from there. That would be a huge step forward, and it would maybe allow some sort of implicit modding to the game, having the "server files" hosted locally...

Robert Maynard

Volunteer Moderator
and that's the thing. Playing SOLO should allow the CMDR to influence the galaxy ALONE and in a greater way than in Open. Playing some BGS in SOLO would be possible if "SOLO" was to have local database files, with editable influence rates. Basically an OFFLINE version of Elite where you can do "your game, your rules", still having an option to download "real galaxy data" from Open Servers and let you start from there. That would be a huge step forward, and it would maybe allow some sort of implicit modding to the game, having the "server files" hosted locally...
A short time after the Kickstarter was pitched, with the game design including the three game modes and shared galaxy state already stated to be in scope, Frontier added Offline mode to the scope. Offline mode was cancelled a few weeks before launch - and Frontier explained that it would not offer the desired game experience, citing the existence of the online single player mode as an alternative way to play. The cancellation spawned significant unrest among some of the community and also threats of legal action (relating to refunds).

For that reason I expect that any push for an Offline mode won't be successful.

Players in Private Groups also affect the galaxy - by design....
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and that's the thing. Playing SOLO should allow the CMDR to influence the galaxy ALONE and in a greater way than in Open. Playing some BGS in SOLO would be possible if "SOLO" was to have local database files, with editable influence rates. Basically an OFFLINE version of Elite where you can do "your game, your rules", still having an option to download "real galaxy data" from Open Servers and let you start from there. That would be a huge step forward, and it would maybe allow some sort of implicit modding to the game, having the "server files" hosted locally...
I would gladly like offline version, especially if that allows extensive modding and so on.
I'm under the impression that a lot of people, including myself, prefer to play Solo mode all the time, not because we don't want to play with others, but simply because we don't want to PVP others.

For comparison, let me talk to you about of one of the worst launches in recent years, Fallout 76, which to the surprise of some has actually redeemed itself (at least to some extent), but owes it survival to its community, which stood during awful first year fo the game, but also a community that confused Bethesda because the devs were convinced their players wanted more PVP... and they were proven wrong, best depicted through many of the ironic headlines that gaming journalism used to deliver the "shocking" revelation:

Bethesda Didn’t Get Why ‘Fallout 76’ Players Wouldn’t Kill Each Other​

Bethesda Apparently Shocked People Didn't Like PvP in 'Fallout 76'​

Bethesda Surprised By How Many Fallout 76 Players Didn't Want to PvP​

Bethesda was surprised how uninterested players were in Fallout 76's PvP​

Bethesda got confused that Fallout 76 players don’t murder each other​

Why is everyone being so nice?

Don't misunderstand: Fallout 76 do had (still has to a small degree) griefers and gankers, but the vast majority of players simply preferred not to engage in PVP.

Keeping things short, today many of the ways to engage into PVP have been disabled, pacifist mode is a menu option that makes it almost impossible to engage in PVP, and while the game's reputation will forever be tarnished by its launch, its actually in a better than many people expected (which can't be said for games like EA's Anthem, which already threw the towel and cancelled further development). It still is no substitute for a proper Fallout 5, but as a casual time waster with a Fallout theme: it's passable.

Back to Elite Dangerous, I think a lot more people would like to try playing in Open Play with random strangers in Elite if they had the choice to opt out from PVP, like having an aforementioned pacifist mode that disabled PVP interactions.

But that's just my impression, and I would like to hear what other thinks on this matter:

Do you think that Open Play would be negatively affected if PVP could be disabled?

