Update 15, the Upcoming Feature Rework and More

As we completed our obligations to third party publishers, the success of Elite Dangerous allowed us to start investing in a second self-published franchise in anticipation of higher future returns.
Planet Coaster is a game in the ‘Tycoon’ genre; a teaser trailer was launched during the E3 trade show in June. Planet Coaster will launch in 2016 and will allow the Group to make use of its proven expertise in the ‘Tycoon’ genre, as Elite Dangerous has in its genre.
Frontier, as a publishing entity, was built on the sucess of Elite Dangerous. ED has subsidised everything that Frontier has become.
Ahh yes. Another Delay. Exactly what you wanna read while the Game is starved of new stuff. See you at the end of the Year for another delay to next year.

I am pretty certain at this point that they have no clue what feature they will be reworking.
Now i see why we went from: You can buy new modules and play with them instantly, (new ax weapons)
To: Nope we make em a grind again cause we got nothing else for you to do. (Caustic sink)

Some advice here: Do not announce anything you can not deliver on.
Ahh yes. Another Delay. Exactly what you wanna read while the Game is starved of new stuff.
As someone who doesn't hold back his punches when critiquing Elite, I'm puzzled by the "game is starving for new stuff" comment. Odyssey provides a TON of "new stuff" (though it was stuff that a lot of people weren't interested in), and this Thargoid War is also providing a lot of "new stuff" (again, something not everyone is interested in, but many are).

If anything, it feels like Elite has a bloat of stuff, and what it needs is to be put back into the oven so all this half-baked stuff can be fully cooked. Asking for yet more stuff won't fix all the current stuff, it'll just make things worse!
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Update 15, the Upcoming Feature Rework and More
Greetings Commanders,

We trust that you have been enjoying Update 14 and all the action the Thargoid War is bringing to the bubble. Amidst everything going on, we are taking a moment to update you on our upcoming plans.

Update 15
Update 15 is set to build upon the narrative and unlock the next major stage of the Thargoid War. This will be among the biggest moments in the game to date and we’re excited to see how you react. To allow the necessary time for development and ensure the update meets expectations, Update 15 will release in May. An exact date will be confirmed closer to the time.

Major Feature Rework
Last year we announced a major update that would rework a long standing feature. This is still being investigated, however a number of changes (not least the Thargoid War itself) have required our attention as a priority. We will share details of this investigation and our plans towards the end of this year.

Player Made Factions: Applications Closing
Player Made Factions have played a key role in expressing your will over the shape of the bubble. This goal is at the heart of our plans for Elite and reflected in the Thargoid War. Our focus is now turning to investigate how upcoming systems will allow every player and player group to have a meaningful impact on the galaxy’s landscape. This means we will be closing applications for PMFs, however we will process any remaining applications.

Console Profile Transfer Portal: Returning Next Month
The introduction of Live and Legacy modes required us to pause the Console Profile Transfer Portal in November last year. However, we’re now ready to begin processing further requests and will re-open the portal in April. We are pleased to announce that this is a far more complete process than we anticipated. We look forward to more console Commanders joining us on PC, especially to enjoy the features offered by Odyssey. To see which elements of your console profile will be transferred, see our forum post.

Live Mode as the Default Download
In addition to the above, we will be making the Live version of Elite the default download. This will encourage new players to try the main version of Elite with access to future updates while keeping Legacy as an optional alternative. Implementing this change will cause an update to appear for all Steam users, and Legacy players will need to re-download that version to continue playing, existing Live players will not require an update. This will have no effect on your save files, so if Legacy is your preferred mode, you can continue playing normally once it is re-downloaded.

While the above announcements outline several major plans for the upcoming year, further announcements will be made in the upcoming weeks and months. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please leave them below!

UNEXPECTED TWIST: Frontier Developments LLC update community with vague forum post assuring their players that the upcoming vague content update they've been working for the last few weeks , needs more time to be worked on for vague reasons. Assures us that the vague update needs more time and is now releasing vaguely around May 2023.

In a very characteristically compassionate manner, Frontier Developments LLC also advises us that the highly anticipated rework, posted almost a year ago with tremendously vague details, needs further time to grow as they have prioritized other vague things for vague reasons. Thankfully, they assure us that this vague rework as been slated to be revealed at a later date , vaguely indicated at the end of the year.

Godspeed Frontier. Godspeed.
Major Feature Rework
Last year we announced a major update that would rework a long standing feature. This is still being investigated, however a number of changes (not least the Thargoid War itself) have required our attention as a priority. We will share details of this investigation and our plans towards the end of this year.
If, as I like to suppose, it'll be around a date chosen randomly, like 16th of December, would you deliver it with frozen bulgogi, japchae and kimchi along beer ? I'd like to give Miss Seo some nice things to eat for chrismas.
Sad to hear about the PMF's applications being removed. I transferred my account from console (to PC) and just recently was in the process of creating a discord for a future PMF and squad. I found a nice location for a base of operations, moved my small fleet there...even chose a name (which I thought was kinda neat). Guess I won't be implementing that plan for a PMF now...it kinda sucks.

