Update 9.01 - Patch Notes

That's not what I was trying to suggest, but I do wonder 1) how large/small/existent their QA department is and 2) how much clout it has when it comes to stopping broken patches to get rolled out (presuming they catch issues and raise them internally).

And then there's the stuff like the design of the new limpet controllers. 'Out of touch' doesn't quite describe it, I'm a bit gobsmacked by the responses suggesting Frontier is genuinely surprised that people find them useless (particularly with regards to their weight). Doesn't fill me with confidence and suggests that the developer no longer understands their own game and relies on their customers (with too many preferences/opinions to please everyone) for help.
I'm starting to think the "but it works on my computer!" argument might be real in their case and there's something seriously going wrong when they push that proverbial "compile release version" button.

As for introducing new content, this is by far not the only game which gets the initial version kinda wrong and has to adjust it throughout the game's lifetime. As far as I've read the limpet controllers actually work despite their obesity, so at least they got that right.
respect for your clarification an recognition that your tone was a little harsh.
i agree to your points and i think there are some valid questions where the cm´s should comment

  • elite ist after patch 9.0x in a worse state than with version 8, because even important horizon functionality which has worked for years seems broken
  • why are bugs newly indroduced in nearly every patch in areas where the functionality/code was not affected according to the patch notes
  • why does frontier not test their patches before releasing, the bugs are so obvious and not deeply hidden in gameplay
  • does frontier has a revision control system ???

i´am only questioning because i´am realy interested in a good future for this game and good playing time for myself. but compared to my playing experience with EDH, playing with EDO gets more and more frustrating. if these kind of questions or comments are not welcomed tell me.
  • Looks like no one is in charge of the development process anymore and internal and external developers are not coordinated in any way.
  • As we know by now, there is also no roadmap or game development plan for the direction they want the game to go. At least nothing worth communicating.
  • It also seems that there is no quality control in place. Not even a short playtest of the production candidate of someone who knows, how the game should look. Really, how else can you miss, that there are no fire groups?
We see this now since the Odyssee "Alpha" a year ago. The Alpha was just a showcase with no testing intended. The Beta was skipped, instead they went into production with a late internal Alpha. Communication from Devs and CMs was, let's say "creativ". At that time everyone thought it was all because of the fiscal year and they had to rush the game out.
But now, a year later? We should not see what we are experiencing every patch.
So my conclusion would be, they are in dire need of someone who can bring order to the chaos and can't find anyone, or the game is given up by FD Management and left to die a slow death. I think we will know in a year or two.
That's not what I was trying to suggest, but I do wonder 1) how large/small/existent their QA department is and 2) how much clout it has when it comes to stopping broken patches to get rolled out (presuming they catch issues and raise them internally).

And then there's the stuff like the design of the new limpet controllers. 'Out of touch' doesn't quite describe it, I'm a bit gobsmacked by the responses suggesting Frontier is genuinely surprised that people find them useless (particularly with regards to their weight). Doesn't fill me with confidence and suggests that the developer no longer understands their own game and relies on their customers (with too many preferences/opinions to please everyone) for help.
I’m relatively new here but I’m starting to think that no one at frontier really plays this game. I mean sure, they have test consoles and what not, but none of them actually play the game with a standard customer account. When they buy modules with their Developer accounts, they are able to pick grade five effects automatically, and they can type in coordinates to load in to any place in the game. The reason given for this was something like “I have a job here, I don’t have time to grind or travel”.

This is why this expansion is broken, this is why they don’t understand the wishes of the community… none of them actually play the customer release of the game, Not even in alpha testing.
I didn't say you were bashing FDev, but so often I see the something isn't working must be QAs fault.

I don't know how things work in relation to deployment for FD, but I don't personally think that some of the bigger things would be missed by their QA team.


Errors of these types of have irritated players since the infancy of gaming and prior (for the more serious applications). We are used to them occurring, they can be found everywhere, and game projects like this comprises millions+ of constantly updated lines of code, vast amounts of content, and systems with complex interactions between players' computers and the game servers. All in all this creates a multitude of relationships within which, mistakes can and do occur.

Testing, checking of the new build that all the individual parts of a game work correctly when put together before and after being added to the main game code using a test server.

In house, a series of testing for obvious things on any assembled build for defects before an external test are carried out.

Follow this by external testing in support of the devs and typically could include reasonable sized group of competent vetted volunteers, who can supply clear and precise feedback. (use of an NDA) could be used if the new build had some ground breaking content.

In time this should be followed by a open public test.

In other words we could be testing update 10.x (or parts of it) now on the test server.

Remember no new build will ever be 100% free of bugs when an update hit’s the live servers and meets the massed players.

There will always be on going patches.
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Hi all - we're continuing to look into issues with the genetic sampler - can I get a sitrep on Fire Groups post 9.01?

