Update 15, the Upcoming Feature Rework and More


friday night burguers
So, to sum up, more fighting aliens for those that care about such things, and a mysterious investigation into an even more mysterious feature which will result in a mysterious improvement. Jolly good I suppose.


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That really sounds like old Fdev again. Next week they will probably tell us that they hear us and they promise to up their communication game.
Hey @Fdev: We need a proper road map for the game we all love and play! Don't spoil the upcoming narrative, but tell us what technical bugs you are working on and what we can expect from the game in the next two years.
We received a roadmap and in my opionion this is why roadmaps shouldn't be used because things change. So it must be hard for any developer when people want a roadmap, and if they don't give one, people are upset, but things change... so people get upset. They can't win either way.

They definitely can't tell us what will be happening in the next 2 years. That could most certainly change especially with a game like this. It has a life of it's own.
Honestly, that's what my initial interpretation of what they're saying is. It's possible that Frontier want to open up more space for colonization but the current system they have for PMF doesn't allow for it. If that's the case, then it's natural to wind that feature down to implement the more flexible one.
Yeah, I tend to agree, it doesn't sound like they are just closing an existing feature, but intending replacing with a larger feature.

Player Made Factions have played a key role in expressing your will over the shape of the bubble. This goal is at the heart of our plans for Elite and reflected in the Thargoid War. Our focus is now turning to investigate how upcoming systems will allow every player and player group to have a meaningful impact on the galaxy’s landscape.
We received a roadmap and in my opionion this is why roadmaps shouldn't be used because things change. So it must be hard for any developer when people want a roadmap, and if they don't give one, people are upset, but things change... so people get upset. They can't win either way.
Unbelievable as it may seem, there are developers who have roadmaps and largely stick to them. Dovetail for example.
We received a roadmap and in my opionion this is why roadmaps shouldn't be used because things change. So it must be hard for any developer when people want a roadmap, and if they don't give one, people are upset, but things change... so people get upset. They can't win either way.

They definitely can't tell us what will be happening in the next 2 years. That could most certainly change especially with a game like this. It has a life of it's own.
Thus, better to drop the roadmaps as they mostly always lead to disappointments..

IMO, better to play the game if one likes it, and then be pleasantly surprised or outraged when something changes. 🤷‍♂️
Well, i read the thread title and got excited but it wasn't the best news ever, except for some i guess...
However, just seems they're gonna run with the thargoid war (which was never a given) and we'll just have to wait and see what update 15 brings... I just hope it adds something new to the game that incorperates. other playstyles as well.
That would be nice, imo.
oh Boy, Fdev hasn’t made a good decision after I flew over this threat.

So my two coins in here,

To delay update 15 was expected but not bad, we had this situation before. So no surprise at this point. But what I really hope for update 15 is that it will fix a lot of stuff instead of breaking more then repair. I get the feeling, that the performance issues and some weird bugs they ignoring, like not helmet person on settlements (not in building) or receiver of missionobjects on settlements which communicate telepathically because there mouth are shut up. Huge settlements still drops fps and so on, and this are bugs which we can enjoying right after starting the game, over and over again. No changes in here. What is happens to the performance and stabilizing promise ? Console was cancelled due to this, only thing what I see is, that bugs which comes with the narratives updates are fixed but not the long term issues.

The key feature overhaul thing?
Was expected like the delay of console and then cancellation of it, or the cancellation of fix planet tilling. They go in absolut silence when there is nothing GOOD to share about things which was promised or adversed. Not to tell us what it could be, is a good and a bad decision together, because when they told us that it would for example powerplay the hype is real, but in the end a cancellation of this overhaul would let the hell break out. So then keep in silence and no one is dissapointed. Personally, I’m not dissapointed anymore, but I do really hope that they take notice of this treat and comes up with some glimpes.

The PMF closing?
Bad news, the ideas they perhaps had for this new systems, should be really good, to replace a outstanding feature for further players and newbies.

Last but not least console transfers reopen
A really great news, Lovely to see that they could bring it to and real good gentleman aggreement and not just money and reputation copy thing.

Overall, I’m felling sad for the team behind elite, that they couldn’t work things out as they are capable of it. I really believe that the team is talented including the CM‘s. But vague infos and ,,it could be and delays here and cancellation there,, ignoring long term bugs etc, lead to threads like this. I know it’s hard to made it for everyone perfect, but it is although not impossible to cover some majore issues and thoughts from the community.

