Update 18 tease by Senior Designer Tom Kewell "one of the coolest things we have ever done"

For a second I linked what Tom said with the recent Ram Tah Galnet and yeah, came up with the same conclusion. Perhaps we are going to get a modified Titan Seismic Charge Launcher after all and be able to split the damn things in half?

And then I remembered the discussion we had on Lave Radio about how the only problem with that is that only 8 players would get the pleasure of using the module before there were no more Titans left.

Anyway ... can't wait to see what update 18 brings (and very sad to see Tom leaving).
How, though? It would be like trying to blow up megaships and any other shared persistent asset. It may blow up in your instance, but not in others and what then? Removed at the tick?
How, though? It would be like trying to blow up megaships and any other shared persistent asset. It may blow up in your instance, but not in others and what then? Removed at the tick?
I mean, you could clearly allow everyone to have their "blow up the Titan" moment ... but it would be too blatantly 4th wall breaking imho. Reminds me of people queuing up to kill character XYZ in Warcraft. Somehow it kinda worked in that game but in Elite? Where our experiences are all shared on social media? Eurgh ... it would be awful wouldn't it?
I'm glad I'm not the only person who's been thinking this. Could be a Diamonback but it doesn't look quite right.

The thruster configuration has been bothering me for a while. I'm going to go early and say Moray 😄
Moray Starboat? My vivid imagination says we're getting waterworlds and Subnautica in Elite - which would be cool indeed, but probably far too much effort required to implement. :D
I mean, you could clearly allow everyone to have their "blow up the Titan" moment ... but it would be too blatantly 4th wall breaking imho. Reminds me of people queuing up to kill character XYZ in Warcraft. Somehow it kinda worked in that game but in Elite? Where our experiences are all shared on social media? Eurgh ... it would be awful wouldn't it?
This is what leads me to think it can't be that and it would be a Thursday moment (just as with them arriving). I always imagined having on foot areas inside Titans though, sort of a base inside (like the crashed Titan structures). However this leads me onto the second problem- are all ongoing updates now Thargoid even with the whole game needing work?
No, of course not!
There is a patch next Tuesday with server & client security fixes - best security is to stop anyone logging in, surely?
Some extra deterrent for the hackers who had so much fun over the Christmas / New Year break?
In a way it's a shame that Frontier have to divert their resources to dealing with this rather than adding things to the game, though I guess it could also come under bugfixes.
No, of course not!
There is a patch next Tuesday with server & client security fixes - best security is to stop anyone logging in, surely?
Some extra deterrent for the hackers who had so much fun over the Christmas / New Year break?
Thanks for the heads up. With the continuing tradition of locking the Announcements about ED, I missed it in the "New Posts" link.
I hope it's making high metal content worlds landable. That would reinvigorate exploration.
how many such worlds would it take for the novelty of a new environment but nothing new to do in it, last?

no. doing the same basic stuff with a new background wouldn't be what I'd think a developer would consider one of the coolest things.

i think maybe they are going to try and surprise us with actual foot goids instead of zombies, or maybe some other actually new game activity or mode (modding/third party servers/etc)

or maybe player expectations of what is cool is so far apart from what fdev thinks is cool, we'll get some kind of mini game for curing infected humans with a special hand tool only equippable with a special suit you must unlock by doing some task for an engineer or CG.
It would be kind of delicious if the reason we got swarmed by thargoids on foot, was that we rendered their home vessels uninhabitable. :p

Dogspeed, Tom. :7
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