How many of you are still seeing issues with Fire Group management and what are they? Bullet point answers if possible please!
Hi Zac. I confirm that all fire groups on all ships work for me fine. No crashes anymore. game is stable for me. FPS is decent. at this point I have only 3 major issues:

1. flying materials over the ground. Not only at guardian sites but at any crash site in the bubble.
2. enemy ships not showing on the radar, so it is difficult to target and see what ship is currently attacking me.
3. many biologicals are not scannable which kind of kills the exobiology experience.
I'm sorry for the outburst but this is not an Alpha or Beta, this is supposed to be a full release. After 7 months of issues a simple we'll tell you when we can is not enough. Is the community supposed to just be silent and wait for a product that they paid for to have it's issues resolved? The forums are supposed to be the place to, among other things, communicate your issues with the game openly. How else should the community express their frustrations?
Politely, and by showing respect to other people, simple enough premise.
Apathetic Sasa not neutral :)

I only have the Xbox account because I went through a phase of not wanting to sit at a desk and game and as for the third account it was an Epic freebie 🤷‍♂️
What are you trying? To provoke me again?

guess what? It didn’t affects me, because I have valid issues with some lack of consoles related stuff, which is in the meantime a big thing for Fdev.

and now where Fdev falls into a little disgrace with issues due to the new patch, it would be easy to fire at them flaming all over the place like some other does it (valid but not constructive)

so to clear your mind up, my poll isn’t to dismember frontier limp by limp, my effort is to get information related to the future of the game which is till now always my favorite game. Many other agreed with that, which didn’t mean that we aren’t accept what they told us, because this is simply nothing, like the words are said, we have no Information and when we get some we will share Mantra .

many of the consoles would love to see some movements into the console section for us due to the last update the game is in the same way broken like for EDO cmdrs.
so similiar priorities was setted, which was good to see.

the only thing what is something what I couldn’t accept in any way, is that people try to shut up valid issues with constantly repeating no information stuff, and then arguing that we didn’t like that? So some peoples didn’t like the fact that some issues would be resolved into update 10? What is with them? Sorry, but I didn’t need to spend my time arguing with the same guys every day, especially when they are omnipresent in every treat related to consoles only to provoke us, and put fire into a very ruff situation, do you want helping Fdev? So stop provoke other cmdrs and understand what they (us) writing down the line.

So then have a nice evening 😉
Would it be an option to roll back the patch and use a backup from wednesday last week? I would prefer to loose all progress made during this week to get a somehow working product over the xmas days? Assuming there is a backup before the patch.
But I guess the client update would prevent this...
Would it be an option to roll back the patch and use a backup from wednesday last week? I would prefer to loose all progress made during this week to get a somehow working product over the xmas days? Assuming there is a backup before the patch.

Yea that's not going to happen especially considering it would require a rollback on three platforms not to mention the chaos it would create with the BGS.
Consider this your one and only warning regarding your attitude. My team are working flat out, as they have been since launch, listening and communicating issues that are raised by the community to the the development team.

Resolutions to these issues are not always as easy as you seem to think. When we have the answers to these questions or issues, we communicate them. Whilst I can understand your frustration, I do not and will not accept this type of attitude towards my team.

Thank you, Arf.
For The Mug!!!
While I'm fully with you here, please understand that part of the frustration - I'm only speaking for myself here - comes from not even mentioning the well known bio scanner bug in the patch notes of 9.01
Made me feel like we were living in two different worlds...
After the CM confirmed they were aware earlier this thread, I suggested to add it to the original post. I guess they're busy.
Are you by any chance a young ‘un?

-take a deep breath. This is a video game. A game. For fun.
-go play something else. Go take a walk. Learn to play guitar or speak Japanes.
-have a thought: do you really believe fdev wants bugs/issues/problems in the game they made and love?

Do you really believe FDev loves ED? I think you are newbie in this forum.

And I can't understand why that guy wasn't banned. That comment is a kind of personal attack. I wish CM will do fairly. @Arthur Tolmie

Deleted member 182079

I'm starting to think the "but it works on my computer!" argument might be real in their case and there's something seriously going wrong when they push that proverbial "compile release version" button.
My layman opinion is their version control is a mess and they've lost track of what bug is fixed in which 'branch' or whatever they call it.
As for introducing new content, this is by far not the only game which gets the initial version kinda wrong and has to adjust it throughout the game's lifetime. As far as I've read the limpet controllers actually work despite their obesity, so at least they got that right.
I fully understand that tweaks are often necessary - it's just bewildering to see how spectacularly off-track FDev seem to be these days - size 3 limpets weighing 60+ tons? Wut? A Hauler which can carry two of those weighs in at mere 14t. I also remember similar shenanigans with FC maintenance cost. It was such a ludicrously high value (most likely based off income figures from Borann cheesing back in those days) I wonder if someone just closed their eyes and bashed the numpad for a little.
My layman opinion is their version control is a mess and they've lost track of what bug is fixed in which 'branch' or whatever they call it.

I fully understand that tweaks are often necessary - it's just bewildering to see how spectacularly off-track FDev seem to be these days - size 3 limpets weighing 60+ tons? Wut? A Hauler which can carry two of those weighs in at mere 14t. I also remember similar shenanigans with FC maintenance cost. It was such a ludicrously high value (most likely based off income figures from Borann cheesing back in those days) I wonder if someone just closed their eyes and bashed the numpad for a little.
Yeah, it's... weird.

Sorry, I'm a bit distracted by the fact that I can't reach the power center console because the hitbox of the bugged out corpse is blocking it.

So if you want to go on mining with a max. possible number of collectors, you'll frequently have to switch off and on the controller which, unfortunately, kills all currently active limpets.

For mining you really need to pack a single A-rated prospector (1A or 3A)
Then use the 3C MLC to have 4 collectors
It's still better than for medium mining ships and in this scenario the MLC adds a lot of value
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