Do you think Elite could benefit from having more people try to play & cooperate with others in Open Play?
I have played in open for about 1 hour in over 1000 hours of game play! I am a member of the "Class of '84" #Acornelectronftw. I bought Elite dangerous as a return to those happy days. Being forced to pvp when I don't want to is the reason I don't play in anything but Private Group or Solo. Too many people play games like this just to ruin other people's enjoyment. There would be no need for solo if you could disable pvp, pg is another matter because of instancing.
I personally would be more 'open' to joining the Open server if I could turn off pvp.
and that's the thing. Playing SOLO should allow the CMDR to influence the galaxy ALONE and in a greater way than in Open. Playing some BGS in SOLO would be possible if "SOLO" was to have local database files, with editable influence rates. Basically an OFFLINE version of Elite where you can do "your game, your rules", still having an option to download "real galaxy data" from Open Servers and let you start from there. That would be a huge step forward, and it would maybe allow some sort of implicit modding to the game, having the "server files" hosted locally...
Unfortunately it was almost decided that people who won't play in open can't affect the 'Power Play'. So people who "Don't Want To PVP" or be constantly ganked aren't allowed to sign up for a faction or get that factions special weapons etc. It's one of the reasons my 1000+ hours on this commander and my 500+ on my second commander aren't going up that much. It's like the 1st person view versus 3rd person view debate and the reason I 'refunded' Odyssey, the shooter players in ED said it's unfair to have 3rd person view because it gives people an unfair advantage in PVP! But that's not what the OP was talking about so I'll leave that there.
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Unfortunately it was decided that people who won't play in open can't affect the 'Power Play'. So people who "Don't Want To PVP" or be constantly ganked aren't allowed to sign up for a faction or get that factions special weapons etc. FDev should change their name to Rockstar and take away 50% of the game content because you don't want to pvp or get ganked constantly! OH WAIT THEY DO! It's one of the reasons my 1000+ hours on this commander and my 500+ on my second commander aren't going up that much. It's like the 1st person view versus 3rd person view debate and the reason I 'refunded' Odyssey, the shooter players in ED said it's unfair to have 3rd person view because it gives people an unfair advantage in PVP! But that's not what the OP was talking about so I'll leave that there.
What? As far as I know you can play PP from any mode.
Unfortunately it was decided that people who won't play in open can't affect the 'Power Play'. So people who "Don't Want To PVP" or be constantly ganked aren't allowed to sign up for a faction or get that factions special weapons etc. FDev should change their name to Rockstar and take away 50% of the game content because you don't want to pvp or get ganked constantly! OH WAIT THEY DO! It's one of the reasons my 1000+ hours on this commander and my 500+ on my second commander aren't going up that much. It's like the 1st person view versus 3rd person view debate and the reason I 'refunded' Odyssey, the shooter players in ED said it's unfair to have 3rd person view because it gives people an unfair advantage in PVP! But that's not what the OP was talking about so I'll leave that there.
No that idea was ditched afaik. You can play PP wherever you want, and that is partly why the trolls still keep demanding all the silly stuff in threads like this. Open Only PP had its merits from a PvP point of view but it's just like all of the toxic ideas of trolls and griefers - they tend to be good just from one point of view.

A PvE mode however with voluntary opt ins for PvP has no such drawbacks like putting an entire audience on the backseat.
No that idea was ditched afaik. You can play PP wherever you want, and that is partly why the trolls still keep demanding all the silly stuff in threads like this. Open Only PP had its merits from a PvP point of view but it's just like all of the toxic ideas of trolls and griefers - they tend to be good just from one point of view.

A PvE mode however with voluntary opt ins for PvP has no such drawbacks like putting an entire audience on the backseat.
Well that just goes to show how much I play and pay attention to the forums, about 2 - 3 years ago FDev said PP was no longer available in solo, too many griefers and gankers moaned that "people who don't play open" shouldn't be allowed to affect the PP. Then FDev removed that from solo. I haven't seen anything rescinding that. But like I say I've played very few hours waiting for a reason to play again. Odyssey should have been my reason but I cannot play 'shooter' style games in first person. It makes me sick. Flight sims I can! Go figure that one!
Well that just goes to show how much I play and pay attention to the forums, about 2 - 3 years ago FDev said PP was no longer available in solo, too many griefers and gankers moaned that "people who don't play open" shouldn't be allowed to affect the PP. Then FDev removed that from solo. I haven't seen anything rescinding that. But like I say I've played very few hours waiting for a reason to play again. Odyssey should have been my reason but I cannot play 'shooter' style games in first person. It makes me sick. Flight sims I can! Go figure that one!
I don't think it was ever removed from solo?
Well that just goes to show how much I play and pay attention to the forums, about 2 - 3 years ago FDev said PP was no longer available in solo, too many griefers and gankers moaned that "people who don't play open" shouldn't be allowed to affect the PP. Then FDev removed that from solo. I haven't seen anything rescinding that. But like I say I've played very few hours waiting for a reason to play again. Odyssey should have been my reason but I cannot play 'shooter' style games in first person. It makes me sick. Flight sims I can! Go figure that one!
FD never said that and you can still play in whatever mode you want. That's the reason for this deluge of threads; some people want to control how others play and they can't.
I think FD made a decision during the development of ED based on wrong assumptions about how players will play the game and for some reason they don't admit that many players have a different expectation towards the game.

Allowing the only mode without any limitations (not talking about solo here) to have pvp activated the whole time is a bad development decision.
I would also be happy with a TEF (Temp Enemy Flag) like system, that was in SWG some years ago. Switch to PVP on the fly but have a cool down coming off to stop grief
FD never said that and you can still play in whatever mode you want. That's the reason for this deluge of threads; some people want to control how others play and they can't.
Ok so I just read a thread from Sandro Sammarco himself talking about making PP "Open Only" dated 15 May 2018. So maybe they didn't 'go live' with that but as I said I've been out of the loop for a couple of years. I also found approx 3 months later a post from a player saying he was happy it didn't happen!
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