UA Mystery thread 4 - The Canonn

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I'm assuming this can be rapidly eliminated - but just in case:

If a UA has been in a system and broadcast a name for a certain length of time (long enough to be received by whoever), it switches to its second (ship drawing) mode. But if it is taken to a system/station where it hasn't been before it reverts to the name mode...

It's probably worth going by the assumption that these are extremely unsophisticated machines and aren't going to respond to attempts at contact. But equally, it's plausible that they may have a further behaviour mode, which kicks in after the first two....

Sorry but no.
In the test I made last night, the same UA was swapped from two different ships, same station, without changing the instance, and it changed its MORSE only according to the ship that deployed it. It did one, or the other. For a few swaps. I even jumped to another system, than back to Thompson Dock, and did it all again.
I have gone in and out of stations hundreds of time smuggling rare's etc, it has nothing to do with weapons, there was no fine for deploying hard points
I don't even have weapons fitted !. I always use 2 heat sinks out and 2 in never a problem I have even used limpest inside a station ! again never an issue

>there was no fine for deploying hard points ____----> You get the warning (no fine) as you go inside/docked.
Simple: Heatsink count as shoot. Shoot angle depends at ship and the settings (Use heatsink as weapon yes/no)

I will be glad if I'm wrong and and the "rare" effort (and my one very hard gained "SciResearch") comes back from support/ticket. But I see this as described.
Would only give a conclusive explanation (from what I saw) and no offence to your team...

We salute you!
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Space Panda Reporting in with hopefully useful stuff

I did a test in a Hauler No other cargo and no weapons

Arriving at UA

UA at station

UA dieing

Again sorry about terrible quality, Windows 10 DVR aint great
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I'm assuming this can be rapidly eliminated - but just in case:

If a UA has been in a system and broadcast a name for a certain length of time (long enough to be received by whoever), it switches to its second (ship drawing) mode. But if it is taken to a system/station where it hasn't been before it reverts to the name mode...

It's probably worth going by the assumption that these are extremely unsophisticated machines and aren't going to respond to attempts at contact. But equally, it's plausible that they may have a further behaviour mode, which kicks in after the first two....

So if this is true... The UA are identifying the star system and then recording the ships present in those systems. Ok if there are any "intel" experienced types around, please give us an explanation of where this behaviour fits into the intelligence theory, data gathering and analysis process? Also, one for everyone; if you were a General would you want a low tech, (therefore cheap,) numerous, survellance drone that degrades the logistics structure of the enemy during the intelligence gathering process, especially if the enemy was not aware of your existence and wished to "perplex and vex"?

Creepy little intel gathering alien scum probes! nuke em!

is ANYONE concerned about these things?
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Hope you're not leaving work in the next few minutes Riz!

I'll have another rec in a few more minutes.

eheh, I left work in those few minutes :D
I'm home now, ready to take a look to your recordings, as well as SpacePanda's.
But first I have to cook some handmade Tagliatelle with fresh Porcini mushrooms a friend took me from the woods :D

Reporting soon.
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Sterling stuff! Carry on! Show them who is boss :D (and yes it warms the cockles to hear a commander is out there, in the black, squashing bugs!)

At least until it turns out that this alien race is humanity's (and possible the humanities) only hope for defeating the Thargoids, but we squashed too many.
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If it makes you feel any better, I've rammed every single one of the little snots I've come across :D

Try shooting the little snots too, don't they make a satisfying death squeal.

My personal experiment is the question "Is it possible to clear a system of UA's and stop them spawning?"
I'm ping-ponging between two systems that have them and will shoot until they spawn no more.

As it seems there's a critical number of UA's sold for stations to malfunction perhaps there's a critcal number of UA kills to clear a system of them? I don't know if there is any use to this or if the game mechanics can account for this.

Any advice appreciated.

With surrounding the Pleiades and a station soon to be sent to the region and the damage ua's cause, I smell possible plot lines, like the station goes there and then the region becomes unreachable when the ua swarm activates or at least something will happen with them when the station get there.

Perhaps the station malfunctions they seem to cause can never be fixed and stations that have taken too many will die.

Perhaps Canonn experimenters will become unwelcome and anyone found with a ua in their cargo will be hunted down and shot for being the filthy little plague carriers they are.
At least until it turns out that this alien race is humanity's (and possible the humanities) only hope for defeating the Thargoids, but we squashed too many.

Oh I seriously doubt that. These little blighters are checking us out with a view to us being lunch, for sure! In fact they are Thargoid in origin. (confirmed by DBOBE in failed Q&A obsfucation last night)
Nope - They are coming anyway. I would rather enjoy the journey and maybe understand them a little for when they do arrive. Not that it will make any difference.

So let them wreck the party? Maybe we can have a more direct influence in the potential outcome if we shoot them....
I would like to formally apologise for last night's

FD have settled the ticket by dropping 2 million credits into the account but not replaced ANY of the cargo we all worked tirelessly to get.
The account now stands around 20 million credits and I probably won't be using the account in the future unless there is a specific need.
Therefore I'm going to be moving the T7 to the closest system with Palladium and will part with up to 15 million credits for commanders who contributed by dropping in rare items or other.
Will be online over the weekend to arrange transfers; please PM me and bring at least 3 limpets controller.
Just out of curiosity, has anyone unpacked the game files and looked at the scripts for these things? I mean I know that ruins the fun but I'm kinda surprised no one has by now.
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