Type 6 - To boldly go

PS Guys, what do you use for your screen captures and is it difficult to post photos here?
Debug camera to line up the beauty shot, then F10 to take it.

Files are usually dropped into your Pictures folder under Frontier Developments/Elite Dangerous
For example, on Windows 7 it is: C:\Users\<username>\Pictures\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous

To manipulate images, I use GIMP (think of a poor man's Photoshop).

I use the Batch Image Manipulation Plugin (BIMP) to convert the folder of images from BMP to PNG or JPG.

Putting an image on your posting is easy. Click on the "Reply" button, then click "Go Advanced".
Scroll down until you see Manage Attachments button. Clicking it opens a popup where you can Add Files by uploading them. You can also insert those uploaded images in-line.
It's considered good manners on this forum to enclose attached images in spoiler tags to save space.
It's the icon with a white tag and pink rectangle on it for spoiler tags.
It's considered good manners on this forum to enclose attached images in spoiler tags to save space.

I respectfully disagree, spoilers are as described as "hiding" things that people "may" not want to see or may ruin their enjoyment of the game, if however you are posting pictures that you want to share with other players - then you want them to be visible to those other players. There is no space issue, indeed the very reason you are posting the Pics in the first place is to share them.

Thank you Zen though for an informative stage by stage how to share pics - big up :)
The last pics for today... Hope you enjoy them.

And take a look at the suggestion forum via the link at my signature ! Hope to read of you all...

approach.jpgcloser.jpgringed beauty.jpg
Really like reading this post Ripster and congrats on your venture sounds like you are having fun, i do have a few questions if you don't mind :) as i wanna head out and explore too in my T6

This is my load out http://www.edshipyard.com/#/L=60W,,2-4s6u6Q3I5K3m6k,50ompV7Q42jw2UI

Is the AFM an absolute must due to it not being able to repair main parts of the ship ie the hull?
When leaving home was all your jumps random? as i was going to jump to the outer rim and then make my way around to obviously avoid populated areas and finally have you come across any stations yet to be able to do repairs on your hull?

Really like reading this post Ripster and congrats on your venture sounds like you are having fun, i do have a few questions if you don't mind :) as i wanna head out and explore too in my T6

This is my load out http://www.edshipyard.com/#/L=60W,,2-4s6u6Q3I5K3m6k,50ompV7Q42jw2UI

Is the AFM an absolute must due to it not being able to repair main parts of the ship ie the hull?
When leaving home was all your jumps random? as i was going to jump to the outer rim and then make my way around to obviously avoid populated areas and finally have you come across any stations yet to be able to do repairs on your hull?


Thank you for your kind comments :) I'm glad you are kitting up and shipping out - it's all great out there in the dark :cool:

Your load out looks good to me - people debate about life support and power distributor - for me I go D class for the life support as if the worst happens there IS NO way to get back - even when you are just 1000LY out. There is only time to make peace with your self and whatever you believe in and then do you throw the switch or wait watch and let the galaxy do the deed :S For the power distributor I go 1D just to shed weight and because it serves no purpose once you are exploring. Some T6 CMDRs use your load out as it helps in the Pew Pew zone that you have to run through, once through it though it's dead weight. It's no biggie either way though.

The AFM is not a must, I haven't used it and even with my damage (68%) my modules are all 98%+ at the moment. It makes people feel safer and it weighs nothing so if you can afford it then it's sort of not harming you to have it along for the ride. But i would still explore even without one if getting one was a problem :)

There are no garages or repair shops ANYWHERE out here (well the mobile space port is out there somewhere - but just one in a place this big it is the proverbial needle in a haystack :eek:). Once you get exploring it will hit you just how HUGE space is outside of the tiny "human space":eek:

My Jumps are random as I too am avoiding the well trodden routes, point the bricks nose somewhere and follow ;) but most of all have fun :)

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.
Thank you for your kind comments :) I'm glad you are kitting up and shipping out - it's all great out there in the dark :cool:

Your load out looks good to me - people debate about life support and power distributor - for me I go D class for the life support as if the worst happens there IS NO way to get back - even when you are just 1000LY out. There is only time to make peace with your self and whatever you believe in and then do you throw the switch or wait watch and let the galaxy do the deed :S For the power distributor I go 1D just to shed weight and because it serves no purpose once you are exploring. Some T6 CMDRs use your load out as it helps in the Pew Pew zone that you have to run through, once through it though it's dead weight. It's no biggie either way though.

