Update 13, Narrative and Access to 4.0

I imagine if you buy Horizons, then you'll get the same options as any other Horizons owner.

to (what can only be assumed is many) horizons only players who have chosen not to buy odyssey, it's not much of an option as to why they aren't on the 4.0 codebase though.

It's either a preferred game experience they've bought into that they feel will be eliminated with odyssey's engine or it's performance related.

If it was just aesthetics and choice, why is fdev allowing the option to remain on 3.8 being allowed at all? It's a stated cost and weight holding them back. This option must be something they're providing because they absolutely feel that they have to for some reason. And that points to a non-choice reason.
to (what can only be assumed is many) horizons only players who have chosen not to buy odyssey, it's not much of an option as to why they aren't on the 4.0 codebase though.

It's either a preferred game experience they've bought into that they feel will be eliminated with odyssey's engine or it's performance related.

If it was just aesthetics and choice, why is fdev allowing the option to remain on 3.8 being allowed at all? It's a stated cost and weight holding them back. This option must be something they're providing because they absolutely feel that they have to for some reason. And that points to a non-choice reason.
It'll be a "transition period"...
Ah yes, but we've also been told we can hang on to the 3.8 client so I think the upgrade away from Horizons planets is still optional.
I probably have this completely backwards, but the way it reads, to me, is 3.8 keeps its terrain but in the upgraded rendering...colours. And if thats the case, doesn't that mean this is a step to bringing Horizons terrain to Odyssey?
I haven't touched Horizons much at all, since Odysseys release, but I do prefer the terrain from Horizons. Odyssey's planets look nicer from space, but when closer to the surface, too rounded, not enough edges/ridges etc.
I am not looking forward to being forced into the Odyssey codebase. Horizons works mostly fine, I wish they would leave it alone. The Ody Sysmap, Galmap, and Outfitting new UI I am not looking forward to. The crystal forest and gathering mats will also be affected for Horizons players. For a Horizons only player I do not see any upside to these changes as I do not play FPS games at all. And from what I have read and seen (via Youtube) the graphics improvements are not universally agreed to as better, just different. Not to mention the fps drop will be considerable.
I am not looking forward to being forced into the Odyssey codebase. Horizons works mostly fine, I wish they would leave it alone. The Ody Sysmap, Galmap, and Outfitting new UI I am not looking forward to. The crystal forest and gathering mats will also be affected for Horizons players. For a Horizons only player I do not see any upside to these changes as I do not play FPS games at all. And from what I have read and seen (via Youtube) the graphics improvements are not universally agreed to as better, just different. Not to mention the fps drop will be considerable.
You can still play vanilla Horizons... It isn't a forced change. Just an option.
Of course they can - the first Community Goal which required the Horizons as opposed to Basic client to complete it (back when the split was 2.0 versus 1.5) was just two weeks after the 2.0 release. Barnacles - narrative content requiring Horizons - followed not long after, and there was plenty more before the "everyone gets Horizons" merge.
community goals requiring horizons i thought was a mistake due to the nature of the item involved in the community goal. But i haven't reviewed the details of that recently.

Only visiting the barnacle was out of bounds for non-horizons players. everything up to that was not. I think you could even spot them from the orbital exclusion zone ...but that might be stretching participation. I'm not convinced that was intentionally left out of bounds by fdev or if they figured (incorrectly as often is the case) that it would take longer for players to find them. But even if that's not the case, the content on the surfaces are not stopping players who can't see the surface from participating in the narrative as there are plenty of non-surface aspects.

This differs from a "no content provided" for 3.8 situation. People can still buy horizons and some players will do so under the guise of what horizons is shown as being like and performing like. If that sets them in the 3.8 version then they're liable to not be very happy to find out that they just purchased a game that looks on the surface to be active but only for a version they can't use.

Why do you think they wouldn't be? They need to keep it running on a "critical fixes only" basis for consoles anyway, but there's nothing they've said which suggests any intent for them to do more than that, and no way to realise the development time savings otherwise.

If there is no narrative pushed to 3.8, no content updates to bring gameplay in line with the rest of the game (so you dont have two game rule sets), then you aren't really getting the game they're selling. Your game has ended and you're playing some stripped down version of it.

And So long as 3.8 exists as updating the same BGS the rest of us are playing in, they wont realize development savings anyway. It's still going to be just as much overhead handling multiple branches that are becoming more and more incompatible even if they only push critical updates to them. The only way they realize savings is eliminating the disjointed branches.

3.8 vs 4.0 is being talked about like a choice, but the implementation of it being an option says fdev believes it's not choice-y enough for a large number of players to warrant continuing to spend more money supporting both branches.
Everything isn't a conspiracy.

it's not. Conspiracy's usually are designed in a way that benefits the person involved in them. This doesn't benefit fdev at all. they stated they are doing this to save money, that's not inferred. And keeping the situation around that is causing them to spend more money is obviously not desired. They're not just going to provide an option out of the goodness of their corporate heart that they dont feel like they need to at significant cost to themselves.

So it's an "option" but it's an option that they obviously feel is necessary to continue to exist.

What's "talked" about that i'm referring to is players. "oh they can choose to play 4.0 if they want content"..etc. Well if it was just a matter of choice, fdev wouldn't feel the need to continue to bleed money on an otherwise unnecessary and costly option.
Hi all,

We have just published the following article to our news page on the website and encourage you to have a read!

Please feel free to leave any thoughts down below and we'll do our best to answer any questions.

9th Aug what time UTC?
What will the Steam charts (not as an absolute) but as a relative % of the player base tell us about all these changes. We will all soon know.
Gonna post two pic's and can you guess which version it is. I understand progress going forward, but 4.0 still has a ways to go in terms of looks and performance on some Cmdrs PC of choice they play on.


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it's not. Conspiracy's usually are designed in a way that benefits the person involved in them. This doesn't benefit fdev at all. they stated they are doing this to save money, that's not inferred. And keeping the situation around that is causing them to spend more money is obviously not desired. They're not just going to provide an option out of the goodness of their corporate heart that they dont feel like they need to at significant cost to themselves.

So it's an "option" but it's an option that they obviously feel is necessary to continue to exist.

What's "talked" about that i'm referring to is players. "oh they can choose to play 4.0 if they want content"..etc. Well if it was just a matter of choice, fdev wouldn't feel the need to continue to bleed money on an otherwise unnecessary and costly option.
3.8 won't be having any time or money spent on it, while 4.0 and Ody will. I think that's what they mean by 'saving money'. 3.8 will essentially be like the console version is now, no further development, but you will still have the choice to play that if you want. Console players can still play, just no new stuff developed for it, and I think the same will go for 3.8. But we will see, "sometime after Update 13". 🤷‍♂️
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