Ungulate Talk

Great list. I would buy a pack with these animals in a hartbeat (intentional bad pun mispelling) and not just because of the snufflenose.

If I were rounding it to ten I'd add the Red River Hog (my African areas just fell incompletes without them) and the Japanese Serrow or Golden Takin.
I would have included the Red River Hog as an honorable mention, but I didn't want to make the list too long. That being said, I do think that they'd be a neat addition to the game!
While I agree that more ungulates would be nice, there are other groups (Monkeys, birds, small cats, other small mammals, and marsupials) that need to catch up before I would be excited for bunch of ungulates. I hope they add many animal packs in the future to someday justify all of these. That said, here is my list of wild ungulates:

Cervids: need at least 4
  1. Muntjac or Tufted Deer: The game needs a small deer, and I would prefer one of the fanged ones
  2. Red Deer: Popular and good for Europe, has in-game art
  3. White Tailed Deer or Wapiti: A NA deer would be nice. American elk are gorgeous and make cool sounds, but I don’t know that they make as good zoo animals. White tailed deer have a massive range and could be paired with many NA animals. I think they are more common in zoos, but there is no conservation effort necessary.
  4. Pudu: Another small deer might be nice, good for SA
  5. Pere David’s Deer: good conservation story
  6. White Tailed Deer or Wapiti: Pick the one that wasn’t added
  7. Chital or Sika deer: another spotted deer might be nice
  8. Marsh Deer*: Interesting orange deer from South America
Goats: need at least 5
  1. Markhor: Popular and distinctive Asian goat
  2. Musk Ox: Popular arctic goat
  3. Takin: Popular goat from Asia
  4. Bighorn Sheep: North American goat. They could give it the desert appearance.
  5. Chiru/Tibetan Antelope*: Rare Asian caprid that is cool, but not common in zoos
  6. Chamois: Good for Europe
  7. Tahr: Cute Asian goat with a funny mane
Other Bovids: need at least 7. I’m kind of hoping they’ll do a massive Safari pack someday with ~30 animals and cram some extra antelope in there.
  1. Blackbuck: Distinctive Asian antelope
  2. Saiga: Interesting nose, would be fun even if not common in zoos
  3. Giant Eland: more colorful than the common eland, big antelope for Africa
  4. Kirk’s Dik Dik or Klipspringer: need a small African antelope
  5. Addax: Popular desert animal
  6. Nilgai: Interesting antelope from India
  7. Zebra Dukier: Small African forest antelope. I think this one’s the coolest, but I don’t care too much
  8. Hartebeest*: Interesting mid-sized antelope
  9. Gerenuk: Provides another alternate African antelope
  10. Greater Kudu: It is popular, but I forgot how much it resembles the Nyala. It might be cool to have a less colorful nyala to put in mixed Safari areas, but it isn’t high priority for me.
  11. Arabian Oryx*: Good for the Middle East, and I wouldn’t mind another oryx
  12. Four Horned Antelope: small Asian antelope
  13. Wild Yak: Asian animal
  14. Saola: Rare Asian bovid
  15. Forest Buffalo: They are super cute brown, African buffalo
  16. Anoa: Asian island wild cow
  17. Guar: Asian wild cow
Other Ungulates:
  1. Dromedary Camel: very common in zoos, lots of in-game art
  2. Red River Hog: popular and common in zoos
  3. Somali Wild Donkey: rare and cute donkey. Another equid would be great
  4. Wild Boar: Good for Europe
  5. Masai or Rothschild’s Giraffe*: A lot of zoos have more than one variety of Giraffe
  6. Peccary: Taxonomically different pig
  7. Black Rhino: has in-game art
  8. Vicuña or Guanaco: good for South America
  9. Mountain Zebra: someday, another non-safari zebra might be nice. Not high priority
  10. Visayan or Other Wild Boar: I don’t really like pigs, but some people really do
I bolded the ones that I think are essential to the game and starred a few of my favorites that I know aren't really essential.
While I agree that more ungulates would be nice, there are other groups (Monkeys, birds, small cats, other small mammals, and marsupials) that need to catch up before I would be excited for bunch of ungulates. I hope they add many animal packs in the future to someday justify all of these. That said, here is my list of wild ungulates:

Cervids: need at least 4
  1. Muntjac or Tufted Deer: The game needs a small deer, and I would prefer one of the fanged ones
  2. Red Deer: Popular and good for Europe, has in-game art
  3. White Tailed Deer or Wapiti: A NA deer would be nice. American elk are gorgeous and make cool sounds, but I don’t know that they make as good zoo animals. White tailed deer have a massive range and could be paired with many NA animals. I think they are more common in zoos, but there is no conservation effort necessary.
  4. Pudu: Another small deer might be nice, good for SA
  5. Pere David’s Deer: good conservation story
  6. White Tailed Deer or Wapiti: Pick the one that wasn’t added
  7. Chital or Sika deer: another spotted deer might be nice
  8. Marsh Deer*: Interesting orange deer from South America
Goats: need at least 5
  1. Markhor: Popular and distinctive Asian goat
  2. Musk Ox: Popular arctic goat
  3. Takin: Popular goat from Asia
  4. Bighorn Sheep: North American goat. They could give it the desert appearance.
  5. Chiru/Tibetan Antelope*: Rare Asian caprid that is cool, but not common in zoos
  6. Chamois: Good for Europe
  7. Tahr: Cute Asian goat with a funny mane
Other Bovids: need at least 7. I’m kind of hoping they’ll do a massive Safari pack someday with ~30 animals and cram some extra antelope in there.
  1. Blackbuck: Distinctive Asian antelope
  2. Saiga: Interesting nose, would be fun even if not common in zoos
  3. Giant Eland: more colorful than the common eland, big antelope for Africa
  4. Kirk’s Dik Dik or Klipspringer: need a small African antelope
  5. Addax: Popular desert animal
  6. Nilgai: Interesting antelope from India
  7. Zebra Dukier: Small African forest antelope. I think this one’s the coolest, but I don’t care too much
  8. Hartebeest*: Interesting mid-sized antelope
  9. Gerenuk: Provides another alternate African antelope
  10. Greater Kudu: It is popular, but I forgot how much it resembles the Nyala. It might be cool to have a less colorful nyala to put in mixed Safari areas, but it isn’t high priority for me.
  11. Arabian Oryx*: Good for the Middle East, and I wouldn’t mind another oryx
  12. Four Horned Antelope: small Asian antelope
  13. Wild Yak: Asian animal
  14. Saola: Rare Asian bovid
  15. Forest Buffalo: They are super cute brown, African buffalo
  16. Anoa: Asian island wild cow
  17. Guar: Asian wild cow
Other Ungulates:
  1. Dromedary Camel: very common in zoos, lots of in-game art
  2. Red River Hog: popular and common in zoos
  3. Somali Wild Donkey: rare and cute donkey. Another equid would be great
  4. Wild Boar: Good for Europe
  5. Masai or Rothschild’s Giraffe*: A lot of zoos have more than one variety of Giraffe
  6. Peccary: Taxonomically different pig
  7. Black Rhino: has in-game art
  8. Vicuña or Guanaco: good for South America
  9. Mountain Zebra: someday, another non-safari zebra might be nice. Not high priority
  10. Visayan or Other Wild Boar: I don’t really like pigs, but some people really do
I bolded the ones that I think are essential to the game and starred a few of my favorites that I know aren't really essential.
Well your list is pretty much complete. Those are all the iconic ungulates we are missing. Some more than others but that's pretty much it. Is sad to think we will never get them all.
For me, right now:

  1. Red deer. The iconic European deer, and there's already red deer signs and statues in game.
  2. Golden takin. A beautiful giant goat from the Himalayas.
  3. Saiga. Odd Asian antelope.
  4. Wild boar. A staple of temperate forests all over the world.
  5. Dikdik. A tiny African antelope.
  6. Pudu. A tiny South American deer.
  7. Nilgai. A tall elegant Indian antelope.
  8. Onager / Kiang. A Middle Eastern / Tibetan wild donkey.
Note that I'd also very very much love the Wisent, but it looks really similar to the bison. And there are many more ungulates I'd want. But I think I'd use the above species a lot.

But the above list is based on what I would personally want and play with. If we look at the meta wishlist, an ungulate pack would consist of:

  1. Musk ox
  2. Dromedary
  3. Takin (any)
  4. Markhor
  5. Red deer
  6. Saiga
  7. Blackbuck
  8. Addax
Not bad per se. And it still has the red deer!
Or, if we go really weird:
1. Tufted deer
2. Red river hog
3. Bottlenose dolphin
4. Killer whale
5. Masai giraffe
6. Saiga
7. Blackbuck
8. Humpback whale
Personally speaking, I’m not big on the idea of DLCs solely focused on taxonomic groupings. This said, I know you were probably joking with this DLC idea, but the cetaceans alone would sell me on buying the pack. Fun idea!
  1. Addax.
  2. Dama/Addra/Mhorr gazelle (whatever one).
  3. Blackbuck.
  4. Markhor.
  5. Red river hog.
  6. Sumatran rhinoceros.
  7. Banteng.
  8. Japanese serow.
Edited to include my beloved rhino, can't believe I forgot my hairy friend.
You sure do love your hairy friend, don't you ?😁

Edit: I too love em, it's a shame they're extinct in my country since 70 years ago....
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