The AFM is not a must, I haven't used it and even with my damage (68%) my modules are all 98%+ at the moment. It makes people feel safer and it weighs nothing so if you can afford it then it's sort of not harming you to have it along for the ride. But i would still explore even without one if getting one was a problem :)

There are no garages or repair shops ANYWHERE out here (well the mobile space port is out there somewhere - but just one in a place this big it is the proverbial needle in a haystack :eek:). Once you get exploring it will hit you just how HUGE space is outside of the tiny "human space":eek:

My Jumps are random as I too am avoiding the well trodden routes, point the bricks nose somewhere and follow ;) but most of all have fun :)

Good luck and keep us updated on your progress.

Thanks for the info Ripster, i am now ready to head off on my journey ( had to make some cr to outfit the T6 ) currently in Santjalan with 29.16LY (31.20LY) after outfitting.

Will keep you posted on my journey.
Lot's of red dwarfs and t tauris in my sector recently, so had to take the compulsory picture:


Have been managing only about 2hr/day, so progress is slow. Still about 700ly to next nebula.
does everyone scan everything when jumping from system to system?

i know I've only just started but i'm currently 290ly away from home as I've been scanning every time i enter a system.
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Here is my Load out as below in the pictures for my new exploring T6, Good enough ?
I know ive probably gone overboard with AFM modules. Also i have got 2 Shield boosters installed :O
Dont pay any attention with the Power use as that with everything turned on. Dont need all 3 of the AFM modules turned on, untill their being used.

I just came back from exploring using a Adder , Going back out again.
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does everyone scan everything when jumping from system to system?

i know I've only just started but i'm currently 190ly away from home as I've been scanning every time i enter a system.

Here is my Load out as below in the pictures for my new exploring T6, Good enough ?
I know ive probably gone overboard with AFM modules. Also i have got 2 Shield boosters installed :O
Dont pay any attention with the Power use as that with everything turned on. Dont need all 3 of the AFM modules turned on, untill their being used.
View attachment 21809

I just came back from exploring using a Adder , Going back out again.

Hi newbie,

its up to you to scan every system. I for myself scan only systems with earthlike planets. Every sun if i jump in and the advanced system scan. But thats up to you and your timeframe.

Hi lerax,

your loadout looks fine. Close to 30 Ly range. Thats fine. My T-6 has approx 26 Ly range. Enough for most jumping. I prefer to carry weapons along. I never go unarmed out :) and by the way, the T-6 has a much better field of view as the Adder.

One or max. two FMU are enough :)
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Hi lerax,

your loadout looks fine. Close to 30 Ly range. Thats fine. My T-6 has approx 26 Ly range. Enough for most jumping. I prefer to carry weapons along. I never go unarmed out :) and by the way, the T-6 has a much better field of view as the Adder.

One or max. two FMU are enough :)

I forgot to attach my Weapons Load out ;) .. Picture Below:

does everyone scan everything when jumping from system to system?

i know I've only just started but i'm currently 290ly away from home as I've been scanning every time i enter a system.

If you have an Advanced Scanner fitted it does no harm to do a quick D-Scan at the Star, it all adds up to a healthy credit pile. And you can easily knock out a scan while aligning too and powering up for your next jump
I forgot to attach my Weapons Load out ;) .. Picture Below:

View attachment 21816

Thanks Jim, i have stopped scanning everything in the system since i went from 16 to 41 lol, a bit too many to scan.

If you have an Advanced Scanner fitted it does no harm to do a quick D-Scan at the Star, it all adds up to a healthy credit pile. And you can easily knock out a scan while aligning too and powering up for your next jump

@ lerax

Nice to see someone with guns out there. I know ist just the T-6 and no Vulture. But better a small stick than None :) I use two turreted canons on mine.


i found Systems with 70+ bodies. Would take hours to scan all. So i do it like you now. Jump in, hit advanced scanner, check system map and if nothing of interesst is there start scooping and engage FSD...

@ Wyke

this is the way its done... you are correct ! :)

Good night to all of you and fly safe
Hello Chaps

I've been following this thread for a while, some superb new explorer info here. Decided I may have to join in, even though I'm not flying the pre-requisite ship. She was a hauler in a former life though...
Hello Chaps

I've been following this thread for a while, some superb new explorer info here. Decided I may have to join in, even though I'm not flying the pre-requisite ship. She was a hauler in a former life though...

Rikk please feel free to join in = we are not ship snobs here :)

Your opinion is most welcome :)


*winds neck in*

All set ups - all star chargers - all are welcome in the T6 club :)
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