Update 17.01 | Update Notes

from 1984 to 2024 its been a great escape;)
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I've been away too long. Did not understand a single word of the OP

Correction: While none of the words themselves were unfamiliar. the order in which they were arranged were completely foreign to me.

Maybe I ought to launch the game again for the first time in over a year...

Meh. Maybe tomorrow...
Is there any news on updates or content? Some kind of too pronounced silence...
As far as I understand, it’s not worth waiting for the nearest releases of Frameshift Live?
At the best of times, this time of year our intrepid Fdevians are quieter than normal, hibernating perhaps in anticipation of the coming spring, or still confined to quarters after a particularly raucous Christmas party. This year tho, with copious amounts of upheaval over at Frontier Towers, it's maybe more expected than usual.

Unwelcome, of course. But not unexpected.
Any thoughts on patching onto the next gen consoles? Since you guys had to let lots go due to financial issues ignoring the majority of your player base. We are still here and would purchase the odyssey add on making us players feel less abandoned and giving you a shed load of console players that outnumber pc players massively resulting in more money in your pockets. Or you can let it die which is a shame because it's still one of the best space games on the market
Any thoughts on patching onto the next gen consoles?
This topic has been discussed over and over again for years now, bringing it up regularly won't change its outcome. It's a firm no.

Since you guys had to let lots go due to financial issues ignoring the majority of your player base.
I doubt that. Back in the day, FDev hoped to get £11 millions from the PC launch of Odyssey and £21 millions in total, including consoles, so hardly a majority either way.

We are still here and would purchase the odyssey add on making us players feel less abandoned
I do understand that you feel abandoned. There's always Geforce Now, though.

and giving you a shed load of console players that outnumber pc players massively

resulting in more money in your pockets.
Quite the opposite. If you take everything into account, I'm pretty sure FDev would lose a big chunk of money in that process. Remember: they'd have to hire / re-hire a lot of devs to rewrite large portions of the code base for current gen consoles, would have to set up new QA and support processes, and then would need 30,000 to 40,000 actual buyers just to reach a meager £1 million in revenue (not net profit, mind you) if we assume the DLC would cost ~£30.

So: no.
Just went on foot again for the first time in a while and it seems that the Trackir Headlook issue that appeared in Update 17.0 is still not fixed and has vanished as a known issue as well.

Or am I missing something?
Just went on foot again for the first time in a while and it seems that the Trackir Headlook issue that appeared in Update 17.0 is still not fixed and has vanished as a known issue as well.

Or am I missing something?
According to the tracker nobody's reported a TrackIR issue since Update 12 / June 2022, but before then all sorts of different issues were reported... although none of them seemed to be to do with headlook.

Are you saying there was a particular report you were watching and that seems to have vanished?
Are you saying there was a particular report you were watching and that seems to have vanished?
Its near the end of the Release Notes for Update 17

Known Issues In Line With Release.

  • When viewing the mission board on foot, a number of missions are displaying their location information incorrectly.
    • This issue appears to be primarily related to Odyssey settlements as the target for missions. If the mission directs you to a POI location, the planetary information is displayed correctly.
    • In some instances distances to missions may be flagged as 0.00Ly rather than Ls and planetary bodies may appear as a long string of numbers. The team are eyes on o7
  • Head tracking for TrackIR and FreeTrack is currently disabled. The team are investigating.
    • In reference to on foot gameplay only. TrackIR and FreeTrack still work as intended whilst in ship.

And there was a thread discussing it at the time:

But no mention of it in the 17.01 Release Notes
It hasn't been fixed. Not sure it will be anytime soon.

It's not mentioned in 17.01 because it wasn't fixed. They don't put things in release notes like "We still haven't fixed an issue from the list we had before". They only list it if it's been addressed.
Thanks for confirming that it hasn't been fixed, I guessed as much. :cry:

I wanted to make sure that I hadn't missed something.
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