ANNOUNCEMENT Tritium Depot Refills

IMHO , The best way forward would be to give free Tritium top-up's daily until the FD get it sorted. Then everyone could get on with playing the game and Dev's could get on with fixing the current Tritium crisis.

Or just waive the FC fee's temporarily until they become useable again :)
Having said that i think offering stuck commanders to have their fc re-located via the ticket system would be an acceptable work around in addition to the 1000T of free tritium.
Absolute acceptable.
If support team would have more knowledge about the game than the devs...
Unfortunately, well, guess it ;)
I'm inspired CMDR! I had already changed my playstyle a bit to compensate anyway. Start with a run in a Tritium hotspot to fill up my Anaconda with about 260t, then switch out to the Krait Phantom for some exploration. May or may not get back to some more mining before I log. I'm headed towards Beagle point and as far as I know, I'm not in a race with anyone to get there, so just taking my time and enjoying the trip.

Try Tri/LTD overlap if you accidentally bump into one, or you can visit

Col 285 Sector XB-H b25-0 Ring 6A

on your way.

There is a lot more "yellow" rocks reacting to pulse wave then in single hotspot, and current game mechanics seems to nerf some commodities by substituting original content with Tritium.

This is my guess why Tri SSD are so plenty in LTD / VO hotspots, and overlapping with Tritium hotspot results in synergy of both RNG factors.
Question to those who are happy to extract 200t of tritium in an hour... Really? 5 hours of mining for 1000 tritium and 4 500ly jumps? You really like that?

How long did it take to laser mine 1000t Tritium in single hotspot before the infamous patch?
I have already answered such questions - crippling FCs ability to travel seems to be unnecessary to me.

I will keep my "devils advocate" role anyway,
because all most of demands of free fuel justified by "game breaking patch" are either based on delusions,

- there WAS no free fuel before the patch

or manipulative:

- you still can SSD mine Tri , usually more then you have been getting if you have been laser mining until now

- you can buy 4.000t of "expensive" Tri for one hour of Painite laser mining (if you are in the Bubble).

If you justify such means as lies in getting what you want - your choice.

I don't.

PS. Just in case - I do agree that no Tritium for sale in Colonia should be compensated by topping not only the depot but also free cargo capacity, but only to FCs in Colonia surroundings.
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So.....Where i can buy this super cheap tritium in bubble?
FD could facilitate the sale of Tritium in all distant regions, for example, Station X in Crab Sector DL-Y d9, which is an extractor, sells hydrogen but not Tritium ... please
Question to those who are happy to extract 200t of tritium in an hour... Really? 5 hours of mining for 1000 tritium and 4 500ly jumps? You really like that?
Not acceptable to me and I find it ridiculous that anyone is defending that as even remotely okay, whether before or after the patch. Frontier responded to the beta feedback by doubling the fuel efficiency, but IMO they were and still are out by an entire order of magnitude to make mining Tritium a viable method to fuel carriers for individual long range explorers. Before the patch you could at least fuel up in the bubble for (relatively) cheap, top up at Colonia and travel a long way from there before needing to mine to refuel - still not great, but a mitigating factor is a mitigating factor nonetheless. Now Tritium costs 10x as much as it did before the patch in the Bubble and is completely out of stock in Colonia, making refueling unviable by any means.

I'm somewhat tempted to request a refund of the money I spent on cosmetics for my carrier given this cluster, but at the end of the day part of me is also just fine with leaving it polluting some random system map somewhere causing Orange Sidewinder crashes* and being a major headache for Frontier** until they wake up, realise what a total mess they have made of this and start fixing things. In the meantime No Mans Sky just added derelict Freighters to explore which is much more interesting gameplay than shooting at rocks, so I'll be over there ==>

* Except I'm not actually in the Bubble and my carrier is unlikely to bother anyone where it is. You're welcome.
** Would be more of a headache for them if they actually played their own game, but dealing with the bug reports will have to do.
You can't.
But do some math before you go on...
Everyhing I wrote is valid.
I even added "EXPENSIVE" in front of Tritium to avoid misunderstandings.

Didn't work for everyone as I can see :sneaky:

ye i did math... and I found out that the tritium is and was broken before
bad extraction ratio out of bubble
and in the bubble it's better to mine something else to buy it at the station

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