Update 18 tease by Senior Designer Tom Kewell "one of the coolest things we have ever done"

Your opinion. My opinion is that the BGS is cool because you can adapt it to how you like, and that you can change how you play, what you play while it reacts back...all the time with other players doing the same. Some want order, others disorder, all the time the BGS feeding out missions, POIs, states, wars, situations....thats far beyond just being 'there' and should be celebrated.

When the BGS was pre 2x I'd agree it was 'there' but as time has gone on its gone from background to very much foreground. The problem it has now is that it lacks a final layer of granularity, synergy and control PP has, and that an update to meld PP and the BGS could give ED a fully self contained system that lived up to DBOBEs proposals- very much fitting in with the spirit of having rival superpowers, powers and factions fighting it out and pilots having the deciding hand.
The BGS is the ultimate goup feature. Get together with a silly idea and everyone is off doing their bit. Someone figures out the system, or much of it and then you meet up and "Rubbernuke has looked at me funny - it's time we teach him a lesson" and do some missions or wars together.
I've spilled waste around stations of our enemies. I sold slaves with weapons to the Empire. It's quite good with role-playing.
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