Update 18 | Update Notes

I've not done a lot of titan stuffs ..... I assume I'm going to need a ship that can "get" me to a Titan before these will be useful. Is that still caustic sinks and the pulse avoider/neutralizer thing ?
gravity well's and new montys aside i wonder if my dream of a dapper grade 5 towel will ever be realised for a froody flicking buttock takedown
for those that know gun's are for show but towels are for pro's
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfcbb3RgDiY&ab_channel=DontSubscribe

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZAIlBANH-0&ab_channel=PrincessZelda2020

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-z5139CW1I&ab_channel=Movieclips

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s9jUKKHN5Zc&ab_channel=ScreenBites
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Whatever your opinions on today's update, I think we should all just be grateful that Frontier have not abandoned Elite. Many of us, including myself, were expecting the announcement of some sort maintenance mode during the Frontier livestream. Instead we got a renewed pledge to continue development past its original 10 year content plan, at least 4 new ships in a single year, a core feature overhaul, and a new gameplay feature. Whether all that is delivered flawlessly within 2024 remains to be seen, but I think we should all just appreciate that frontier have re-focused themselves on the game that made them and continues to be the pillar that holds them up.

Give credit where credit is due. And by all means give constructive criticism when it is due. But at the end of the day I think we need to appreciate what we have, and that Frontier has not sold themselves off to steaming piles of corporate crap like EA, nor do they behave like those major corporations. The game isn't aggressively monetised and they have the ARX system to compensate for what monetisation they have implemented.

I just think we should show a little bit more appreciation to the developers who have spent literally over a decade building up Elite to what it is today. Yes not everything happened smoothly and yes there were rough patches, but I think when we are all honest and take a good look at the current situation within the gaming industry, we can admit that it could be MUCH, MUCH worse.

Edit: I've downloaded the update, and I'm currently out exploring in Odin's Hold. I have already noticed several improvements that are not even mentioned in the patch notes. Some less noticeable, others more so. And all I've done is jump two systems and landed on a few planets for some exobiology. I've even noticed one fix/improvement that people were complaining about for years that aren't in the patch notes. I would even go as far to say that it feels like odyssey gameplay has gotten some performance optimisations but your mileage may vary with this one. Let's all give ourselves a chance to notice these undisclosed improvements and fixes before we log on for 5 minutes, see that the Python MkII isn't for sale in the shipyard and decry the update on the forums as "the worst ever".

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Whatever your opinions on today's update, I think we should all just be grateful that Frontier have not abandoned Elite. Many of us, including myself, were expecting the announcement of some sort maintenance mode during the Frontier livestream. Instead we got a renewed pledge to continue development past its original 10 year content plan, at least 4 new ships in a single year, a core feature overhaul, and a new gameplay feature. Whether all that is delivered flawlessly within 2024 remains to be seen, but I think we should all just appreciate that frontier have re-focused themselves on the game that made them and continues to be the pillar that holds them up.

Give credit where credit is due. And by all means give constructive criticism when it is due. But at the end of the day I think we need to appreciate what we have, and that Frontier has not sold themselves off to steaming piles of corporate crap like EA, nor do they behave like those major corporations. The game isn't aggressively monetised and they have the ARX system to compensate for what monetisation they have implemented.

I just think we should show a little bit more appreciation to the developers who have spent literally over a decade building up Elite to what it is today. Yes not everyone happened smoothly and yes there were rough patches, but I think when we are all honest and take a good look at the current situation within the gaming industry, we can admit that it could be MUCH, MUCH worse.
"But whattabout muh promised ship interiors???"
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