Debug camera to line up the beauty shot, then F10 to take it.PS Guys, what do you use for your screen captures and is it difficult to post photos here?
Files are usually dropped into your Pictures folder under Frontier Developments/Elite Dangerous
For example, on Windows 7 it is: C:\Users\<username>\Pictures\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous
To manipulate images, I use GIMP (think of a poor man's Photoshop).
I use the Batch Image Manipulation Plugin (BIMP) to convert the folder of images from BMP to PNG or JPG.
Putting an image on your posting is easy. Click on the "Reply" button, then click "Go Advanced".
Scroll down until you see Manage Attachments button. Clicking it opens a popup where you can Add Files by uploading them. You can also insert those uploaded images in-line.
It's considered good manners on this forum to enclose attached images in spoiler tags to save space.
It's the icon with a white tag and pink rectangle on it for spoiler tags.