To the far rim in a Sidey

Day 6 (35) completed:

Number of Jumps: 154
Total Jumps (6 days): 1,056
Avg Jumps / day: 176.0
Total Distance Travelled: 78,016LY (Day 6) - 56,635LY (Day 0) = 21,381LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 20.2 LY

Distance to SOL: 19,739.45LY

Distance to EOS CHREA NY-Q C21 349 A 1: 8,872.31LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 439.2
Estimated Number of Days: 2.5
ETA at EOS CHREA NY-Q C21-349: 01/01/3302

And then on to Beagle Point:

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 45,855.25LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 2,270.1
Estimated Number of Days: 12.9
ETA at Beagle Point: 11/01/3302

End point for the night (is that you Iron Orchid?):

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I dipped my toe back into the canyon run/crater diving pond today.

Didn't actually do any of the fun stuff but headed down to the surface of a planet...turned out to be a 2.06G planet and boy the Grass Hopper II felt scared so left.


Day 7 (36) completed:

Number of Jumps: 200
Total Jumps (7 days): 1,256
Avg Jumps / day: 179.4
Total Distance Travelled: 82,200LY (Day 7) - 56,635LY (Day 0) = 25,565LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 20.4 LY

Distance to SOL: 23,683.44LY

Distance to EOS CHREA NY-Q C21 349 A 1: 4,807.56LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 235.7
Estimated Number of Days: 1.3 -->> I was hoping I could push through and make it to EOS CHREA by tomorrow (31/12/3301) but with certain festivities happening I don't like my chances.
ETA at EOS CHREA NY-Q C21-349: 01/01/3302

And then on to Beagle Point:

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 41,750.34LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 2,046.6
Estimated Number of Days: 11.4
ETA at Beagle Point: 11/01/3302

End point for the night:

Day 8 (37) completed: (very early today, and much shortened, due to upcoming festivities)

Number of Jumps: 51
Total Jumps (8 days): 1,307
Avg Jumps / day: 163.4
Total Distance Travelled: 83,269LY (Day 8) - 56,635LY (Day 0) = 26,634LY
Avg Distance / Jump: 20.4 LY

Distance to SOL: 24,723.65LY

Distance to EOS CHREA NY-Q C21 349 A 1: 3,823.76LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 187.4
Estimated Number of Days: 1.2
ETA at EOS CHREA NY-Q C21-349: 02/01/3302

And then on to Beagle Point:

Distance to CEECKIA ZQ-L C24-0 (Beagle Point): 40,694.60LY
Estimated Number of Jumps: 1,994.8
Estimated Number of Days: 12.2
ETA at Beagle Point: 13/01/3302

End point for the night:

See everybody in the new year!!

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I must say. Your resolve is impressive Commander. Sidewinder as so small a home so far away in the black. Good luck with the expedition. I hope we can meet in person at Beagle Point when I, hopefully barring any misshaps, arrive with Distant Worlds Expedition.

I will fly a Cobra MkIII so cheers to all small ships at the far rim.
I must say. Your resolve is impressive Commander. Sidewinder as so small a home so far away in the black. Good luck with the expedition. I hope we can meet in person at Beagle Point when I, hopefully barring any misshaps, arrive with Distant Worlds Expedition.
I will fly a Cobra MkIII so cheers to all small ships at the far rim.

Thanks cmdr.

Hi Cmdr...yup I will probably end up there today at the end of my play session (1/1) or early in my play session tomorrow (2/1). I am generally on about 12.30pm GMT to 3.30pm GMT (actually 8.30pm +8GMT to 11.30pm +8GMT...Perth Australia)...does this match up at all with you game sessions?

Looks like you're moving faster than I am! I am currently 39,384LY from Beagle Point. I thought it was along haul to Sag A*. Out to the Point is twice as far as I have already gone! *Groans* Give me strength! LOL

Great job so far Frawd! Keep it up!
Looks like you're moving faster than I am! I am currently 39,384LY from Beagle Point. I thought it was along haul to Sag A*. Out to the Point is twice as far as I have already gone! *Groans* Give me strength! LOL
Great job so far Frawd! Keep it up!

Actuallr cmdr you're about 1300ly closer to BP than I am. Mind you we could still be a long way from each other on an east-west axis.

Congrats to all of you out there in the Big Deep Galaxy!... on New Years Stuff!

I'm currently stuck doing bubble stuff... you know.,.. CGs.. Bounty Hunting, Trade... interacting with other CMDRs who aren't explorers....

...and I suck at it all!

In some ways, I can't wait to set off for my Fourth Great Expedition!.... but I promised myself to enjoy the bubble before setting off... but... is it really enjoyable?!... THAT IS THE QUESTION!
Congrats to all of you out there in the Big Deep Galaxy!... on New Years Stuff!
I'm currently stuck doing bubble stuff... you know.,.. CGs.. Bounty Hunting, Trade... interacting with other CMDRs who aren't explorers....
...and I suck at it all!
In some ways, I can't wait to set off for my Fourth Great Expedition!.... but I promised myself to enjoy the bubble before setting off... but... is it really enjoyable?!... THAT IS THE QUESTION!

Come back out into the black know you want to...

My youngest son created his version of my space ship...

Here is the Sidewinder Grass Hopper II as per Patrick:


He doesn't realise how accurate his rendition is...yes, a cardboard box (that's me and two of my sons in the cockpit) ;)

If the incoming list ritual is completed possible sidewinder routes to become club members and have a lot of biscuits shal be thrown.

Hi Cmdr...yup I will probably end up there today at the end of my play session (1/1) or early in my play session tomorrow (2/1). I am generally on about 12.30pm GMT to 3.30pm GMT (actually 8.30pm +8GMT to 11.30pm +8GMT...Perth Australia)...does this match up at all with you game sessions?


Seems OK to me. We were going to have a couple of days out in the new year but it depends on the weather. Its been pretty damp and miserable in Blighty. I'll try to make to "Digger's Demise" today and then it doesn't matter if you arrive today or tomorrow.
Will you be in open?

Have you seen DrKali and Erimus video of picking materials up without an SRV?
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