Update 18 | Update Notes

does this update have something meaningful or at least noticeable for those who are very away from bubble affair with Thragoids??????
the process of exiting off the ship onto the planet takes a long time with the sound of footsteps in the background. How to fix it?
Greetings Commanders,

We are aware of an issue when fighting the Thargoid Titan that it may become stuck in an 'Exposed' state. If this occurs please reset your instance.

We are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.
serious question.. i have 4k hours in this game but never did any guardian or thargoid stuff.. just worked towards getting my carrier, all my pve ships and bubble engineering (not even done colonia yet). I feel really behind on what now seems to be the whole point of the game, i guess i didnt anticipate elite becoming an on-rails story. Is it even worth trying to get into the AX stuff now with no guardian gear or experience with AX combat? feels too late tbh.
I've not touched any Thargoid stuff at all. It's not necessary for you to enjoy the game, and it's not really 'end-game content' either. It's just something else that you can do, if you want to.
From what I've heard, you don't need to have AX engineered ships and equipment, but it does help. Saying that, you do need certain AX gear to get near the Titans, and getting that gear involves Thargoid mat gathering in the outer edges of the Titan clouds.
Whether or not this is true is somewhat subjective. For example, PlayStation/Xbox players... players who play exclusively for exploration.
Ah yes, I'll admit that I was not considering console players when I wrote that. Of course it was a shame - I was fortunate enough to be in a position to build my own PC when I heard Odyssey for consoles had been cancelled. I appreciate others may not have been able to do this and I do have a degree of empathy for those players.

But Frontier explained why - the consoles simply would not be able to handle it. I'd bet money that if Frontier caved into the backlash and released it on consoles anyway, they'd still be roasted by the console community because odyssey gameplay would run at 5 fps on the consoles. Sometimes it is necessary to pick the lesser of two evils.
30GB for that?... The opening video will probably be quite big...

  • Introduced "Gravity Well" cockpit message to replace "Slow Down" when travelling at excessive speed near celestial bodies.
  • A route set on the galaxy map will now be correctly recalculated after reloading the game.
However, these two alone are worth an update. That being said, it means the next update will contain both four ships AND the new feature? Will look like a DLC
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I think their mothers were hamsters, and their fathers smelled of elderberries.

Do stargoids have parents?
If they do, it must be The Black Beast of Argh
does this update have something meaningful or at least noticeable for those who are very away from bubble affair with Thragoids??????
i think no, from what i can see at least.. but who knows, they didn't tell us whats in it so i guess only time will tell. Personally im feeling like i missed the boat by thinking Goid Bashing was another 'optional' thing to do.. the extreme focus on goid content has left those of us who didn't do it totally out in the cold as far as new stuff to do is concerned. Im super happy we are not entering maintenance yet, but in reality for non-goiders its been in maintenance since 2018.. the awful bolt-on FPS that is odyssey seems to have just been a total time sink that stopped the core game idea ever reaching its potential, instead we got a sub-par fps bolt-on and some mindless pve boss fights. as if there are not enough games like that already that do both better. Elite is a space sim, always has been since 1984. somehow it just all seemed to lose its sense of identity and became a directionless mess. Doing 1 thing well is not a meritless aim. Hopefully before the lights go out the game that Braben described before it launched will actually be finished.. If this sounds like a complaint its not, I understand all to well by this ripe old age that no pure vision can ever survive the endless erosion from inside and outside a corporate money monster. It makes me sad to think that the core game will never be completed to that original vision before its time to put it to bed.. In the vague and unlikely situation that anyone reads this and cares I am posting it here. It at least feels cathartic to unload. Sorry to all who don't want to hear it.
serious question.. i have 4k hours in this game but never did any guardian or thargoid stuff.. just worked towards getting my carrier, all my pve ships and bubble engineering (not even done colonia yet). I feel really behind on what now seems to be the whole point of the game, i guess i didnt anticipate elite becoming an on-rails story. Is it even worth trying to get into the AX stuff now with no guardian gear or experience with AX combat? feels too late tbh.
If I can give you my opinion, I have roughly the same number of hours as you, and I tend not to rush into things.
At some point I decided to do AX stuff, because I had not tried it, yet, and found my own path, without chasing the meta (but still following advice).
When the Thargoid war began, I have occasionally joined the various activities, but once again without being in a hurry to be among the first.
What I think will happen now is that, no matter what the narrative brings, the new game mechanics introduced will stay, perhaps as secondary objectives, or in backwater systems (I might be totally wrong, but still hope I'm not), so that everyone will have time to engage with them in due time, should they be interested.
If you're not one who wants to rush, my suggestion is to start doing AX stuff at your own pace, don't burn yourself out, and enjoy the process/progress. You could be late for this phase of the story, but not for these additional mechanics, which might as well be here to stay.
serious question.. i have 4k hours in this game but never did any guardian or thargoid stuff.. just worked towards getting my carrier, all my pve ships and bubble engineering (not even done colonia yet). I feel really behind on what now seems to be the whole point of the game, i guess i didnt anticipate elite becoming an on-rails story. Is it even worth trying to get into the AX stuff now with no guardian gear or experience with AX combat? feels too late tbh.
Well you could build a beefy ship, get some ax multicannons, hope that you can avoid getting destroyed by an interdiction, and go to one of the spire sites in open (or in the axi pg). Plenty of fun to be had, 40mil a pop for the Orthrus. Or go in whatever mode and try to take out the banshees on foot, or collect materials. The spire sites are very open to players not having done all the guardian/thargoid "grind".
One thing i dont need is more credits :p i pretty much "solved" that.. i was hoping by the time i had built my armada the game would have birthed some new things to do with all that stuff, but the reality is without the guardian grind and goid bashing i have made little meaningful progress, the credit is worthless in this new direction the game has gone. I cant use any of my engineered ships for goid content and without any guardian gear i cant even build something that wont get squashed.. i get that is entirely a "me" problem, but i dont want to chase my tail now tooling up for a goid fest only to find by the time i finish grinding out all the mats for the right ship its all over and i have gotten behind on some new thing.. might just hold off a while and see what happens
Greetings Commanders,

We are aware of an issue when fighting the Thargoid Titan that it may become stuck in an 'Exposed' state. If this occurs please reset your instance.

We are working to resolve this issue as soon as possible.

Hello Paul!
I hope you're doing well.
I have a question regarding the Titans, we exposed the Thermal Core a couple of times and "destroyed" it a couple of times (Health at 0% and small particules going out of it) but it then goes back in and the whole cycle starts again. Is it how it is supposed to go? Are we supposed to "destroy" the core enough time until the Titan is deemed destroyed?

Any idea's as to when they'll be able to fix missiles. Both seekers and rockets just dont work with some ships.
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