and now every software company is doing it and everyone not believing it is totally naive. Right?
Actually, yeah, kinda.
This is a widespread practice, broadly employing young people in a 21st century world economy that has replaced a lot of good jobs with software and robots. One thing that's really hard to make machines do is believably converse like a person; this is one of the very few things it's still cheaper to pay a poor person to do than buy a technological solution. Think of it as the current generation's equivalent of being a telemarketer.
edit: Also, for anyone who hasn't paid attention in the last several years, information wars are becoming the front lines of both business and politics. From Russian fake news smokescreens to emotionally-satisfying-but-factually-misleading memes, controlling perception is big business. You think Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire for no reason? Not just some but MOST of FDev's value is public trade on the London Stock Exchange. If you are so certain that it is untouched by currently-ultra-hot business practices, then yeah you're totally naïve.
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