On a separate note, I'm just curious as to how FDev is planning to keep the existing player base around and entice new players to join? It appears that player numbers are dwindling...just a guess here (using google trends, steam numbers), as there's no actual numbers to confirm. Don't get me wrong it's a good game...although there's always room for improvement.
UNEXPECTED TWIST: Frontier Developments LLC update community with vague forum post assuring their players that the upcoming vague content update they've been working for the last few weeks , needs more time to be worked on for vague reasons. Assures us that the vague update needs more time and is now releasing vaguely around May 2023.


Godspeed Frontier. Godspeed.

Sad to hear about the PMF's applications being removed. I transferred my account from console (to PC) and just recently was in the process of creating a discord for a future PMF and squad. I found a nice location for a base of operations, moved my small fleet there...even chose a name (which I thought was kinda neat). Guess I won't be implementing that plan for a PMF now...it kinda sucks.

On a separate note, I'm just curious as to how FDev is planning to keep the existing player base around and entice new players to join? It appears that player numbers are dwindling...just a guess here (using google trends, steam numbers), as there's no actual numbers to confirm. Don't get me wrong it's a good game...although there's always room for improvement.

You best get accustomed to it. Right now the development could almost be described as zero-sum. To get something (well, to see something already in-game repurposed) you must lose something (or have it broken). That's pretty much the way it has been of late.
While I agree with you my experience of reading these forums suggests we would just be more afflicted by the doom pushers claiming the fact that we aren’t being told more means the game is even more dead than it was the first time they posted 8 years ago and demanding 24/7 live feed cameras from the ED production offices to prove them wrong.

No doom-pushing here, but it's quite obvious ED this year has a lesser budget compared to ED's last year, which in turn had a lesser budget compared to 2021 ED 🤷‍♂️
  • 3 galnet news per week compared to 5 last year
  • 2 Updates compared to 4 Updates last year
  • The weekly Discovery Scanner posts being really dry at the moment.
  • And lastly, the major feature overhaul, instead of being released in U15, will be "discussed" by the end of the year *

*(which again, i'm not really sure i should be sad about it or happy about it - after all, i like the game as it is now, so the major feature overhaul may change that and not exactly for good IMO- ofc, if it's a feature i care about, which i cant really say about Powerplay for example 😂)
As someone who doesn't hold back his punches when critiquing Elite, I'm puzzled by the "game is starving for new stuff" comment. Odyssey provides a TON of "new stuff" (though it was stuff that a lot of people weren't interested in), and this Thargoid War is also providing a lot of "new stuff" (again, something not everyone is interested in, but many are).

If anything, it feels like Elite has a bloat of stuff, and what it needs is to be put back into the oven so all this half-baked stuff can be fully cooked. Asking for yet more stuff won't fix all the current stuff, it'll just make things worse!
The Thargoid war is just using something old and puts it in everyones faces in a different manner. We had Thargoids for years now and fighting them is still the same thing as it was years ago. Odyssey is approaching its second year and many things it bugged out are still broken not even including Paint jobs with the same color looking completely different on different ships or being fully broken like the Golden scarab SRV wich now looks like a bleak beige and not even closely to what it says it is.

Some of the Odyssey content is still not really playable because of the untouched bugs and issues like Ground CZ not finishing because of not enough NPC's spawning or uncompletable missions because of various issues at the settlement. (Items not there, settlement already powered up, NPC not present and so on)

Physical multicrew is unplayable. I tried many times with my Wife and even after port forwarding it was a quite infuriating experience with her getting errors at least once every half hour.
I'm not so sure, isn't it mostly old stuff repackaged and reorganised with another narrative push?
"Mostly" yes. There are some new twists to it, but the fighting is the same as ever, the CZs are the same.

The USS' are a bit new given the scenario's that start inside them, but there is precious little reason to interact with it.

The Maelstroms themselves are new as are the entities producing them, but the core operation there appears to be mat-gathering which is not really new to us.
- The interceptor behavior there is new.

The overall war resource game is new but I suspect it's really a variation on Power Play with the addition of a director making choices for this 'power' on expansion and such. So, that part at least is something entirely new.

Still, I'm not going to knock those things. I've been enjoying trying out different parts of it. But I'm not sure it's really all that ground breaking. Once you start doing them you realize you're largely doing the same stuff from years ago but the backgrounds are different now.
You best get accustomed to it. Right now the development could almost be described as zero-sum. To get something (well, to see something already in-game repurposed) you must lose something (or have it broken). That's pretty much the way it has been of late.
Of course, yes I've been accustomed to it for some time...just thought to put in my two cents. Anyway, I've been playing this game since the start of 2018 and have been a silent observer of the forums...well, until now.
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