So then, stick to the game on my pc hope for better days. As a former console player I’ve seen dark days pass by, so please let this didn’t happens again on pc. (No I don’t mean the cancellation, I mean the non communication and vague Info output)
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the communication from Frontier on Elite Dangerous has not improved in any notably advantageous way. We are still utterly in the dark and all they've done is make vague promises that "something" is being worked on.
It only improves for a few months after SOMETHING hits the fan as part of damage control. Then it's back to the standard of not saying anything.

Every time, we have the spiel. Things go sideways. FDev apologizes in a roundabout way without admitting fault, promise better communication, we believe them, communications go back to rubbish, and then we start over.
Fool us once, shame on you. Fool us twice, shame on us. And everyone is still here, hoping things will improve. Things might get better, Fdev might change their attitude and behavior.
Silly of us to still believe in this to happen.
I'm not so sure, isn't it mostly old stuff repackaged and reorganised with another narrative push?
That would qualify as "new content" for pretty much all MMO out there, even as "paid expansion" most of the time.
The problem, I guess, with Fdev business model is that they need a constant cash flow for every title because they really spend time & ressources on them after launch for years (literally a decade soon for Dangerous). And they are, in my opinion, very cautious with what level of expansion they monetize (only the biggest, game revolutionizing stuff: yes, you may not like it but Odyssey and all the possibilities it brings really revolutionize the game, just like Horizon did).
If they need more ressources, they should tell it to the community.
Most players would provide voluntarily, in exchange of little perks (special skins, maybe a dedicated ship or something, a permit..)
Then as one of the elderly said earlier what we really need isn't new stuff. We have an orgy of half baked cakes. We need polished stuff, deeper mechanics, no more place holders.
I hope we collaborate with them to make this game greater instead of always ranting about the same old stories over and over.
Yes, there are communication, planning, development issues.
If they could fix that right off, they would.
Let's help them, because we love that game and Fdev makes it. In a sense, we love them. :love:
Thus, better to drop the roadmaps as they mostly always lead to disappointments..

IMO, better to play the game if one likes it, and then be pleasantly surprised or outraged when something changes. 🤷‍♂️
Yes, communication would be way better than a roadmap. But sadly we don't get that.

For me, it's really not as much the delay as it is the perceived "dishonesty". Why wait until the initial release date to tell us they haven't even started production?

That being said, I was a bit surprised that the part about U15 kinda sounds like a delay. So far it's been
"on track for early 2023"
"on track for April 2023"
"on track for end of April 2023"

Why not "on track for May 2023" now?
Unbelievable as it may seem, there are developers who have roadmaps and largely stick to them. Dovetail for example.
Obviously there are. I think even Frontier is reasonably good for hitting schedules for its other products. But we know that - at the very least in the specific case of Elite Dangerous - that Frontier are not able to produce an accurate prediction more than about 3-6 months ahead for content and schedule, and that's been true since the original Horizons release.

So we can either:
- accept that they'll only tell us about things within that time window
- demand comforting false statements about what might be coming outside that time window so that we can get angry about them later when they don't come to pass

Note also that while the Thargoid War hasn't been to everyone's taste, it's nevertheless been their most successful point release since early Beyond for getting people back into the game / playing longer once there - and that was essentially released on a "we'll let you log in and figure out that it's there" basis. The lack of advance roadmap or hype for it didn't do any harm at all.
Obviously there are. I think even Frontier is reasonably good for hitting schedules for its other products. But we know that - at the very least in the specific case of Elite Dangerous - that Frontier are not able to produce an accurate prediction more than about 3-6 months ahead for content and schedule, and that's been true since the original Horizons release.

So we can either:
- accept that they'll only tell us about things within that time window
- demand comforting false statements about what might be coming outside that time window so that we can get angry about them later when they don't come to pass

Note also that while the Thargoid War hasn't been to everyone's taste, it's nevertheless been their most successful point release since early Beyond for getting people back into the game / playing longer once there - and that was essentially released on a "we'll let you log in and figure out that it's there" basis. The lack of advance roadmap or hype for it didn't do any harm at all.
I think this is where FD want that sweet spot of locking people in but doing so via self contained systems like the BGS, Thargoids, Powerplay etc. If FD are revamping a BGS led Powerplay inspired by the Thargoid war sim it would also benefit the BGS and pretty much be the Brabus vision for that feature.
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